Reduced-order equivalent source modeling of aeroacoustic sources[DOI]
The journal of the Acoustical Society of America : JASA-O 155-3 A152 (2024)
The journal of the Acoustical Society of America : JASA-O 155-3 A152 (2024)
Surrogate Modeling for Active Drag Reduction in Turbulent Boundary Layer Flows Using Multitask Gaussian Process Regression[Open Access]
Proceedings in applied mathematics and mechanics : PAMM 24-4 e202400186 (2024)
Proceedings in applied mathematics and mechanics : PAMM 24-4 e202400186 (2024)
Additive manufacturing of 3D flow-focusing millifluidics for the production of curable microdroplets[Open Access]
RSC Advances 14-53 39276-39284 (2024)
RSC Advances 14-53 39276-39284 (2024)
Shock Oscillation Mechanism of Highly Separated Transitional Shock-Wave/Boundary-Layer Interactions[DOI]
AIAA journal 1-13 (2024)
AIAA journal 1-13 (2024)
Influences in Experimental Studies on the Characteristics of Transonic Shock Buffet[DOI]
AIAA journal [1]-17 (2024)
AIAA journal [1]-17 (2024)
Highly separated transitional shock-wave/boundary-layer interactions: A spatial modal study[DOI]
Physics of fluids 36-11 116114 (2024)
Physics of fluids 36-11 116114 (2024)
Porous Fairings for Landing Gear Noise Mitigation[DOI]
30th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference (2024) : June 4-7, 2024, Rome, Italy (2024)
30th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference (2024) : June 4-7, 2024, Rome, Italy (2024)
Prediction of Turbulent Boundary Layer Flow Dynamics with Transformers[Open Access]
Mathematics : open access journal 12-19 2998 (2024)
Mathematics : open access journal 12-19 2998 (2024)
Comprehensive Investigations of 1,3-Dioxolane as Pre-Chamber Fuel
12th International Conference Fuel Science – From Production to Propulsion, Book of Abstracts: June 11 to 13, 2024, Cluster of Excellence RWTH Aachen University The Fuel Science Center 2 Seiten (2024)
12th International Conference Fuel Science – From Production to Propulsion, Book of Abstracts: June 11 to 13, 2024, Cluster of Excellence RWTH Aachen University The Fuel Science Center 2 Seiten (2024)
Comprehensive Investigations of 1,3-Dioxolane as Pre-Chamber Fuel
12. International Conference “Fuel Science - From Production to Propulsion” (2024)
12. International Conference “Fuel Science - From Production to Propulsion” (2024)
Investigating Workpiece Deflection in Precise Electrochemical Machining of Turbine Blades[Open Access]
Journal of manufacturing and materials processing 8-4 138 (2024)
Journal of manufacturing and materials processing 8-4 138 (2024)
Refining computer tomography data with super-resolution networks to increase the accuracy of respiratory flow simulations[Open Access]
Future generation computer systems 159 474-488 (2024)
Future generation computer systems 159 474-488 (2024)
Towards extending the aircraft flight envelope by mitigating transonic airfoil buffet[Open Access]
Nature Communications 15 5020 (2024)
Nature Communications 15 5020 (2024)
TunNOx : Development and testing of a photocatalytic reactor for efficient NOx-Abatement of Road-Tunnel exhaust[Open Access]
The chemical engineering journal 490 151832 (2024)
The chemical engineering journal 490 151832 (2024)
Effect of Transition on Self-Sustained Shock Oscillations in Highly Loaded Transonic Rotors[DOI]
AIAA journal 62-6 2063-2075 (2024)
AIAA journal 62-6 2063-2075 (2024)
Heterogeneous data-driven aerodynamic modeling based on physical feature embedding[Open Access]
Chinese journal of aeronautics 37-3 1-6 (2024)
Chinese journal of aeronautics 37-3 1-6 (2024)
Analysis of Ingress Into the Downstream Wheel Space of a 1.5-Stage Turbine By Full Circumference and Single Blade Passage Large-Eddy Simulations[DOI]
Journal of turbomachinery 146-9 091006 (2024)
Journal of turbomachinery 146-9 091006 (2024)
Automated surgery planning for an obstructed nose by combining computational fluid dynamics with reinforcement learning[Open Access]
Computers in biology and medicine 173 108383 (2024)
Computers in biology and medicine 173 108383 (2024)
Analysis of single-blade passage and full circumference large-eddy simulations of turbine rim seal flows[DOI]
Journal of turbomachinery 146-4 041002 (2024)
Journal of turbomachinery 146-4 041002 (2024)
Numerical Analysis of Mixing of Bio-Hybrid Fuels in a Direct Injection Engine with a Pre-Chamber Ignition System[DOI]
SAE technical paper 2024-01-2619 1-16 (2024)
SAE technical paper 2024-01-2619 1-16 (2024)
Design considerations for efficient spanwise-inclined air-jet vortex generators for separation control in supersonic and hypersonic flows[DOI]
Aerospace science and technology 147 109033 (2024)
Aerospace science and technology 147 109033 (2024)
Energy efficient actuated drag reduced compressible turbulent flat plate flow[Open Access]
The international journal of heat and fluid flow 106 109314 (2024)
The international journal of heat and fluid flow 106 109314 (2024)
Challenges of deep unsupervised optical flow estimation for particle-image velocimetry data[DOI]
Experiments in fluids 65-3 30 (2024)
Experiments in fluids 65-3 30 (2024)
Aeroelastic reduced-order modeling for efficient static aeroelastic analysis considering geometric nonlinearity[DOI]
Journal of fluids and structures 124 104055 (2024)
Journal of fluids and structures 124 104055 (2024)
A region-segmentation combinational loss model based on data-driven machine learning for a boundary layer ingestion fan[DOI]
Aerospace science and technology 144 108780 (2024)
Aerospace science and technology 144 108780 (2024)
Modeling Unsteady Flows for Aeroelasticity Through Machine Learning and Data-Driven Methods[DOI]
[AIAA SCITECH 2024 Forum, 2024-01-08 - 2024-01-12, Orlando, FL, USA] (2024)
[AIAA SCITECH 2024 Forum, 2024-01-08 - 2024-01-12, Orlando, FL, USA] (2024)
Impact of Reynolds Number on the Drag Reduction Mechanism of Spanwise Travelling Surface Waves[DOI]
Flow, turbulence and combustion 113-1 27-40 (2024)
Flow, turbulence and combustion 113-1 27-40 (2024)
Experimental investigation on the turbulent wake flow in fully established transonic buffet conditions[DOI]
CEAS Aeronautical Journal 15-1 125-147 (2024)
CEAS Aeronautical Journal 15-1 125-147 (2024)
Analysis of the fuel influence on spray characteristics of a single-hole injector[Open Access]
11. International Conference "Fuel Science – From Production to Propulsion" (2024)
11. International Conference "Fuel Science – From Production to Propulsion" (2024)
Prediction of Poro-Serrated Trailing-Edge Noise at Non-Zero Angle of Attack[DOI]
AIAA AVIATION 2023 Forum : [Proceedings] (2023)
AIAA AVIATION 2023 Forum : [Proceedings] (2023)
TunNOx – Entwicklung eines photokatalytischen Reaktors zur Reduktion von Stickoxiden in Straßentunneln[DOI]
Immissionsschutz 3 8 (2023)
Immissionsschutz 3 8 (2023)
Optical in situ analysis of gas evolution in the transient working gap in precise electrochemical machining (PECM) using high-speed recordings
International Symposium on Electrochemical Machining Technology 2023 (INSECT 2023) : proceedings ; November 13-14, 2023, Saarbrücken, Germany / Dirk Bähre, Thomas Hall, Matthias Zeiner (Eds.) 6 Seiten (2023)
International Symposium on Electrochemical Machining Technology 2023 (INSECT 2023) : proceedings ; November 13-14, 2023, Saarbrücken, Germany / Dirk Bähre, Thomas Hall, Matthias Zeiner (Eds.) 6 Seiten (2023)
Optical in Situ Analysis of Gas Bubble Evolution in Electrochemical Machining Based on Similarity Theory Using Particle Image Velocimetry
Procedia CIRP 117 257-262 (2023)
Procedia CIRP 117 257-262 (2023)
Surrogate‐based optimization for active drag reduction of turbulent boundary layer flows[Open Access]
Proceedings in applied mathematics and mechanics : PAMM 23-4 e202300190 (2023)
Proceedings in applied mathematics and mechanics : PAMM 23-4 e202300190 (2023)
Analysis of bubble evolution in a channel flow with moving walls: an experimental analogy to precise electrochemical machining (PECM)
International Symposium on Electrochemical Machining Technology 2023 (INSECT 2023) : proceedings ; November 13-14, 2023, Saarbrücken, Germany / Dirk Bähre, Thomas Hall, Matthias Zeiner (Eds.) 6 Seiten (2023)
International Symposium on Electrochemical Machining Technology 2023 (INSECT 2023) : proceedings ; November 13-14, 2023, Saarbrücken, Germany / Dirk Bähre, Thomas Hall, Matthias Zeiner (Eds.) 6 Seiten (2023)
Effects of jet-injection-pipe length on the flow-control effectiveness of spanwise-inclined jets in supersonic crossflow[DOI]
Physical review fluids 8-11 113902 (2023)
Physical review fluids 8-11 113902 (2023)
A combined volume penalization/selective frequency damping approach for immersed boundary methods: Application to moving geometries[DOI]
Physics of fluids 35-12 121702 (2023)
Physics of fluids 35-12 121702 (2023)
Deep learning of causal structures in high dimensions under data limitations[Open Access]
Nature machine intelligence 5-11 1306-1316 (2023)
Nature machine intelligence 5-11 1306-1316 (2023)
A dynamic-mode-decomposition-based acceleration method for unsteady adjoint equations at low Reynolds numbers[Open Access]
Theoretical & applied mechanics letters 13-5 100472 (2023)
Theoretical & applied mechanics letters 13-5 100472 (2023)
Jump penalty stabilization techniques for under-resolved turbulence in discontinuous Galerkin schemes[Open Access]
Journal of computational physics 491 112399 (2023)
Journal of computational physics 491 112399 (2023)
Length-scales for efficient CFL conditions in high-order methods with distorted meshes: Application to local-timestepping for p -multigrid[DOI]
Computers & fluids 265 106011 (2023)
Computers & fluids 265 106011 (2023)
Multi-fidelity nonlinear unsteady aerodynamic modeling and uncertainty estimation based on Hierarchical Kriging[DOI]
Applied mathematical modelling 122 1-21 (2023)
Applied mathematical modelling 122 1-21 (2023)
Numerical analysis of the flow around a speed skydiver[DOI]
European journal of mechanics / B 100 163-178 (2023)
European journal of mechanics / B 100 163-178 (2023)
Impact of the injector lateral offset on the dynamics of a lean premixed flame and the thermoacoustic stability of a burner[Open Access]
Combustion and flame 256 112995 (2023)
Combustion and flame 256 112995 (2023)
Resolvent and dynamic mode analysis of flow past a square cylinder at subcritical Reynolds numbers[DOI]
Physics of fluids 35-7 071706 (2023)
Physics of fluids 35-7 071706 (2023)
Effects of spatiotemporal correlations in wind data on neural network-based wind predictions[DOI]
Energy : the international journal 279 128068 (2023)
Energy : the international journal 279 128068 (2023)
Effects of favourable downstream pressure gradients on separated shock-wave/boundary-layer interactions[DOI]
The international journal of heat and fluid flow 102 109164 (2023)
The international journal of heat and fluid flow 102 109164 (2023)
Key aspects of unsupervised optical flow models in PIV applications
[15th International Symposium on Particle Image Velocimetry, ISPIV 2023, 2023-06-19 - 2023-06-21, San Diego, USA] (2023)
[15th International Symposium on Particle Image Velocimetry, ISPIV 2023, 2023-06-19 - 2023-06-21, San Diego, USA] (2023)
Acoustic source characterization of simulated subsonic jet noise using spherical harmonics[DOI]
The journal of the Acoustical Society of America 154-1 167-178 (2023)
The journal of the Acoustical Society of America 154-1 167-178 (2023)
Lagrangian point-particle models for non-spherical particles in turbulent flow
Book of abstracts: 4th International Workshop on Oxy-Fuel Combustion organized by the Collaborative Research Center "Oxyflame" in cooperation with STEMS-CNR Naples, March 22nd-23rd, 2023 STEMS-CNR in Naples, Italy / edited by S. Pielsticker, A. Maßmeyer, V. Scherer, H. Pitsch, A. Dreizler, O. Senneca and R. Kneer ; SFB/TRR 129 Oxyflame 28-29 (2023)
Book of abstracts: 4th International Workshop on Oxy-Fuel Combustion organized by the Collaborative Research Center "Oxyflame" in cooperation with STEMS-CNR Naples, March 22nd-23rd, 2023 STEMS-CNR in Naples, Italy / edited by S. Pielsticker, A. Maßmeyer, V. Scherer, H. Pitsch, A. Dreizler, O. Senneca and R. Kneer ; SFB/TRR 129 Oxyflame 28-29 (2023)
Spanwise-Inclined Jets in Supersonic Crossflow : Effects of Injection Pressure and Separation-Control Effectiveness[DOI]
AIAA journal 61-9 3833-3847 (2023)
AIAA journal 61-9 3833-3847 (2023)
Separation control with elliptical air-jet vortex generators[Open Access]
Experiments in fluids 64-5 105 (2023)
Experiments in fluids 64-5 105 (2023)
Energetic optimization of thermochemical air separation for the production of sustainable nitrogen[DOI]
Reaction chemistry & engineering 8-8 1843-1854 (2023)
Reaction chemistry & engineering 8-8 1843-1854 (2023)
Optical in Situ Analysis of Gas Bubble Evolution in Electrochemical Machining Based on Similarity Theory Using Particle Image Velocimetry[Open Access]
Procedia CIRP 117 257-262 (2023)
Procedia CIRP 117 257-262 (2023)
Experimental Analysis of Transonic Buffet Conditions on a Two-Dimensional Supercritical Airfoil[DOI]
AIAA journal 61-8 3432-3448 (2023)
AIAA journal 61-8 3432-3448 (2023)
Numerical Analyses of Spray Penetration and Evaporation in a Direct Injection Engine[DOI]
SAE technical papers 2023-01-0310 16 Seiten (2023)
SAE technical papers 2023-01-0310 16 Seiten (2023)
How spanwise travelling transversal surface waves change the near-wall flow[DOI]
Journal of fluid mechanics 957 A30 (2023)
Journal of fluid mechanics 957 A30 (2023)
Analysis of PIV images of transonic buffet flow by recurrent deep learning based optical flow prediction
[20th International Symposium on Application of Laser and Imaging Techniques to Fluid Mechanics, LXLASER2022, 2022-07-11 - 2022-07-14, Lisbon, Portugal] (2022)
[20th International Symposium on Application of Laser and Imaging Techniques to Fluid Mechanics, LXLASER2022, 2022-07-11 - 2022-07-14, Lisbon, Portugal] (2022)
Developing an immersed boundary method for compressible flow[DOI]
[ECCOMAS Congress 2022, ECCOMAS, 2022-06-05 - 2022-06-09, Oslo, Norway] (2022)
[ECCOMAS Congress 2022, ECCOMAS, 2022-06-05 - 2022-06-09, Oslo, Norway] (2022)
Internal flow structure modification generated by transversal surface waves
[Europ. Drag Reduction and Control Meeting – EDRFCM 2022, EDRFCM 2022, 2022-09-06 - 2022-09-09, Paris, France] (2022)
[Europ. Drag Reduction and Control Meeting – EDRFCM 2022, EDRFCM 2022, 2022-09-06 - 2022-09-09, Paris, France] (2022)
Experimental investigation on the degradation of turbulent friction drag reduction over semi-circular riblets[DOI]
Experiments in fluids 63-12 190 (2022)
Experiments in fluids 63-12 190 (2022)
Experimental setup for the investigation of the transport of different gas bubble sizes during electrochemical machining based on similarity theory using particle image velocimetry
Procedia CIRP 113 417-421 (2022)
Procedia CIRP 113 417-421 (2022)
Experimental setup for the investigation of the transport of different gas bubble sizes during electrochemical machining based on similarity theory using particle image velocimetry[Open Access]
Procedia CIRP 113 417-421 (2022)
Procedia CIRP 113 417-421 (2022)
Allicin as a Volatile or Nebulisable Antimycotic for the Treatment of Pulmonary Mycoses : In Vitro Studies Using a Lung Flow Test Rig[Open Access]
International journal of molecular sciences 23-12 6607 (2022)
International journal of molecular sciences 23-12 6607 (2022)
Numerical Analysis of Poro-Serrated Trailing-Edge Noise[DOI]
[28th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics 2022 Conference, 2022-06-14 - 2022-06-17, Southampton, UK] AIAA 2022-2817 (2022)
[28th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics 2022 Conference, 2022-06-14 - 2022-06-17, Southampton, UK] AIAA 2022-2817 (2022)
Investigation of Curle's Dipolar Sources on a Porous Airfoil Interacting with Incoming Turbulence[DOI]
[28th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics 2022 Conference, 2022-06-14 - 2022-06-17, Southampton, UK] AIAA 2022-2985 (2022)
[28th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics 2022 Conference, 2022-06-14 - 2022-06-17, Southampton, UK] AIAA 2022-2985 (2022)
Landing Gear Noise Mitigation by an upstream installed Fairing[DOI]
[28th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics 2022 Conference, 2022-06-14 - 2022-06-17, Southampton, UK] (2022)
[28th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics 2022 Conference, 2022-06-14 - 2022-06-17, Southampton, UK] (2022)
Virtual Surgeries of Nasal Cavities Using a Coupled Lattice-Boltzmann–Level-Set Approach[DOI]
Journal of engineering and science in medical diagnostics and therapy 5-3 031104 (2022)
Journal of engineering and science in medical diagnostics and therapy 5-3 031104 (2022)
Optical investigation and numerical simulation of a single-hole injector for pre-chamber combustion applications
10th International Conference Fuel Science – From Production to Propulsion ; May 10 to 12, 2022 ; conference report ; book of abstracts / Cluster of Excellence, The Fuel Science Center, RWTH Aachen University 71-72 (2022)
10th International Conference Fuel Science – From Production to Propulsion ; May 10 to 12, 2022 ; conference report ; book of abstracts / Cluster of Excellence, The Fuel Science Center, RWTH Aachen University 71-72 (2022)
Optical investigation of methanol fueled active pre-chamber applications for internal combustion engines[Open Access]
10. International Conference "Fuel Science - From Production to Propulsion" (2022)
10. International Conference "Fuel Science - From Production to Propulsion" (2022)
Influence of jet spacing in spanwise-inclined jet injection in supersonic crossflow[DOI]
Journal of fluid mechanics 946 A39 (2022)
Journal of fluid mechanics 946 A39 (2022)
Flow fields around spanwise-inclined elliptical jets in supersonic crossflow[DOI]
European journal of mechanics / B 94 299-313 (2022)
European journal of mechanics / B 94 299-313 (2022)
Generalization of deep recurrent optical flow estimation for particle-image velocimetry data[DOI]
Measurement science and technology 33-9 094003 (2022)
Measurement science and technology 33-9 094003 (2022)
Investigation of Lorentz force–induced flow of NaNO3-electrolyte for magnetic field–assisted electrochemical machining[Open Access]
The international journal of advanced manufacturing technology 121-1/2 937-947 (2022)
The international journal of advanced manufacturing technology 121-1/2 937-947 (2022)
Prediction of Typhoon Track and Intensity Using a Generative Adversarial Network With Observational and Meteorological Data[Open Access]
IEEE access : practical research, open solutions 10 48434-48446 (2022)
IEEE access : practical research, open solutions 10 48434-48446 (2022)
Large-eddy simulation for solid particle transport and deposition in a helically rib-roughened pipe using an Euler-Lagrange approach[DOI]
Chemical engineering science 253 117557 (2022)
Chemical engineering science 253 117557 (2022)
Nusselt correlation for ellipsoidal particles[DOI]
International journal of multiphase flow 149 103941 (2022)
International journal of multiphase flow 149 103941 (2022)
Analysis of spatiotemporal inner-outer large-scale interactions in turbulent channel flow by multivariate empirical mode decomposition[DOI]
Physical review fluids 7-3 034603 (2022)
Physical review fluids 7-3 034603 (2022)
Analysis of the sound sources of lean premixed methane–air flames[DOI]
GAMM-Mitteilungen 45-1 20 (2022)
GAMM-Mitteilungen 45-1 20 (2022)
Analysis of the Impact of Chemistry Models on the Non-Equidiffusion Effects of Lean Premixed Hydrogen Flames[DOI]
AIAA SCITECH 2022 Forum : January 3-7, 2022, San Diego, CA & Virtual AIAA 2022-2116 (2022)
AIAA SCITECH 2022 Forum : January 3-7, 2022, San Diego, CA & Virtual AIAA 2022-2116 (2022)
Effects of Jet-to-Jet Spacing of Air-Jet Vortex Generators in Shock-Induced Flow-Separation Control[Open Access]
Flow, turbulence and combustion 109-1 35-64 (2022)
Flow, turbulence and combustion 109-1 35-64 (2022)
A machine-learning-based method for automatizing lattice-Boltzmann simulations of respiratory flows[Open Access]
Applied intelligence 92-8 9080-9100 (2022)
Applied intelligence 92-8 9080-9100 (2022)
Analysis of Cyclic Variation Using Time-Resolved Tomographic Particle-Image Velocimetry[DOI]
SAE international journal of advances and current practices in mobility 3-1 113-136 (2021)
SAE international journal of advances and current practices in mobility 3-1 113-136 (2021)
Peregrine Falcon’s Dive: Pullout Maneuver and Flight Control Through Wing Morphing[DOI]
AIAA journal 59-10 3979-3987 (2021)
AIAA journal 59-10 3979-3987 (2021)
Numerically determined Nusselt correlation for ellipsoidal particles
[International Conference on Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics, HEFAT 2021, 2021-07-26 - 2021-07-28, Amsterdam, Netherlands] (2021)
[International Conference on Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics, HEFAT 2021, 2021-07-26 - 2021-07-28, Amsterdam, Netherlands] (2021)
A coupled Lattice-Boltzmann and Finite-Volume method for turbulent gas-liquid bubbly-flows[Open Access]
YIC 2021, VI ECCOMAS Young Investigators Conference : Book of abstracts. - July 7-9, 2021 29-29 (2021)
YIC 2021, VI ECCOMAS Young Investigators Conference : Book of abstracts. - July 7-9, 2021 29-29 (2021)
Machine-learning-based control of perturbed and heated channel flows[DOI]
High performance computing : ISC High Performance Digital 2021 International Workshops, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, June 24 - July 2, 2021 : revised selected papers / Heike Jagode, Hartwig Anzt, Hatem Ltaief, Piotr Luszczek (eds.) 12761, Theoretical Computer Science and General Issues 7-22 (2021)
High performance computing : ISC High Performance Digital 2021 International Workshops, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, June 24 - July 2, 2021 : revised selected papers / Heike Jagode, Hartwig Anzt, Hatem Ltaief, Piotr Luszczek (eds.) 12761, Theoretical Computer Science and General Issues 7-22 (2021)
An effective simulation- and measurement-based workflow for enhanced diagnostics in rhinology[Open Access]
Medical & biological engineering & computing 60-2 365-391 (2021)
Medical & biological engineering & computing 60-2 365-391 (2021)
Permeability Measurements of 3D Microstructures Generated by Phase Field Simulation of the Solidification of an Al-Si Alloy during Chill Casting[Open Access]
Metals : open access journal 11-12 1895 (2021)
Metals : open access journal 11-12 1895 (2021)
Concept for the experimental and numerical study of fluid-structure interaction and gas transport in Precise Electrochemical Machiningc
Procedia CIRP 102 204-209 (2021)
Procedia CIRP 102 204-209 (2021)
Study of the multiphase electrolyte flow during electrochemical machining (ECM) using dynamic similarity
17th International Symposium on Electrochemical Machining Technology INSECT 2021 : proceedings : November 25-26, 2021, KU Leuven, Department of Mechanical Engineering / editors: Prof. Dr. ir. Dominiek Reynaerts, Dr. ir. Krishna Kumar Saxena (2021)
17th International Symposium on Electrochemical Machining Technology INSECT 2021 : proceedings : November 25-26, 2021, KU Leuven, Department of Mechanical Engineering / editors: Prof. Dr. ir. Dominiek Reynaerts, Dr. ir. Krishna Kumar Saxena (2021)
Investigation on residual stress induced by multiple EDM discharges[Open Access]
Procedia CIRP 102 482-487 (2021)
Procedia CIRP 102 482-487 (2021)
Concept for the experimental and numerical study of fluid-structure interaction and gas transport in Precise Electrochemical Machining[Open Access]
Procedia CIRP 102 204-209 (2021)
Procedia CIRP 102 204-209 (2021)
Comparison of Process Signatures for thermally dominated processes[Open Access]
CIRP journal of manufacturing science and technology : CIRP-JMST 35 217-235 (2021)
CIRP journal of manufacturing science and technology : CIRP-JMST 35 217-235 (2021)
International journal of fluid mechanics research 48-3 41-53 (2021)
International journal of fluid mechanics research 48-3 41-53 (2021)
Effects of the Nasal Cavity Complexity on the Pharyngeal Airway Fluid Mechanics: A Computational Study[DOI]
Journal of digital imaging 34-5 1120-1133 (2021)
Journal of digital imaging 34-5 1120-1133 (2021)
Deep recurrent optical flow learning for particle image velocimetry data[DOI]
Nature machine intelligence 3-7 641-651 (2021)
Nature machine intelligence 3-7 641-651 (2021)
Influence of a Microramp Array on a Hypersonic Shock-Wave/Turbulent Boundary-Layer Interaction[DOI]
AIAA journal 59-6 1924-1939 (2021)
AIAA journal 59-6 1924-1939 (2021)
Particle Reynolds number effects on settling ellipsoids in isotropic turbulence[DOI]
International journal of multiphase flow 139 103566 (2021)
International journal of multiphase flow 139 103566 (2021)
Flat plate drag reduction using plasma-generated streamwise vortices[DOI]
Journal of fluid mechanics 918 A24 (2021)
Journal of fluid mechanics 918 A24 (2021)
LES of a turbulent swirl flame using a mesh adaptive level-set method with dynamic load balancing[DOI]
Computers & fluids 221 104900 (2021)
Computers & fluids 221 104900 (2021)
Control of Shock-Induced Separation of a Turbulent Boundary Layer Using Air-Jet Vortex Generators[DOI]
AIAA journal 59-3 927-939 (2021)
AIAA journal 59-3 927-939 (2021)
Experimental quantification of oscillating flow in finite-length straight elastic vessels for Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids[DOI]
European journal of mechanics / B 87 180-195 (2021)
European journal of mechanics / B 87 180-195 (2021)
Analysis of transonic buffet using dynamic mode decomposition[Open Access]
Experiments in fluids 62-4 66 (2021)
Experiments in fluids 62-4 66 (2021)
Direct particle–fluid simulation of flushing flow in electrical discharge machining[Open Access]
Engineering applications of computational fluid mechanics 15-1 328-343 (2021)
Engineering applications of computational fluid mechanics 15-1 328-343 (2021)
Friction Drag Reduction by Transversal Spanwise Traveling Waves of Ribbed Surfaces[DOI]
Fundamentals of high lift for future civil aircraft : contributions to the Final symposium of the Collaborative Research Center 880, December 17-18, 2019, Braunschweig, Germany / Rolf Radespiel, Richard Semaan, editors 145 91-105 (2021)
Fundamentals of high lift for future civil aircraft : contributions to the Final symposium of the Collaborative Research Center 880, December 17-18, 2019, Braunschweig, Germany / Rolf Radespiel, Richard Semaan, editors 145 91-105 (2021)
Lower drag and higher lift for turbulent airfoil flow by moving surfaces[DOI]
The international journal of heat and fluid flow 88 108770 (2021)
The international journal of heat and fluid flow 88 108770 (2021)
Algorithmic differentiation of hyperbolic flow problems[DOI]
Journal of computational physics 430 110110 (2021)
Journal of computational physics 430 110110 (2021)
Kinematic-wave analysis of particle settling in tube centrifuges[DOI]
Acta mechanica 232-3 1181-1206 (2021)
Acta mechanica 232-3 1181-1206 (2021)
Acceleration of vortex-particle simulations using a pseudo-particle method[Open Access]
Journal of Physics / Conference Series 1618: The Science of Making Torque from Wind (TORQUE 2020) 28 September – 2 October 2020, The Netherlands (online)-5 052006 (2020)
Journal of Physics / Conference Series 1618: The Science of Making Torque from Wind (TORQUE 2020) 28 September – 2 October 2020, The Netherlands (online)-5 052006 (2020)
Determination of residual stresses in processes with multiple thermal loads
Procedia CIRP 87 509-514 (2020)
Procedia CIRP 87 509-514 (2020)
Formation of Flow-Grooves during Electrochemical Machining
16th International Symposium on Electrochemical Machining Technology INSECT 2020 : proceedings : November 24-25, 2020, Fraunhofer Institute for Machine Tools and Forming Technology IWU Chemnitz / editors: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Andreas Schubert, Dr.-Ing. Mike Zinecker, Chemnitz University of Technology, Professorship Micromanufacturing Technology 14 27-32 (2020)
16th International Symposium on Electrochemical Machining Technology INSECT 2020 : proceedings : November 24-25, 2020, Fraunhofer Institute for Machine Tools and Forming Technology IWU Chemnitz / editors: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Andreas Schubert, Dr.-Ing. Mike Zinecker, Chemnitz University of Technology, Professorship Micromanufacturing Technology 14 27-32 (2020)
Determination of residual stresses in processes with multiple thermal loads[Open Access]
Procedia CIRP 87 509-514 (2020)
Procedia CIRP 87 509-514 (2020)
Study on large-scale amplitude modulation of near-wall small-scale structures in turbulent wall-bounded flows[DOI]
[Stab Symposium 2020] 68-76 (2020)
[Stab Symposium 2020] 68-76 (2020)
Numerical investigation of a porous trailing edge by a zonal RANS/LES simulation[DOI]
[STAB-Symposium 2020] 666-676 (2020)
[STAB-Symposium 2020] 666-676 (2020)
Large-Eddy Simulations of Rim Seal Flow in a One-Stage Axial Turbine[Open Access]
Journal of the Global Power and Propulsion Society 4 309-321 (2020)
Journal of the Global Power and Propulsion Society 4 309-321 (2020)
Prediction of Acoustic Fields Using a Lattice-Boltzmann Method and Deep Learning[DOI]
High performance computing : ISC high performance 2020 international workshops, Frankfurt, Germany, June 21-25, 2020 : revised selected papers / Heike Jagode, Hartwig Anzt, Guido Juckeland, Hatem Ltaief (eds.) 12321, heoretical Computer Science and General Issues 81-101 (2020)
High performance computing : ISC high performance 2020 international workshops, Frankfurt, Germany, June 21-25, 2020 : revised selected papers / Heike Jagode, Hartwig Anzt, Guido Juckeland, Hatem Ltaief (eds.) 12321, heoretical Computer Science and General Issues 81-101 (2020)
Large-Eddy Simulation Study of Biofuel Injection in an Optical Direct Injection Engine[DOI]
SAE technical paper 2020-01-2121 [1]-18 (2020)
SAE technical paper 2020-01-2121 [1]-18 (2020)
Predicting Wind Turbine Wake Breakdown Using a Free Vortex Wake Code[DOI]
AIAA journal 58-11 4672-4685 (2020)
AIAA journal 58-11 4672-4685 (2020)
Detection of small-scale/large-scale interactions in turbulent wall-bounded flows[DOI]
Physical review fluids 5-11 114610 (2020)
Physical review fluids 5-11 114610 (2020)
Flow field around a spanwise-inclined jet in supersonic crossflow[DOI]
Aerospace science and technology 106 106209 (2020)
Aerospace science and technology 106 106209 (2020)
Correction: Experimental Investigation of Two Hypersonic Shock Turbulent Boundary Layer Interactions[DOI]
AIAA journal 58-10 4613-4614 (2020)
AIAA journal 58-10 4613-4614 (2020)
Impact of burner plenum acoustics on the sound emission of a turbulent lean premixed open flame[Open Access]
International journal of spray and combustion dynamics 12 [1]-20 (2020)
International journal of spray and combustion dynamics 12 [1]-20 (2020)
On the role of turbulence distortion on leading-edge noise reduction by means of porosity[Open Access]
Journal of sound and vibration 485 115561 (2020)
Journal of sound and vibration 485 115561 (2020)
Reduced-order analysis of the acoustic near field of a ducted axial fan[DOI]
The international journal of heat and fluid flow 85 108657 (2020)
The international journal of heat and fluid flow 85 108657 (2020)
Correlations for inclined prolates based on highly resolved simulations[DOI]
Journal of fluid mechanics 901 A5 (2020)
Journal of fluid mechanics 901 A5 (2020)
Experimental investigation of the turbulent Schmidt number in supersonic film cooling with shock interaction[DOI]
Experiments in fluids 61-7 160 (2020)
Experiments in fluids 61-7 160 (2020)
Analysis of the effect of freestream turbulence on dynamic stall of wind turbine blades[DOI]
The international journal of heat and fluid flow 85 108668 (2020)
The international journal of heat and fluid flow 85 108668 (2020)
Actuation response model from sparse data for wall turbulence drag reduction[DOI]
Physical review fluids 5-7 073901 (2020)
Physical review fluids 5-7 073901 (2020)
Microroughness-induced disturbances in supersonic blunt body flow[DOI]
Physical review fluids 5-6 063903 (2020)
Physical review fluids 5-6 063903 (2020)
Large-Eddy Simulation of turbulent heat transfer in a multiple-started helically rib-roughened pipe[DOI]
International journal of heat and mass transfer 154 119667 (2020)
International journal of heat and mass transfer 154 119667 (2020)
Adjoint-based Trailing-edge Noise Minimization using Stochastic Noise Generation[DOI]
AIAA Scitech 2020 Forum : [Proceedings] 1-16 (2020)
AIAA Scitech 2020 Forum : [Proceedings] 1-16 (2020)
A novel solution method for unsteady incompressible Euler flow using the vorticity-Bernoulli-pressure formulation[DOI]
Journal of computational physics 413 109462 (2020)
Journal of computational physics 413 109462 (2020)
Simultaneous Stereo PIV and MPS3 Wall-Shear Stress Measurements in Turbulent Channel Flow[Open Access]
Optics 1-1 40-51 (2020)
Optics 1-1 40-51 (2020)
Turbulent transport in supersonic film cooling with helium injection
13. Int. Symp. on Particle Image Velocimetry - ISPIV (2020)
13. Int. Symp. on Particle Image Velocimetry - ISPIV (2020)
Ambient Flow Properties of Kolmogorov-Length-Scale Size Non-Spherical Particles in Isotropic Turbulence[DOI]
Direct and Large Eddy Simulation XII / García-Villalba, Manuel (Editor) 27 175-181 (2020)
Direct and Large Eddy Simulation XII / García-Villalba, Manuel (Editor) 27 175-181 (2020)
Iterative particle matching for three-dimensional particle-tracking velocimetry[Open Access]
Experiments in fluids 61-2 58 (2020)
Experiments in fluids 61-2 58 (2020)
Comparison of Shock/Cooling-Film Interaction for Cooled and Isoenergetic Injection[DOI]
AIAA journal 58-5 2078-2092 (2020)
AIAA journal 58-5 2078-2092 (2020)
Analysis of the Effects of MARME Treatment on Respiratory Flow Using the Lattice-Boltzmann Method[DOI]
New results in numerical and experimental fluid mechanics XII : contributions to the 21st STAB/DGLR Symposium, Darmstadt, Germany, 2018 / Andreas Dillmann, Gerd Heller, Ewald Krämer, Claus Wagner, Cameron Tropea, Suad Jakirlić, editors 142 853-863 (2020)
New results in numerical and experimental fluid mechanics XII : contributions to the 21st STAB/DGLR Symposium, Darmstadt, Germany, 2018 / Andreas Dillmann, Gerd Heller, Ewald Krämer, Claus Wagner, Cameron Tropea, Suad Jakirlić, editors 142 853-863 (2020)
Feasibility study of a surface-coated lung model to quantify active agent deposition for preclinical studies[DOI]
Clinical biomechanics 76 105029 (2020)
Clinical biomechanics 76 105029 (2020)
Zonal Flow Solver (ZFS): a highly efficient multi-physics simulation framework[Open Access]
International journal of computational fluid dynamics 1-28 (2020)
International journal of computational fluid dynamics 1-28 (2020)
Flow structure in the wake of a space-launcher model with propulsive-jet simulation[Open Access]
CEAS space journal 12-3 367-383 (2020)
CEAS space journal 12-3 367-383 (2020)
Noise sources of an unconfined and a confined swirl burner[DOI]
Journal of sound and vibration : JSV 475 115293 (2020)
Journal of sound and vibration : JSV 475 115293 (2020)
Drag Reduction and Energy Saving by Spanwise Traveling Transversal Surface Waves for Flat Plate Flow[Open Access]
Flow, turbulence and combustion 105-1 125-157 (2020)
Flow, turbulence and combustion 105-1 125-157 (2020)
Dynamic load balancing for direct-coupled multiphysics simulations[DOI]
Computers & fluids 199 104437 (2020)
Computers & fluids 199 104437 (2020)
Structured multi-block grid partitioning using balanced cut trees[DOI]
Journal of parallel and distributed computing 138 139-152 (2020)
Journal of parallel and distributed computing 138 139-152 (2020)
Numerical Investigation of Jet-Wake Interaction for a Dual-Bell Nozzle[DOI]
Flow, turbulence and combustion 104-2/3 553-578 (2020)
Flow, turbulence and combustion 104-2/3 553-578 (2020)
Numerical investigation of jet-wake interaction for a generic space launcher with a dual-bell nozzle[DOI]
Proceedings of the 8th European Conference for Aeronautics and Space Sciences. Madrid, Spain, 1-4 july 2019 [1]-15 (2019)
Proceedings of the 8th European Conference for Aeronautics and Space Sciences. Madrid, Spain, 1-4 july 2019 [1]-15 (2019)
Particle reconstruction of volumetric particle image velocimetry with strategy of machine learning
13. International Symposium on Particle Image Velocimetry (2019)
13. International Symposium on Particle Image Velocimetry (2019)
Investigation of the 3D Flow in a Combustion Engine using High-Speed Tomo-PIV
[13th International Symposium on Particle Image Velocimetry, ISPIV 2019, 2019-07-22 - 2019-07-24, München, Germany] (2019)
[13th International Symposium on Particle Image Velocimetry, ISPIV 2019, 2019-07-22 - 2019-07-24, München, Germany] (2019)
Cluster‐based network model for drag reduction mechanisms of an actuated turbulent boundary layer[Open Access]
Proceedings in applied mathematics and mechanics : PAMM 19-1 e201900219 (2019)
Proceedings in applied mathematics and mechanics : PAMM 19-1 e201900219 (2019)
Drag Reduction of Transversal Surface Waves with Sweep Angle[Open Access]
Proceedings in applied mathematics and mechanics : PAMM (2019)
Proceedings in applied mathematics and mechanics : PAMM (2019)
Parameter Study of Turbulent Drag Reduction by Spanwise Traveling Transversal Surface Waves[DOI]
Proceedings in applied mathematics and mechanics : PAMM 19-1 (2019)
Proceedings in applied mathematics and mechanics : PAMM 19-1 (2019)
Influence of Airfoil Shape on Active Drag Reduction Efficiency[Open Access]
11th International Symposium on Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena (TSFP11) : Southampton, UK, July 30 to August 2, 2019 (2019)
11th International Symposium on Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena (TSFP11) : Southampton, UK, July 30 to August 2, 2019 (2019)
Direct particle-fluid simulation of Kolmogorov-length-scale size ellipsoidal particles in isotropic decaying turbulence[Open Access]
11th International Symposium on Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena (TSFP11) : Southampton, UK, July 30 to August 2, 2019 1-6 (2019)
11th International Symposium on Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena (TSFP11) : Southampton, UK, July 30 to August 2, 2019 1-6 (2019)
Structural organization in turbulent channel flow[Open Access]
11th International Symposium on Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena (TSFP11) : Southampton, UK, July 30 to August 2, 2019 1-6 (2019)
11th International Symposium on Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena (TSFP11) : Southampton, UK, July 30 to August 2, 2019 1-6 (2019)
A numerical simulation tool to resolve 3D effects in continuous casting in real time
European Steel Technology and Application Days (2019)
European Steel Technology and Application Days (2019)
High-speed 3D Measurements of the Influence of Intake Pressure on the In-Cylinder Flow in a DISI Engine[DOI]
SAE technical paper 2019-01-2251 13 Seiten (2019)
SAE technical paper 2019-01-2251 13 Seiten (2019)
Validation of a model for acoustic absorption in porous media[Open Access]
Noise control for a better environment : proceedings of INTERNOISE 2019 : the 48th International Congress and Exhibition on Noise Control Engineering / Volume Editors: Calvo-Manzano A., Delgado A., Perez-Lopez A., Santiago J.S. 16 Seiten (2019)
Noise control for a better environment : proceedings of INTERNOISE 2019 : the 48th International Congress and Exhibition on Noise Control Engineering / Volume Editors: Calvo-Manzano A., Delgado A., Perez-Lopez A., Santiago J.S. 16 Seiten (2019)
Experimental Investigation of Isoenergetic Film-Cooling Flows with Shock Interaction[DOI]
AIAA journal 57-9 3910-3923 (2019)
AIAA journal 57-9 3910-3923 (2019)
Requirements on Super-Short-Term Wind Speed Predictions for Model Predictive Wind Turbine Control[DOI]
2019 18th European Control Conference (ECC) / general chair: Franco Garofalo (Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, University of Naples Federico II - Italy) (2019)
2019 18th European Control Conference (ECC) / general chair: Franco Garofalo (Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, University of Naples Federico II - Italy) (2019)
Analysis of Sound Source Localization in an Axial Fan[Open Access]
Proceedings of the 23rd International Congress on Acoustics : integrating 4th EAA Euroregio 2019 : 9-13 September 2019 in Aachen, Germany / proceedings editors: Martin Ochmann, Michael Vorländer, Janina Fels 1818-1819 (2019)
Proceedings of the 23rd International Congress on Acoustics : integrating 4th EAA Euroregio 2019 : 9-13 September 2019 in Aachen, Germany / proceedings editors: Martin Ochmann, Michael Vorländer, Janina Fels 1818-1819 (2019)
Assessment of a numerical design tool for pitching airfoils[DOI]
Wind engineering 43-6 639-656 (2019)
Wind engineering 43-6 639-656 (2019)
The decay of isotropic turbulence carrying non-spherical finite-size particles[DOI]
Journal of fluid mechanics 875 520-542 (2019)
Journal of fluid mechanics 875 520-542 (2019)
Feasibility of a surface-coated lung model for the quantification of active agent deposition for preclinical studies[DOI]
Preprint (2019)
Preprint (2019)
Efficient parallelization for volume-coupled multiphysics simulations on hierarchical Cartesian grids[DOI]
Computer methods in applied mechanics and engineering 352 461-487 (2019)
Computer methods in applied mechanics and engineering 352 461-487 (2019)
Prediction of Noise Mitigation by Porous Media based on a Direct-Hybrid CFD/CAA Method[DOI]
AIAA paper 2019-2696 15 pages (2019)
AIAA paper 2019-2696 15 pages (2019)
Measurements of the wall-shear stress distribution in turbulent channel flow using the micro-pillar shear stress sensor MPS3[DOI]
Experimental thermal and fluid science 106 171-182 (2019)
Experimental thermal and fluid science 106 171-182 (2019)
Predicting Wind Turbine Wake Breakdown Using a Free Vortex Wake Code[DOI]
AIAA Scitech 2019 Forum : 7-11 January 2019, San Diego, California (2019)
AIAA Scitech 2019 Forum : 7-11 January 2019, San Diego, California (2019)
Numerical analysis of the effect of flaps on the tip vortex of a wind turbine blade[DOI]
The international journal of heat and fluid flow 77 336-351 (2019)
The international journal of heat and fluid flow 77 336-351 (2019)
Actively Reduced Airfoil Drag by Transversal Surface Waves[DOI]
Applied scientific research / B 102-4 865-886 (2019)
Applied scientific research / B 102-4 865-886 (2019)
Analysis of tip-leakage flow in an axial fan at varying tip-gap sizes and operating conditions[DOI]
Computers & fluids 183 107-129 (2019)
Computers & fluids 183 107-129 (2019)
CWD 2019 : Conference for Wind Power Drives (CWD) : Aachen, 12th & 13th of March : conference proceedings / publisher : Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dirk Abel (Institut für Regelungstechnik), Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christian Brecher (Werkzeugmaschinenlabor der RWTH Aachen), Univ.-Prof. Dr. ir. Rik W. De Doncker (Power Generation and Storage Systems), Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr. h.c. Kay Hameyer (Institut für elektrische Maschinen), Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Georg Jacobs (Chair for Wind Power Drives), Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Antonello Monti (Automation of Complex Power Systems), Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wolfgang Schröder (Aerodynamisches Institut), Andreas Hirt (Chair for Wind Power Drives) ; CWD - Center for Wind Power Drives, RWTH Aachen University
(Abel, Dirk; Brecher, Christian; de Doncker, Rik W.; Hameyer, Kay; Jacobs, Georg; Monti, Antonello; Schröder, Wolfgang; Hirt, Andreas)
Conference for Wind Power Drives 2019 (2019)
(Abel, Dirk; Brecher, Christian; de Doncker, Rik W.; Hameyer, Kay; Jacobs, Georg; Monti, Antonello; Schröder, Wolfgang; Hirt, Andreas)
Conference for Wind Power Drives 2019 (2019)
Conference for Wind Power Drives, CWD 2019 : Aachen 12th-13th of March : conference proceedings, Aachen, 12th-13th of March 2019
(Abel, Dirk; Brecher, Christian; de Doncker, Rik W.; Hameyer, Kay; Jacobs, Georg; Monti, Antonello; Schröder, Wolfgang; Hirt, Andreas)
4. Conference for Wind Power Drives III, 525 Seiten : Illustrationen, Diagramme (2019)
(Abel, Dirk; Brecher, Christian; de Doncker, Rik W.; Hameyer, Kay; Jacobs, Georg; Monti, Antonello; Schröder, Wolfgang; Hirt, Andreas)
4. Conference for Wind Power Drives III, 525 Seiten : Illustrationen, Diagramme (2019)
Influence of spanwise transversal surface wave on coherent structures in turbulent boundary layers[DOI]
Aerospace science and technology 86 387-400 (2019)
Aerospace science and technology 86 387-400 (2019)
Characterization of Freestream Disturbances in Conventional Hypersonic Wind Tunnels[DOI]
Journal of spacecraft and rockets 56-2 357-368 (2019)
Journal of spacecraft and rockets 56-2 357-368 (2019)
Numerical Investigation of Roughness Effects on Transition on Spherical Capsules[DOI]
Journal of spacecraft and rockets 56-2 388-404 (2019)
Journal of spacecraft and rockets 56-2 388-404 (2019)
The Impact of the Modelling Depth of Mechanical and Electrical Sub-Models on the Simulated Electrical Properties of Wind Turbines[Open Access]
Conference for Wind Power Drives, CWD 2019 : Aachen 12th-13th of March : conference proceedings, Aachen, 12th-13th of March 2019 / Dirk Abel, Christian Brecher, Rik W. De Doncker, Kay Hameyer, Georg Jacobs, Antonello Monti, Wolfgang Schröder, Andreas Hirt 155-167 (2019)
Conference for Wind Power Drives, CWD 2019 : Aachen 12th-13th of March : conference proceedings, Aachen, 12th-13th of March 2019 / Dirk Abel, Christian Brecher, Rik W. De Doncker, Kay Hameyer, Georg Jacobs, Antonello Monti, Wolfgang Schröder, Andreas Hirt 155-167 (2019)
Streamline segment statistics propagation in inhomogeneous turbulence[DOI]
Physical review fluids 4-3 034605 (2019)
Physical review fluids 4-3 034605 (2019)
Inclined slow acoustic waves incident to stagnation point probes in supersonic flow[DOI]
Journal of fluid mechanics 866 567-597 (2019)
Journal of fluid mechanics 866 567-597 (2019)
Numerical Analysis of the Acoustic Field of a Ducted Axial Fan at Varying Tip Clearances[DOI]
Acta acustica united with acustica 105-1 43-55 (2019)
Acta acustica united with acustica 105-1 43-55 (2019)
A reduced order model to simulate compressible flows over an actuated riblet surface[DOI]
Applied mathematics and computation 348 234-256 (2019)
Applied mathematics and computation 348 234-256 (2019)
Performance of ODROID-MC1 for scientific flow problems[DOI]
Future generation computer systems 95 149-162 (2019)
Future generation computer systems 95 149-162 (2019)
The generalized matrix chain algorithm[DOI]
CGO’18 : proceedings of the 2018 International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization / edited by: Jens Knoop, Markus Schordan, Teresa Johnson, and Michael O’Boyle 138-148 (2018)
CGO’18 : proceedings of the 2018 International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization / edited by: Jens Knoop, Markus Schordan, Teresa Johnson, and Michael O’Boyle 138-148 (2018)
Assessment of changes in the nasal airway after nonsurgical miniscrew-assisted rapid maxillary expansion in young adults[DOI]
The Angle orthodontist 88-4 435-441 (2018)
The Angle orthodontist 88-4 435-441 (2018)
Jet Noise Prediction for Chevron Nozzles using a Direct-Hybrid CFD/CAA Method[Open Access]
International Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics (ICCFD10) : July 9th-13th, 2018, Barcelona, Spain :ICCFD10 proceedings ICCFD10-237, 1-18 (2018)
International Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics (ICCFD10) : July 9th-13th, 2018, Barcelona, Spain :ICCFD10 proceedings ICCFD10-237, 1-18 (2018)
Required Torque Gradients to test the Power Production Load Cases for Electrical Certification on the Test Bench
WindEurope 2018 Conference at the Global Wind Summit (2018)
WindEurope 2018 Conference at the Global Wind Summit (2018)
Large-Eddy Simulation of Turbine Rim Seal Flow[DOI]
Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition - 2018 : presented at the ASME Turbo Expo 2018: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition, June 11-15, 2018, Oslo, Norway / sponsored by the International Gas Turbine Institute Volume 2: Turbomachinery 2a V02AT45A002, 17 Seiten (2018)
Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition - 2018 : presented at the ASME Turbo Expo 2018: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition, June 11-15, 2018, Oslo, Norway / sponsored by the International Gas Turbine Institute Volume 2: Turbomachinery 2a V02AT45A002, 17 Seiten (2018)
An Equation of State Tabulation Approach for Injectors with Non-Condensable Gases: Development and Analysis[DOI]
Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on Cavitation (CAV2018) : May 14-16, 2018, Baltimore, Maryland 45-50 (2018)
Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on Cavitation (CAV2018) : May 14-16, 2018, Baltimore, Maryland 45-50 (2018)
Underlying Mechanisms for Developing Process Signatures in Manufacturing[Open Access]
Nanomanufacturing and Metrology 1-4 193-208 (2018)
Nanomanufacturing and Metrology 1-4 193-208 (2018)
Uniform momentum zones in a turbulent boundary layer with spanwise traveling surface waves
19. International Symposium on the Application of Laser and Imaging Techniques to Fluid Mechanics (2018)
19. International Symposium on the Application of Laser and Imaging Techniques to Fluid Mechanics (2018)
High-speed tomographic PIV in an IC engine[Open Access]
19. International Symposium on the Application of Laser and Imaging Techniques to Fluid Mechanics 21 Seiten (2018)
19. International Symposium on the Application of Laser and Imaging Techniques to Fluid Mechanics 21 Seiten (2018)
Comparative PIV analysis of oscillatory flow in flexible straight vessels using Newtonian and blood analog fluids
19. International Symposium on the Application of Laser and Imaging Techniques to Fluid Mechanics (2018)
19. International Symposium on the Application of Laser and Imaging Techniques to Fluid Mechanics (2018)
PIV measurements of supersonic slot-film cooling with shock-cooling film interaction at cold injection
19. International Symposium on the Application of Laser and Imaging Techniques to Fluid Mechanics (2018)
19. International Symposium on the Application of Laser and Imaging Techniques to Fluid Mechanics (2018)
Experimental Investigation of Two Hypersonic Shock/Turbulent Boundary-Layer Interactions[DOI]
AIAA journal 56-12 4830-4844 (2018)
AIAA journal 56-12 4830-4844 (2018)
Near-critical turbulent open-channel flows over bumps and ramps[Open Access]
Acta mechanica 229-11 4701-4725 (2018)
Acta mechanica 229-11 4701-4725 (2018)
Applicability of the software cost model COCOMO II to HPC projects[DOI]
International journal of computational science and engineering : IJCSE 17-3 283-296 (2018)
International journal of computational science and engineering : IJCSE 17-3 283-296 (2018)
Large-Eddy Simulation of Combined Ingress for Different Rim Seal Geometries : (AIAA 2018-1088)
56th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting 2018 : Kissimmee, Florida, USA, 8-12 January 2018 : held at the AIAA SciTech Forum 2018 / American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. - Volume 12 8672-8688 (2018)
56th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting 2018 : Kissimmee, Florida, USA, 8-12 January 2018 : held at the AIAA SciTech Forum 2018 / American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. - Volume 12 8672-8688 (2018)
Jet Noise Prediction for Chevron Nozzles using a Direct-Hybrit CFD/CAA method[Open Access]
[10th International Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics (ICCFD10), Barcelona, Spain] (2018)
[10th International Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics (ICCFD10), Barcelona, Spain] (2018)
Assessment of Non-Spherical Point-Particle Models in LES using Direct Particle-Fluid Simulations[DOI]
[48th AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference, 2018-06-25 -2018-06-29, Atlanta, Georgia, USA] (2018)
[48th AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference, 2018-06-25 -2018-06-29, Atlanta, Georgia, USA] (2018)
Noise sources of a lean-premixed jet flame[DOI]
24th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference 2018 : Atlanta, Georgia, USA, 25-29 June 2018 : held at the AIAA Aviation Forum 2018 / American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. - volume 7 (2018)
24th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference 2018 : Atlanta, Georgia, USA, 25-29 June 2018 : held at the AIAA Aviation Forum 2018 / American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. - volume 7 (2018)
Large-Eddy Simulation of the Unsteady Full 3D Rim Seal Flow in a One-Stage Axial-Flow Turbine[DOI]
Flow, turbulence and combustion 101-1 189-220 (2018)
Flow, turbulence and combustion 101-1 189-220 (2018)
Validation of Lagrangian Two-Way Coupled Point-Particle Models in Large-Eddy Simulations[DOI]
Flow, turbulence and combustion 101-2 317-341 (2018)
Flow, turbulence and combustion 101-2 317-341 (2018)
Large-Eddy Simulation of Combined Ingress for Different Rim Seal Geometries[DOI]
2018 AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting : Kissimmee, Florida, 8-12 January 2018 (2018)
2018 AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting : Kissimmee, Florida, 8-12 January 2018 (2018)
A discrete adjoint framework for trailing-edge noise minimization via porous material[DOI]
Computers & fluids 172 97-108 (2018)
Computers & fluids 172 97-108 (2018)
Computational analysis of exit conditions on the sound field of turbulent hot jets / Edited by Lutz Lesshafft, Peter Jordan, Anurag Agarwal[DOI]
Comptes rendus mécanique 346-10 932-947 (2018)
Comptes rendus mécanique 346-10 932-947 (2018)
Numerical Investigation of Direct Gas Injection in an Optical Internal Combustion Engine[DOI]
SAE International journal of engines 11-6 1447-1478 (2018)
SAE International journal of engines 11-6 1447-1478 (2018)
Numerical Investigation of Roughness Effects on Transition on Spherical Capsules[DOI]
2018 AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting : Kissimmee, Florida, 8-12 January 2018 1-25 (2018)
2018 AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting : Kissimmee, Florida, 8-12 January 2018 1-25 (2018)
Influence of Miller Cycles on Engine Air Flow[DOI]
SAE International journal of engines 11-2 161-178 (2018)
SAE International journal of engines 11-2 161-178 (2018)
The new agreement of the international RIGA consensus conference on nasal airway function tests[DOI]
Rhinology : official organ of the European and International Rhinologic Societies and of the Confederation of European ORL-HNS 56-2 133-143 (2018)
Rhinology : official organ of the European and International Rhinologic Societies and of the Confederation of European ORL-HNS 56-2 133-143 (2018)
Parametric investigation of friction drag reduction in turbulent flow over a flexible wall undergoing spanwise transversal traveling waves[DOI]
Experiments in fluids 59-6 105 (2018)
Experiments in fluids 59-6 105 (2018)
Effective Boundary Conditions for Turbulent Compressible Flows over a Riblet Surface[DOI]
Theory, Numerics and Applications of Hyperbolic Problems I : Aachen, Germany, August 2016 / edited by Christian Klingenberg, Michael Westdickenberg 236 473-485 (2018)
Theory, Numerics and Applications of Hyperbolic Problems I : Aachen, Germany, August 2016 / edited by Christian Klingenberg, Michael Westdickenberg 236 473-485 (2018)
Modal analysis of passive flow control for the turbulent wake of a generic planar space launcher[DOI]
CEAS space journal 10-2 189-202 (2018)
CEAS space journal 10-2 189-202 (2018)
Numerical Analysis of the Impact of Variable Porosity on Trailing-Edge Noise[DOI]
Computers & fluids 132 43-48 (2018)
Computers & fluids 132 43-48 (2018)
Numerical Investigation of Roughness Effects on Transition on Spherical Capsules
56th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting 2018 : Kissimmee, Florida, USA, 8-12 January 2018 : held at the AIAA SciTech Forum 2018 / American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. - Volume 1 693-717 (2018)
56th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting 2018 : Kissimmee, Florida, USA, 8-12 January 2018 : held at the AIAA SciTech Forum 2018 / American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. - Volume 1 693-717 (2018)
Characterization of Freestream Disturbances in Conventional Hypersonic Wind Tunnels[DOI]
2018 AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting : Kissimmee, Florida, 8-12 January 2018 (2018)
2018 AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting : Kissimmee, Florida, 8-12 January 2018 (2018)
Investigation of shock-acoustic-wave interaction in transonic flow[DOI]
Experiments in fluids 59-1 15 (2018)
Experiments in fluids 59-1 15 (2018)
The Direct-Hybrid Method for Computational Aeroacoustics on HPC Systems[DOI]
High-performance scientific computing : first JARA-HPC Symposium, JHPCS 2016, Aachen, Germany, October 4-5, 2016 : revised selected papers / Edoardo Di Napoli, Marc-André Hermanns, Hristo Iliev, Andreas Lintermann, Alexander Peyser (eds.) 10164 70-81 (2017)
High-performance scientific computing : first JARA-HPC Symposium, JHPCS 2016, Aachen, Germany, October 4-5, 2016 : revised selected papers / Edoardo Di Napoli, Marc-André Hermanns, Hristo Iliev, Andreas Lintermann, Alexander Peyser (eds.) 10164 70-81 (2017)
Drag Reduction via Transversal Wave Motion of Structured Surfaces
10. International Symposium on Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena (2017)
10. International Symposium on Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena (2017)
Space-selective nonlinear reduced-order models for turbulent boundary layer drag reduction[DOI]
First Annual IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications : Kohala Coast, Hawai’i, August 27-30, 2017 : CCTA 2017 / IEEE, CSS, IEEE Robotics & Automation Society, SICE 383-388 (2017)
First Annual IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications : Kohala Coast, Hawai’i, August 27-30, 2017 : CCTA 2017 / IEEE, CSS, IEEE Robotics & Automation Society, SICE 383-388 (2017)
PIV Untersuchungen in elastischen Gefäßen bei oszillatorischer Strömung unter Verwendung von Newtonschen und blutanalogem Fluid
[25. GALA Konferenz Experimentelle Strömungsmechanik, 2017-09-05 - 2017-09-07, Karlsruhe, Germany] (2017)
[25. GALA Konferenz Experimentelle Strömungsmechanik, 2017-09-05 - 2017-09-07, Karlsruhe, Germany] (2017)
Optimized simulation of multiscale problems on high-performance computers[Open Access]
Book of abstracts / 88th Annual Meeting of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics : March 6-10, 2017 : Weimar, Germany 32-33 (2017)
Book of abstracts / 88th Annual Meeting of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics : March 6-10, 2017 : Weimar, Germany 32-33 (2017)
Drag reduction of spanwise transversal traveling surface waves with stepwise amplitude increase[Open Access]
Book of abstracts / 88th Annual Meeting of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics : March 6-10, 2017 : Weimar, Germany 397-398 (2017)
Book of abstracts / 88th Annual Meeting of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics : March 6-10, 2017 : Weimar, Germany 397-398 (2017)
Numerical investigation of the turbulent wake of a generic space launcher at transonic speed[DOI]
7. European Conference for Aeronautics and Aerospace Sciences 1-15 (2017)
7. European Conference for Aeronautics and Aerospace Sciences 1-15 (2017)
Numerical analysis of acoustic loads generated by supersonic jets[DOI]
7. European Conference for Aeronautics and Aerospace Sciences 1-13 (2017)
7. European Conference for Aeronautics and Aerospace Sciences 1-13 (2017)
Impact of turbulent inflow distributions on combustion noise of lean-premixed flames[DOI]
23rd AIAA Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference 2017 : Denver, Colorado, USA, 5-9 June 2017 : held at the AIAA Aviation Forum 2017 / American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. - Volume 1-4 12 Seiten (2017)
23rd AIAA Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference 2017 : Denver, Colorado, USA, 5-9 June 2017 : held at the AIAA Aviation Forum 2017 / American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. - Volume 1-4 12 Seiten (2017)
Numerical analysis of Chevron nozzles[DOI]
23rd AIAA Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference 2017 : Denver, Colorado, USA, 5-9 June 2017 : held at the AIAA Aviation Forum 2017 / American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. - Volume 1-4 16 Seiten (2017)
23rd AIAA Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference 2017 : Denver, Colorado, USA, 5-9 June 2017 : held at the AIAA Aviation Forum 2017 / American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. - Volume 1-4 16 Seiten (2017)
Analysis of the acoustic field of a ducted axial fan[DOI]
23rd AIAA Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference 2017 : Denver, Colorado, USA, 5-9 June 2017 : held at the AIAA Aviation Forum 2017 / American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. - Volume 1-4 12 Seiten (2017)
23rd AIAA Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference 2017 : Denver, Colorado, USA, 5-9 June 2017 : held at the AIAA Aviation Forum 2017 / American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. - Volume 1-4 12 Seiten (2017)
Impact of permeable surfaces on trailing-edge noise at varying lift[DOI]
23rd AIAA Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference 2017 : Denver, Colorado, USA, 5-9 June 2017 : held at the AIAA Aviation Forum 2017 / American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. - Volume 1-4 15 Seiten (2017)
23rd AIAA Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference 2017 : Denver, Colorado, USA, 5-9 June 2017 : held at the AIAA Aviation Forum 2017 / American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. - Volume 1-4 15 Seiten (2017)
Acoustic flame response of a round and a slot burner[DOI]
23rd AIAA Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference 2017 : Denver, Colorado, USA, 5-9 June 2017 : held at the AIAA Aviation Forum 2017 / American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. - Volume 1-4 10 Seiten (2017)
23rd AIAA Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference 2017 : Denver, Colorado, USA, 5-9 June 2017 : held at the AIAA Aviation Forum 2017 / American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. - Volume 1-4 10 Seiten (2017)
Direct particle-fluid simulation of flushing in die-sink electrical-discharge machining[DOI]
23rd AIAA Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference 2017 : Denver, Colorado, USA, 5-9 June 2017 : held at the AIAA Aviation Forum 2017 / American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. - Volume 2 834-843 (2017)
23rd AIAA Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference 2017 : Denver, Colorado, USA, 5-9 June 2017 : held at the AIAA Aviation Forum 2017 / American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. - Volume 2 834-843 (2017)
Propagation of Streamline Segment Length Distributions in a Wavy Channel Flow of Favorable and Adverse Pressure Gradients[Open Access]
10. International Symposium on Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena P-26,5 Seiten (2017)
10. International Symposium on Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena P-26,5 Seiten (2017)
Analysis of the near-wall flow field in shock-cooling-film interaction for varying shock impingement positions[Open Access]
10. International Symposium on Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena 2C-5, 6 Seiten (2017)
10. International Symposium on Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena 2C-5, 6 Seiten (2017)
Drag Reduction via Transversal Wave Motions of Structured Surfaces
10. International Symposium on Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena 10B-6, 6 Seiten (2017)
10. International Symposium on Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena 10B-6, 6 Seiten (2017)
Influence of In-Cylinder Air Flow on Spray Propagation[DOI]
SAE International journal of engines 10-4 1398-1410 (2017)
SAE International journal of engines 10-4 1398-1410 (2017)
Numerical analysis of high speed wind tunnel flow disturbance measurements using stagnation point probes[DOI]
Journal of fluid mechanics 833 247-273 (2017)
Journal of fluid mechanics 833 247-273 (2017)
Numerical analysis of the impact of exit conditions on low Mach number turbulent jets[DOI]
The international journal of heat and fluid flow 67-Part A 1-12 (2017)
The international journal of heat and fluid flow 67-Part A 1-12 (2017)
Hazel Hen - leading HPC technology and its impact on science in Germany and Europe[DOI]
Parallel computing 64 3-11 (2017)
Parallel computing 64 3-11 (2017)
High-performance scientific computing : first JARA-HPC Symposium, JHPCS 2016, Aachen, Germany, October 4-5, 2016 : revised selected papers[DOI]
(Di Napoli, Edoardo; Hermanns, Marc-André; Iliev, Hristo; Lintermann, Andreas; Peyser, Alexander)
Jülich Aachen Research Alliance (JARA) High-Performance Computing Symposium 10164 XV, 258 Seiten : Illustrationen, Diagramme (2017)
(Di Napoli, Edoardo; Hermanns, Marc-André; Iliev, Hristo; Lintermann, Andreas; Peyser, Alexander)
Jülich Aachen Research Alliance (JARA) High-Performance Computing Symposium 10164 XV, 258 Seiten : Illustrationen, Diagramme (2017)
Numerical Analysis of Flushing-Induced Thermal Cooling Including Debris Transport in Electrical Discharge Machining (EDM)[Open Access]
Procedia CIRP 58 116-121 (2017)
Procedia CIRP 58 116-121 (2017)
On the accuracy of Lagrangian point-mass models for heavy non-spherical particles in isotropic turbulence[DOI]
Fuel : the science and technology of fuel and energy 201 2-14 (2017)
Fuel : the science and technology of fuel and energy 201 2-14 (2017)
Direct particle-fluid simulation of Kolmogorov-length-scale size particles in decaying isotropic turbulence[DOI]
Journal of fluid mechanics 819 188-227 (2017)
Journal of fluid mechanics 819 188-227 (2017)
Simulation of aerosol particle deposition in the upper human tracheobronchial tract[DOI]
European journal of mechanics / B 63 73-89 (2017)
European journal of mechanics / B 63 73-89 (2017)
Reduced-order analysis of buffet flow of space launchers[DOI]
Journal of fluid mechanics 815 1-25 (2017)
Journal of fluid mechanics 815 1-25 (2017)
Numerical Analysis of the Impact of the Interior Nozzle Geometry on Low Mach Number Jet Acoustics[DOI]
Flow, turbulence and combustion 98-2 417-443 (2017)
Flow, turbulence and combustion 98-2 417-443 (2017)
Streamline segment scaling behavior in a turbulent wavy channel flow[DOI]
Experiments in fluids 58-2 10 (2017)
Experiments in fluids 58-2 10 (2017)
A fully coupled hybrid computational aeroacoustics method on hierarchical Cartesian meshes[DOI]
Computers & fluids 144 137-153 (2017)
Computers & fluids 144 137-153 (2017)
A hierarchical Cartesian method for conjugate heat transfer involving moving bodies[DOI]
54th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting : 4-8 January 2016, San Diego, California, USA 1-8 (2016)
54th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting : 4-8 January 2016, San Diego, California, USA 1-8 (2016)
Large-Scale Simulations of a Non-generic Helicopter Engine Nozzle and a Ducted Axial Fan[DOI]
High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering ´15 / Nagel, Wolfgang E. (Editor) (2016)
High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering ´15 / Nagel, Wolfgang E. (Editor) (2016)
Zonal RANS-LES Computation for Near-Stall-Airfoil Flow[DOI]
Advances in Simulation of Wing and Nacelle Stall : Results of the Closing Symposium of the DFG Research Unit FOR 1066, December 1-2, 2014, Braunschweig, Germany / edited by Rolf Radespiel, Reinhard Niehuis, Norbert Kroll, Kathrin Behrends 131 151-164 (2016)
Advances in Simulation of Wing and Nacelle Stall : Results of the Closing Symposium of the DFG Research Unit FOR 1066, December 1-2, 2014, Braunschweig, Germany / edited by Rolf Radespiel, Reinhard Niehuis, Norbert Kroll, Kathrin Behrends 131 151-164 (2016)
PIV measurements of supersonic slot-film cooling with shock/cooling-film interaction[Open Access]
Proceedings of the 18th International Symposium on the Application of Laser and Imaging Techniques to Fluid Mechanics, 04 - 07 July, 2016, Lisbon Portugal 17 Seiten (2016)
Proceedings of the 18th International Symposium on the Application of Laser and Imaging Techniques to Fluid Mechanics, 04 - 07 July, 2016, Lisbon Portugal 17 Seiten (2016)
Streamline Segment Detection in a Turbulent Wavy Channel Flow via Tomographic Particle-Image Velocimetry[Open Access]
Proceedings of the 18th International Symposium on the Application of Laser and Imaging Techniques to Fluid Mechanics, 04 - 07 July, 2016, Lisbon Portugal 12 Seiten (2016)
Proceedings of the 18th International Symposium on the Application of Laser and Imaging Techniques to Fluid Mechanics, 04 - 07 July, 2016, Lisbon Portugal 12 Seiten (2016)
Tomographic Particle-Image Velocimetry Analysis of the Influence of Artificially Introduced Sound Waves on Buffet Flow
Proceedings of the 18th International Symposium on the Application of Laser and Imaging Techniques to Fluid Mechanics, 04 - 07 July, 2016, Lisbon Portugal (2016)
Proceedings of the 18th International Symposium on the Application of Laser and Imaging Techniques to Fluid Mechanics, 04 - 07 July, 2016, Lisbon Portugal (2016)
PIV and μ-PTV investigations of turbulent flow over a flexible wall undergoing traveling surface wave motions[Open Access]
Proceedings of the 18th International Symposium on the Application of Laser and Imaging Techniques to Fluid Mechanics, 04 - 07 July, 2016, Lisbon Portugal 17 Seiten (2016)
Proceedings of the 18th International Symposium on the Application of Laser and Imaging Techniques to Fluid Mechanics, 04 - 07 July, 2016, Lisbon Portugal 17 Seiten (2016)
Aeroacoustic Simulations of Ducted Axial Fan and Helicopter Engine Nozzle Flows[DOI]
High performance computing in science and engineering '16 : transactions of the High Performance Computing Center, Stuttgart (HLRS) 2016 / Wolfgang E. Nagel, Dietmar H. Kröner, Michael M. Resch, editors 443-460 (2016)
High performance computing in science and engineering '16 : transactions of the High Performance Computing Center, Stuttgart (HLRS) 2016 / Wolfgang E. Nagel, Dietmar H. Kröner, Michael M. Resch, editors 443-460 (2016)
Large-Eddy Simulation of the Flow Field in a Rotating Axial Fan[DOI]
New Results in Numerical and Experimental Fluid Mechanics X : Contributions to the 19th STAB/DGLR Symposium Munich, Germany, 2014 / edited by Andreas Dillmann, Gerd Heller, Ewald Krämer, Claus Wagner, Christian Breitsamter 132 167-175 (2016)
New Results in Numerical and Experimental Fluid Mechanics X : Contributions to the 19th STAB/DGLR Symposium Munich, Germany, 2014 / edited by Andreas Dillmann, Gerd Heller, Ewald Krämer, Claus Wagner, Christian Breitsamter 132 167-175 (2016)
Reynolds number effects on the fluctuating velocity distribution in wall-bounded shear layers[DOI]
Measurement science and technology 28-1 015302 (2016)
Measurement science and technology 28-1 015302 (2016)
A numerical analysis to evaluate Betz's Law for vertical axis wind turbines[Open Access]
Journal of physics / Conference Series 753 022056 (2016)
Journal of physics / Conference Series 753 022056 (2016)
Drag reduction via wall-normal oscillations in turbulent flat plate boundary layer flow at very high Reynolds number[DOI]
Proceedings in applied mathematics and mechanics : PAMM 16 629-630 (2016)
Proceedings in applied mathematics and mechanics : PAMM 16 629-630 (2016)
The Effect of Flame Thickening on the Acoustic Emission in Turbulent Combustion[DOI]
AIAA journal 2745 1-12 (2016)
AIAA journal 2745 1-12 (2016)
A hierarchical Cartesian method for conjugate heat transfer involving moving bodies
54th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting 2016 : San Diego, California, USA, 4-8 January 2016 : held at the AIAA SciTech Forum 2016 / American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. - Volume 7 5731-5738 (2016)
54th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting 2016 : San Diego, California, USA, 4-8 January 2016 : held at the AIAA SciTech Forum 2016 / American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. - Volume 7 5731-5738 (2016)
Analysis of spatio-temporal wake modes of space launchers at transonic flow[DOI]
AIAA paper 1116 9850-9861 (2016)
AIAA paper 1116 9850-9861 (2016)
Impact of periodic boundary conditions on the flow field in an axial fan[DOI]
AIAA paper 610 5782-5794 (2016)
AIAA paper 610 5782-5794 (2016)
Combined particle-image velocimetry and force analysis of the three-dimensional fluid-structure interaction of a natural owl wing[DOI]
Bioinspiration & biomimetics 11-2 1-12 (2016)
Bioinspiration & biomimetics 11-2 1-12 (2016)
LES of Direct Gas Injection in Internal Combustion Engines
Les Rencontres Scientifiques d'IFP Energies nouvelles: LES for Internal Combustion Engine Flows 24 Folien (2016)
Les Rencontres Scientifiques d'IFP Energies nouvelles: LES for Internal Combustion Engine Flows 24 Folien (2016)
Investigations on Smoke Propagation with Longitudinal Ventilation
8. Tagung, Sicherheit und Belüftung von Tunnelanlagen, 25.-26. April 2016 : 8th Symposium, Tunnel Safety and Ventilation, 25.-26. April 2016 / Eichlseder, Helmut (Herausgeber) 100 69-76 (2016)
8. Tagung, Sicherheit und Belüftung von Tunnelanlagen, 25.-26. April 2016 : 8th Symposium, Tunnel Safety and Ventilation, 25.-26. April 2016 / Eichlseder, Helmut (Herausgeber) 100 69-76 (2016)
Investigations on Smoke Propagation with Longitudinal Ventilation by Means of a Model Tunnel[Open Access]
8. Symposium "Tunnel Safety and Ventilation" 18 Folien (2016)
8. Symposium "Tunnel Safety and Ventilation" 18 Folien (2016)
Experimental and numerical investigations of the turbulent wake flow of a generic space launcher at M∞=3 and M∞=6[DOI]
CEAS space journal 8-2 101-116 (2016)
CEAS space journal 8-2 101-116 (2016)
Effects of tip-gap width on the flow field in an axial fan[DOI]
The international journal of heat and fluid flow 61-Part B 466-481 (2016)
The international journal of heat and fluid flow 61-Part B 466-481 (2016)
Analysis of acoustic and entropy disturbances in a hypersonic wind tunnel[DOI]
Physics of fluids 28-5 056104 (2016)
Physics of fluids 28-5 056104 (2016)
Pressure Gradient and Nonadiabatic Surface Effects on Boundary Layer Transition[DOI]
AIAA journal 54-11 3465-3480 (2016)
AIAA journal 54-11 3465-3480 (2016)
Investigation of the Effect of a Realistic Nozzle Geometry on the Jet Development[DOI]
Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Jets, Wakes and Separated Flows (ICJWSF2015) / edited by Antonio Segalini 185 399-405 (2016)
Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Jets, Wakes and Separated Flows (ICJWSF2015) / edited by Antonio Segalini 185 399-405 (2016)
Computational analysis of nozzle geometry variations for subsonic turbulent jets[DOI]
Computers & fluids 136 467-484 (2016)
Computers & fluids 136 467-484 (2016)
Turbulent Drag Reduction by Spanwise Traveling Ribbed Surface Waves[DOI]
Fluid-Structure-Sound Interactions and Control : Proceedings of the 3rd Symposium on Fluid-Structure-Sound Interactions and Control / edited by Yu Zhou, A.D. Lucey, Yang Liu, Lixi Huang 363-368 (2016)
Fluid-Structure-Sound Interactions and Control : Proceedings of the 3rd Symposium on Fluid-Structure-Sound Interactions and Control / edited by Yu Zhou, A.D. Lucey, Yang Liu, Lixi Huang 363-368 (2016)
Towards Adjoint-Based Trailing-Edge Noise Minimization Using Porous Material[DOI]
New results in numerical and experimental fluid mechanics X : contributions to the 19th STAB/DGLR Symposium Munich, Germany, 2014 / Andreas Dillmann, Gerd Heller, Ewald Krämer, Claus Wagner, Christian Breitsamter, editors 132 789-798 (2016)
New results in numerical and experimental fluid mechanics X : contributions to the 19th STAB/DGLR Symposium Munich, Germany, 2014 / Andreas Dillmann, Gerd Heller, Ewald Krämer, Claus Wagner, Christian Breitsamter, editors 132 789-798 (2016)
A Hybrid Discontinuous Galerkin-Finite Volume Method for Computational Aeroacoustics[DOI]
New results in numerical and experimental fluid mechanics X : contributions to the 19th STAB/DGLR Symposium Munich, Germany, 2014 / Andreas Dillmann, Gerd Heller, Ewald Krämer, Claus Wagner, Christian Breitsamter, editors 132 743-753 (2016)
New results in numerical and experimental fluid mechanics X : contributions to the 19th STAB/DGLR Symposium Munich, Germany, 2014 / Andreas Dillmann, Gerd Heller, Ewald Krämer, Claus Wagner, Christian Breitsamter, editors 132 743-753 (2016)
Interaction of Acoustic and Entropy Waves with Shocks[DOI]
New results in numerical and experimental fluid mechanics X : contributions to the 19th STAB/DGLR Symposium Munich, Germany, 2014 / Andreas Dillmann, Gerd Heller, Ewald Krämer, Claus Wagner, Christian Breitsamter, editors 132 811-820 (2016)
New results in numerical and experimental fluid mechanics X : contributions to the 19th STAB/DGLR Symposium Munich, Germany, 2014 / Andreas Dillmann, Gerd Heller, Ewald Krämer, Claus Wagner, Christian Breitsamter, editors 132 811-820 (2016)
Experimental analysis of particle sizes for PIV measurements[DOI]
Measurement science and technology 27-9 094009 (2016)
Measurement science and technology 27-9 094009 (2016)
Analysis of characteristic wake flow modes on a generic transonic backward-facing step configuration[DOI]
European journal of mechanics / B 59 124-134 (2016)
European journal of mechanics / B 59 124-134 (2016)
Experimental Analysis of the Impact of Injected Biofuels on In-Cylinder Flow Structures[DOI]
SAE International journal of engines 9-2 2016-01-9043 (2016)
SAE International journal of engines 9-2 2016-01-9043 (2016)
Software Cost Analysis of GPU-Accelerated Aeroacoustics Simulations in C++ with OpenACC[DOI]
High Performance Computing : ISC High Performance 2016 International Workshops, ExaComm, E-MuCoCoS, HPC-IODC, IXPUG, IWOPH, P^3MA, VHPC, WOPSSS, Frankfurt, Germany, June 19-23, 2016, Revised Selected Papers / Taufer, Michela (Editor) 9945 524-543 (2016)
High Performance Computing : ISC High Performance 2016 International Workshops, ExaComm, E-MuCoCoS, HPC-IODC, IXPUG, IWOPH, P^3MA, VHPC, WOPSSS, Frankfurt, Germany, June 19-23, 2016, Revised Selected Papers / Taufer, Michela (Editor) 9945 524-543 (2016)
Nonlinear analysis of an acoustically excited laminar premixed flame[DOI]
Combustion and flame 163 337-357 (2016)
Combustion and flame 163 337-357 (2016)
Hydrodynamic instability and shear layer effects in turbulent premixed combustion[DOI]
Physics of fluids 28-1 017104 (2016)
Physics of fluids 28-1 017104 (2016)
Fuel Spray, Flow and Mixing : Analysis of primary jet breakup
3. TMFB International Conference (2015)
3. TMFB International Conference (2015)
Experimental and numerical investigation of the turbulent wake flow of a generic space launcher configuration[DOI]
Progress in flight physics - volume 7 : Munich, Germany, July 1-5, 2013 / D. Knight, I. Lipatov and P. Reijasse (eds.) 329-350 (2015)
Progress in flight physics - volume 7 : Munich, Germany, July 1-5, 2013 / D. Knight, I. Lipatov and P. Reijasse (eds.) 329-350 (2015)
Combined experimental and numerical investigation of a transonic space launcher wake[DOI]
Progress in flight physics - volume 7 : Munich, Germany, July 1-5, 2013 / D. Knight, I. Lipatov and P. Reijasse (eds.) (2015)
Progress in flight physics - volume 7 : Munich, Germany, July 1-5, 2013 / D. Knight, I. Lipatov and P. Reijasse (eds.) (2015)
Simulation of Transonic Airfoil Flow Using a Zonal RANS-LES Method[DOI]
Mathematical Modeling of Technological Processes / Danaev, Nargozy (Editor) 549 53-65 (2015)
Mathematical Modeling of Technological Processes / Danaev, Nargozy (Editor) 549 53-65 (2015)
A numerical method for multiphysics simulations based on hierarchical Cartesian grids[DOI]
Journal of fluid science and technology 10-1 JFST0002 (2015)
Journal of fluid science and technology 10-1 JFST0002 (2015)
Cut-Cell Method Based Large-Eddy Simulation of a Tip-Leakage Vortex of an Axial Fan[DOI]
53rd AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting : [Proceedings] (2015)
53rd AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting : [Proceedings] (2015)
Experimental investigation of turbulent boundary layers over transversal moving surfaces[DOI]
CEAS Aeronautical Journal 6-3 471-484 (2015)
CEAS Aeronautical Journal 6-3 471-484 (2015)
“Influence of acoustic impedance on trailing-edge noise
The 22nd International Congress on Sound and Vibration, ICSV 22 : Florence, Italy, 12 - 16 July 2015 / organized by the International Institute of Acoustics and Vibration jointly with Acoustical Society of Italy (2015)
The 22nd International Congress on Sound and Vibration, ICSV 22 : Florence, Italy, 12 - 16 July 2015 / organized by the International Institute of Acoustics and Vibration jointly with Acoustical Society of Italy (2015)
Experimental analysis of turbulent friction drag reduction due to spanwise transversal surface waves
[9th Int. Symp. on Turb. and Shear Flow Phenomena, TSFP-9, Australia] (2015)
[9th Int. Symp. on Turb. and Shear Flow Phenomena, TSFP-9, Australia] (2015)
Particle-image velocimetry investigation of the fluid-structure interaction mechanisms of a natural owl wing[DOI]
Bioinspiration & Biomimetics 10-5 056009 (2015)
Bioinspiration & Biomimetics 10-5 056009 (2015)
Impact of Wall Permeability on Trailing-Edge Noise at High Reynolds Number[DOI]
21st AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference : [Proceedings] 1-11 (2015)
21st AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference : [Proceedings] 1-11 (2015)
Hydrodynamic instability and shear layer effect on the sound emission of a turbulent jet flame[DOI]
21st AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference : [Proceedings] 1-21 (2015)
21st AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference : [Proceedings] 1-21 (2015)
Sharp resolution of complex moving geometries using a multi-cut-cell viscous flow solver[DOI]
22nd AIAA Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference : [Proceedings] (2015)
22nd AIAA Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference : [Proceedings] (2015)
Aeroacoustic Analysis of a Helicopter Engine Jet Including a Realistic Nozzle Geometry[DOI]
21st AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference : [Proceedings] 1-17 (2015)
21st AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference : [Proceedings] 1-17 (2015)
Numerical and Experimental Investigation of Wind Turbine Wakes[DOI]
45th AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference : [Proceedings] 1-12 (2015)
45th AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference : [Proceedings] 1-12 (2015)
On the Adjoint-based Control of Trailing-Edge Turbulence and Noise Minimization via Porous Material[DOI]
21st AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference : [Proceedings] (2015)
21st AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference : [Proceedings] (2015)
An efficient numerical method for fully-resolved particle simulations on high-performance computers[DOI]
Proceedings in applied mathematics and mechanics : PAMM 15-1 495-496 (2015)
Proceedings in applied mathematics and mechanics : PAMM 15-1 495-496 (2015)
Experimental investigation of streamline segment scaling in a turbulent wavy channel flow
[11th Int. Symp. on Particle Image Velocimetry-PIV15, Santa Barbara, USA] (2015)
[11th Int. Symp. on Particle Image Velocimetry-PIV15, Santa Barbara, USA] (2015)
High-speed tomographic PIV measurements of buffet flow over a supercritical airfoil with artificially introduced sound waves
[11th Int. Symp. on Particle Image Velocimetry-PIV15, Santa Barbara, USA] (2015)
[11th Int. Symp. on Particle Image Velocimetry-PIV15, Santa Barbara, USA] (2015)
Multipoint global optimal shape design by morphing
Coupled problems 2015 : proceedings of the VI International Conference on Coupled Problems in Science and Engineering, San Servolo, Venice, Italy, May 18-20 2015 / edited by Bernhard A. Schrefler, Eugenio Oñate, Manolis Papadrakakis 939-951 (2015)
Coupled problems 2015 : proceedings of the VI International Conference on Coupled Problems in Science and Engineering, San Servolo, Venice, Italy, May 18-20 2015 / edited by Bernhard A. Schrefler, Eugenio Oñate, Manolis Papadrakakis 939-951 (2015)
Tomographic Particle-Image Velocimetry Analysis of In-Cylinder Flows[DOI]
SAE International journal of engines 8-3 1447-1467 (2015)
SAE International journal of engines 8-3 1447-1467 (2015)
Dependence of turbulent wall-shear stress on the amplitude of spanwise transversal surface waves[DOI]
Computers & fluids 119 261-275 (2015)
Computers & fluids 119 261-275 (2015)
Analytical Modeling Methods for Temperature Fields in Metal Cutting based on Panel Method of Fluid Mechanics[Open Access]
Procedia CIRP 31 352-356 (2015)
Procedia CIRP 31 352-356 (2015)
Strömungsmechanische Untersuchungen zur Optimierung von Längslüftungssystemen in Straßentunneln anhand eines Modelltunnels : Untersuchungsmethodik, Ergebnisse, numerische Simulationen, Wirtschaftlichkeit
U-Verkehr und unterirdisches Bauen : STUVA-Tagung 2015 - Internationales Forum für Tunnel und Infrastruktur ; 1. bis 3. Dezember 2015, Langfassungen der Vorträge / veranstaltet von der Studiengesellschaft für unterirdische Verkehrsanlagen e. V. - STUVA, Köln ; Redaktion Dr.-Ing. Helmut Richter, Jörg Theberath 46 394-401 (2015)
U-Verkehr und unterirdisches Bauen : STUVA-Tagung 2015 - Internationales Forum für Tunnel und Infrastruktur ; 1. bis 3. Dezember 2015, Langfassungen der Vorträge / veranstaltet von der Studiengesellschaft für unterirdische Verkehrsanlagen e. V. - STUVA, Köln ; Redaktion Dr.-Ing. Helmut Richter, Jörg Theberath 46 394-401 (2015)
Untersuchungen zur Längslüftung an einem Modelltunnel
[BASt Tunnelsymposium 2015, Bergisch Gladbach, 29. April 2015] 45-58 (2015)
[BASt Tunnelsymposium 2015, Bergisch Gladbach, 29. April 2015] 45-58 (2015)
Part VI : Miscellaneous Topics
High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering ‘14 : Transactions of the High Performance Computing Center, Stuttgart (HLRS) 2014 / edited by Wolfgang E. Nagel, Dietmar H. Kröner, Michael M. Resch 609-611 (2015)
High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering ‘14 : Transactions of the High Performance Computing Center, Stuttgart (HLRS) 2014 / edited by Wolfgang E. Nagel, Dietmar H. Kröner, Michael M. Resch 609-611 (2015)
Investigations of Unsteady Transonic and Supersonic Wake Flow of Generic Space Launcher Configurations Using Zonal RANS/LES and Dynamic Mode Decomposition[DOI]
High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering ‘14 : Transactions of the High Performance Computing Center, Stuttgart (HLRS) 2014 / edited by Wolfgang E. Nagel, Dietmar H. Kröner, Michael M. Resch 379-401 (2015)
High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering ‘14 : Transactions of the High Performance Computing Center, Stuttgart (HLRS) 2014 / edited by Wolfgang E. Nagel, Dietmar H. Kröner, Michael M. Resch 379-401 (2015)
Towards Large Multi-scale Particle Simulations with Conjugate Heat Transfer on Heterogeneous Super Computers[DOI]
High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering ‘14 : Transactions of the High Performance Computing Center, Stuttgart (HLRS) 2014 / edited by Wolfgang E. Nagel, Dietmar H. Kröner, Michael M. Resch 307-319 (2015)
High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering ‘14 : Transactions of the High Performance Computing Center, Stuttgart (HLRS) 2014 / edited by Wolfgang E. Nagel, Dietmar H. Kröner, Michael M. Resch 307-319 (2015)
Particle Image Velocimetry Used to Qualitatively Validate Computational Fluid Dynamic Simulations in an Oxygenator: A Proof of Concept[DOI]
Cardiovascular engineering and technology 6-3 340-351 (2015)
Cardiovascular engineering and technology 6-3 340-351 (2015)
Drag Reduction Via Spanwise Transversal Surface Waves at High Reynolds Numbers[DOI]
Flow, turbulence and combustion 95-1 169-190 (2015)
Flow, turbulence and combustion 95-1 169-190 (2015)
Turbulent drag reduction by spanwise traveling ribbed surface waves[DOI]
European journal of mechanics / B 53 101-112 (2015)
European journal of mechanics / B 53 101-112 (2015)
Cut-cell method based large-eddy simulation of tip-leakage flow[DOI]
Physics of fluids 27-7 075106 (2015)
Physics of fluids 27-7 075106 (2015)
Analysis of pressure perturbation sources on a generic space launcher after-body in supersonic flow using zonal turbulence modeling and dynamic mode decomposition[DOI]
Physics of fluids 27-1 016103 (2015)
Physics of fluids 27-1 016103 (2015)
Comparison of the mixing efficiency of different injector configurations[DOI]
Computers & fluids 117 262-272 (2015)
Computers & fluids 117 262-272 (2015)
Hydrodynamic instability and shear layer effect on the response of an acoustically excited laminar premixed flame[DOI]
Combustion and flame 162-2 345-367 (2015)
Combustion and flame 162-2 345-367 (2015)
Experimental investigation of the flow field in an elastic 180° curved vessel
[17th Int. Symp. on Appl. of Laser Techniques to Fluid Mechanics, Lissabon, Portugal] (2014)
[17th Int. Symp. on Appl. of Laser Techniques to Fluid Mechanics, Lissabon, Portugal] (2014)
High-speed tomographic PIV measurements of buffet flow over a supercritical airfoil
[17th Int. Symp. on Appl. of Laser Techniques to Fluid Mechanics, Lissabon, Portugal] (2014)
[17th Int. Symp. on Appl. of Laser Techniques to Fluid Mechanics, Lissabon, Portugal] (2014)
Noise Sources of Trailing-Edge Turbulence Controlled by Porous Media[DOI]
20th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference : [Proceedings] (2014)
20th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference : [Proceedings] (2014)
Thermoacoustics of a turbulent premixed flame[DOI]
20th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference : [Proceedings] (2014)
20th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference : [Proceedings] (2014)
A hierarchical Cartesian method for conjugated heat transfer[DOI]
44th AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference : [Proceedings] (2014)
44th AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference : [Proceedings] (2014)
High-Frequency Measurements of Acoustic and Entropy Disturbances in a Hypersonic Wind Tunnel[DOI]
44th AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference : [Proceedings] (2014)
44th AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference : [Proceedings] (2014)
Tomographic particle-image velocimetry measurements in a turbulent wavy channel flow
[17th Int. Symp. on Appl. of Laser Techniques to Fluid Mechanics, Lissabon, Portugal] (2014)
[17th Int. Symp. on Appl. of Laser Techniques to Fluid Mechanics, Lissabon, Portugal] (2014)
PIV measurements comparing natural and model owl wings
[17th Int. Symp. on Appl. of Laser Techniques to Fluid Mechanics, Lissabon, Portugal] (2014)
[17th Int. Symp. on Appl. of Laser Techniques to Fluid Mechanics, Lissabon, Portugal] (2014)
Analysis of Tip Clearance Vortices in a Rotating Axial Fan by Large-Eddy Simulation
[The 5th International Symposium on Jet Propulsion and Power Engineering, Sept. 15-19, 2014, Beiijing, China] (2014)
[The 5th International Symposium on Jet Propulsion and Power Engineering, Sept. 15-19, 2014, Beiijing, China] (2014)
Numerical Investigation of the Combined Effects of Gravity and Turbulence on the Motion of Small and Heavy Particles[DOI]
New Results in Numerical and Experimental Fluid Mechanics IX : Contributions to the 18th STAB/DGLR Symposium, Stuttgart, Germany, 2012 / edited by Andreas Dillmann, Gerd Heller, Ewald Krämer, Hans-Peter Kreplin, Wolfgang Nitsche, Ulrich Rist 124 93-101 (2014)
New Results in Numerical and Experimental Fluid Mechanics IX : Contributions to the 18th STAB/DGLR Symposium, Stuttgart, Germany, 2012 / edited by Andreas Dillmann, Gerd Heller, Ewald Krämer, Hans-Peter Kreplin, Wolfgang Nitsche, Ulrich Rist 124 93-101 (2014)
Partitioned Fluid-Structure Interaction on Solution-Adaptive Hierarchical Cartesian Grids[DOI]
New Results in Numerical and Experimental Fluid Mechanics IX : Contributions to the 18th STAB/DGLR Symposium, Stuttgart, Germany, 2012 / edited by Andreas Dillmann, Gerd Heller, Ewald Krämer, Hans-Peter Kreplin, Wolfgang Nitsche, Ulrich Rist 124 375-383 (2014)
New Results in Numerical and Experimental Fluid Mechanics IX : Contributions to the 18th STAB/DGLR Symposium, Stuttgart, Germany, 2012 / edited by Andreas Dillmann, Gerd Heller, Ewald Krämer, Hans-Peter Kreplin, Wolfgang Nitsche, Ulrich Rist 124 375-383 (2014)
Impact of Forced High Frequency Airfoil Oscillations on the Shock Motion at Transonic Buffet Flows[DOI]
New Results in Numerical and Experimental Fluid Mechanics IX : Contributions to the 18th STAB/DGLR Symposium, Stuttgart, Germany, 2012 / edited by Andreas Dillmann, Gerd Heller, Ewald Krämer, Hans-Peter Kreplin, Wolfgang Nitsche, Ulrich Rist 124 563-571 (2014)
New Results in Numerical and Experimental Fluid Mechanics IX : Contributions to the 18th STAB/DGLR Symposium, Stuttgart, Germany, 2012 / edited by Andreas Dillmann, Gerd Heller, Ewald Krämer, Hans-Peter Kreplin, Wolfgang Nitsche, Ulrich Rist 124 563-571 (2014)
Wall-shear stress measurements in an adverse pressure gradient turbulent boundary layer[DOI]
AIAA journal 2014/2352 1 (2014)
AIAA journal 2014/2352 1 (2014)
Influence of turbulence on the drop growth in warm clouds, Part I : comparison of numerically and experimentally determined collision kernels[Open Access]
Meteorologische Zeitschrift 23-4 397-410 (2014)
Meteorologische Zeitschrift 23-4 397-410 (2014)
Real-time simulation of aeroelastic rotor loads for horizontal axis wind turbines[DOI]
Journal of physics / Conference series 524 012071 (2014)
Journal of physics / Conference series 524 012071 (2014)
Collision rates of small ellipsoids settling in turbulence[DOI]
Journal of fluid mechanics 758 686-701 (2014)
Journal of fluid mechanics 758 686-701 (2014)
Experimental investigation of the fluid-structure interaction in an elastic 180 degrees curved vessel at laminar oscillating flow[DOI]
Experiments in fluids 55-10 1816 (2014)
Experiments in fluids 55-10 1816 (2014)
A flexible level-set approach for tracking multiple interacting interfaces in embedded boundary methods[DOI]
Computers & fluids 102 182-202 (2014)
Computers & fluids 102 182-202 (2014)
Particle-Image Velocimetry and Force Measurements of Leading-Edge Serrations on Owl-Based Wing Models[DOI]
Journal of bionic engineering 11-3 423-438 (2014)
Journal of bionic engineering 11-3 423-438 (2014)
A particle-image velocimetry tracer generating technique for liquid flows[DOI]
Measurement science and technology 25-8 087001 (2014)
Measurement science and technology 25-8 087001 (2014)
Massively parallel grid generation on HPC systems[DOI]
Computer methods in applied mechanics and engineering 277 131-153 (2014)
Computer methods in applied mechanics and engineering 277 131-153 (2014)
Orientation statistics and settling velocity of ellipsoids in decaying turbulence[DOI]
Atmospheric research 142-SI 45-56 (2014)
Atmospheric research 142-SI 45-56 (2014)
Investigation of the turbulent wake flow of generic launcher configurations via a zonal RANS/LES method[DOI]
CEAS space journal 5-1/2 75-86 (2013)
CEAS space journal 5-1/2 75-86 (2013)
Time-Resolved stereoscopic PIV measurements of cyclic variations in an internal combustion engine
[10th Int. Symp. On Particle Image Velocimetry-PIV13] (2013)
[10th Int. Symp. On Particle Image Velocimetry-PIV13] (2013)
Tomographic particle-image velocimetry in an IC engine
[10th Int. Symp. on Particle Image Velocimetry-PIV13, Delft, Netherlands] (2013)
[10th Int. Symp. on Particle Image Velocimetry-PIV13, Delft, Netherlands] (2013)
Combined experimental and numerical investigation of a transonic space launcher wake
[5th EUCASS Conference, Munich, München, Germany ] (2013)
[5th EUCASS Conference, Munich, München, Germany ] (2013)
Experimental and numerical investigation of the turbulent wake flow of a generic space launcher configuration
[5th EUCASS Conference, München, Germany ] (2013)
[5th EUCASS Conference, München, Germany ] (2013)
Time-resolved PIV and force measurements of wing models with artificial surface structures[DOI]
31st AIAA Applied Aerodynamics Conference : [Proceedings] (2013)
31st AIAA Applied Aerodynamics Conference : [Proceedings] (2013)
A robust cut-cell method for fluid-structure interaction on adaptive meshes[DOI]
21st AIAA Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference : [Proceedings] (2013)
21st AIAA Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference : [Proceedings] (2013)
Experimental investigation of fluid-structure interaction in elastic vessels[DOI]
43rd Fluid Dynamics Conference : [Proceedings] (2013)
43rd Fluid Dynamics Conference : [Proceedings] (2013)
Impact of Alternating Trailing-Edge Noise on Buffet Flows
[31st AIAA Applied Aerodynamics Conference, San Diego, CA, USA] (2013)
[31st AIAA Applied Aerodynamics Conference, San Diego, CA, USA] (2013)
Combustion modeling effects on the thermoacoustic sources of a laminar premixed flame[DOI]
19th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference : [Proceedings] (2013)
19th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference : [Proceedings] (2013)
Large-eddy simulation of high mach number film cooling with shock-wave interaction[DOI]
Progress in Flight Physics : [Proceedings] (2013)
Progress in Flight Physics : [Proceedings] (2013)
Investigations on the turbulent wake of a generic space launcher geometry in the hypersonic flow regime[DOI]
Progress in flight physics : EUCASS book series advances in aerospace sciences, volume 5 / edited byPhilippe Reijasse, Doyle D. Knight, Mikhail S. Ivanov, Igor I. Lipatov (2013)
Progress in flight physics : EUCASS book series advances in aerospace sciences, volume 5 / edited byPhilippe Reijasse, Doyle D. Knight, Mikhail S. Ivanov, Igor I. Lipatov (2013)
Kármán kennt man sogar auf dem Mars. Vor 50 Jahren starb der Wegbereiter der modernen Aerodynamik. Er lehrte in Aachen, bis er 1933 Deutschland verlassen musste.
Aachener Nachrichten 69-104 vom 2013/05/06 27 (2013)
Aachener Nachrichten 69-104 vom 2013/05/06 27 (2013)
Engine In-Cylinder Flow Control via Variable Intake Valve Timing[DOI]
SAE technical paper 2013-24-0055 11 Seiten (2013)
SAE technical paper 2013-24-0055 11 Seiten (2013)
Fluid mechanics based classification of the respiratory efficiency of several nasal cavities[DOI]
Computers in biology and medicine 43-11 1833-1852 (2013)
Computers in biology and medicine 43-11 1833-1852 (2013)
Analysis of basic flow regimes in a human airway model by stereo-scanning PIV[DOI]
Experiments in fluids 54-6 1562 (2013)
Experiments in fluids 54-6 1562 (2013)
Large-eddy simulation of shock-cooling-film interaction at helium and hydrogen injection[DOI]
Physics of fluids 25-10 106101 (2013)
Physics of fluids 25-10 106101 (2013)
Comparison of source reconstruction methods for hybrid aeroacoustic predictions[DOI]
International journal of aeroacoustics 12-7/8 639-662 (2013)
International journal of aeroacoustics 12-7/8 639-662 (2013)
Large-Eddy Simulation of Film Cooling in an Adverse Pressure Gradient Flow[DOI]
Journal of turbomachinery 135-3 031031 (2013)
Journal of turbomachinery 135-3 031031 (2013)
Nonlinear Phenomena in Thermoacoustic Systems With Premixed Flames[DOI]
Journal of engineering for gas turbines and power 135-6 061502 (2013)
Journal of engineering for gas turbines and power 135-6 061502 (2013)
Measurement of turbulent wall shear-stress using micro-pillars[DOI]
Measurement science and technology 24-12 124002 (2013)
Measurement science and technology 24-12 124002 (2013)
A cut-cell method for sharp moving boundaries in Cartesian grids[DOI]
Computers & fluids 85-SI 135-142 (2013)
Computers & fluids 85-SI 135-142 (2013)
A reformulated synthetic turbulence generation method for a zonal RANS-LES method and its application to zero-pressure gradient boundary layers[DOI]
The international journal of heat and fluid flow 44 28-40 (2013)
The international journal of heat and fluid flow 44 28-40 (2013)
Lattice-Boltzmann Solutions with Local Grid Refinement for Nasal Cavity Flows[DOI]
New results in numerical and experimental fluid mechanics VIII : contributions to the 17th STAB/DGLR Symposium Berlin, Germany 2010 / Andreas Dillmann ... (eds.) 121 583-590 (2013)
New results in numerical and experimental fluid mechanics VIII : contributions to the 17th STAB/DGLR Symposium Berlin, Germany 2010 / Andreas Dillmann ... (eds.) 121 583-590 (2013)
Comparison of PIV Measured Flow Structures in Two Four-Valve Piston Engines[DOI]
New results in numerical and experimental fluid mechanics VIII : contributions to the 17th STAB/DGLR Symposium Berlin, Germany 2010 / Andreas Dillmann ... (eds.) 121 633-640 (2013)
New results in numerical and experimental fluid mechanics VIII : contributions to the 17th STAB/DGLR Symposium Berlin, Germany 2010 / Andreas Dillmann ... (eds.) 121 633-640 (2013)
A Level-Set Based Cartesian Grid Method to Simulate In-Cylinder Flow[DOI]
New results in numerical and experimental fluid mechanics VIII : contributions to the 17th STAB/DGLR Symposium Berlin, Germany 2010 / Andreas Dillmann ... (eds.) 121 481-488 (2013)
New results in numerical and experimental fluid mechanics VIII : contributions to the 17th STAB/DGLR Symposium Berlin, Germany 2010 / Andreas Dillmann ... (eds.) 121 481-488 (2013)
A Zonal RANS/LES Method for the Flow Around an Airfoil at High Angle of Attack[DOI]
New results in numerical and experimental fluid mechanics VIII : contributions to the 17th STAB/DGLR Symposium Berlin, Germany 2010 / Andreas Dillmann ... (eds.) 121 465-472 (2013)
New results in numerical and experimental fluid mechanics VIII : contributions to the 17th STAB/DGLR Symposium Berlin, Germany 2010 / Andreas Dillmann ... (eds.) 121 465-472 (2013)
Optimal Control of a Plane Jet Using the Adjoint Method[DOI]
New results in numerical and experimental fluid mechanics VIII : contributions to the 17th STAB/DGLR Symposium Berlin, Germany 2010 / Andreas Dillmann ... (eds.) 121 151-159 (2013)
New results in numerical and experimental fluid mechanics VIII : contributions to the 17th STAB/DGLR Symposium Berlin, Germany 2010 / Andreas Dillmann ... (eds.) 121 151-159 (2013)
Energy efficient relay nozzle settings in air-jet weaving by means of a model-based tool
Proceedings of the 7th Aachen-Dresden International Textile Conference, Aachen November 28-29, 2013 / Editor: Janine Hillmer P50, 9 Seiten (2013)
Proceedings of the 7th Aachen-Dresden International Textile Conference, Aachen November 28-29, 2013 / Editor: Janine Hillmer P50, 9 Seiten (2013)
Numerically determined geometric collision kernels in spatially evolving isotropic turbulence relevant for droplets in clouds[DOI]
Atmospheric research 127 8-21 (2013)
Atmospheric research 127 8-21 (2013)
Dissipation element analysis in experimental and numerical shear flow[DOI]
European journal of mechanics / B, Fluids 38 85-92 (2013)
European journal of mechanics / B, Fluids 38 85-92 (2013)
High-speed PIV measurements of the near-wall flow field over hairy surfaces[DOI]
Experiments in fluids 54-3 1472 (2013)
Experiments in fluids 54-3 1472 (2013)
Computational fluid dynamics: a suitable assessment tool for demonstrating the antiobstructive effect of drugs in the therapy of allergic rhinitis
Acta otorhinolaryngologica italica 33-1 36-42 (2013)
Acta otorhinolaryngologica italica 33-1 36-42 (2013)
On the interaction of shock waves and sound waves in transonic buffet flow[DOI]
Physics of fluids 25-2 026101 (2013)
Physics of fluids 25-2 026101 (2013)
An accurate moving boundary formulation in cut-cell methods[DOI]
Journal of computational physics 235 786-809 (2013)
Journal of computational physics 235 786-809 (2013)
Hydrodynamic instability effects in laminar premixed flames
[ECCOMAS Conference 2012, Wien, Austria] (2012)
[ECCOMAS Conference 2012, Wien, Austria] (2012)
Large-Eddy Simulation of Relaminarization in Supersonic Flow[DOI]
42nd AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference and Exhibit : [Proceedings] (2012)
42nd AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference and Exhibit : [Proceedings] (2012)
Improvement of The Measurement Range of The Micro-Pillar Shear-Stress Sensor MPS3[DOI]
28th Aerodynamic Measurement Technology, Ground Testing, and Flight Testing Conference : [Proceedings] (2012)
28th Aerodynamic Measurement Technology, Ground Testing, and Flight Testing Conference : [Proceedings] (2012)
A Fully Coupled Zonal RANS-LES Method for High Angle of Attack Flow[DOI]
30th AIAA Applied Aerodynamics Conference : [Proceedings] 1476-1486 (2012)
30th AIAA Applied Aerodynamics Conference : [Proceedings] 1476-1486 (2012)
Application of a Cartesian-Grid Immersed Boundary Method to 3D In-Cylinder Flow[DOI]
ASME 2012 Internal Combustion Engine Division Fall Technical Conference : [Proceedings] 687-696 (2012)
ASME 2012 Internal Combustion Engine Division Fall Technical Conference : [Proceedings] 687-696 (2012)
Holographic particle-image velocimetry measurements in a four-valve combustion engine
[16th Int. Symp. on Applications of Laser Techniques to Fluid Mechanics, Lissabon, Portugal] (2012)
[16th Int. Symp. on Applications of Laser Techniques to Fluid Mechanics, Lissabon, Portugal] (2012)
High-speed PIV measurements of the influence of artificial surface structures on the near-wall flow field of 3D wing models based on an owl geometry
[16th Int. Symp. on Applications of Laser Techniques to Fluid Mechanics, Lissabon, Portugal] (2012)
[16th Int. Symp. on Applications of Laser Techniques to Fluid Mechanics, Lissabon, Portugal] (2012)
Basic flow regimes in a human airway model measured by stereo scanning TR-PIV
[16th Int. Symp. on Applications of Laser Techniques to Fluid Mechanics, Lissabon, Portugal] (2012)
[16th Int. Symp. on Applications of Laser Techniques to Fluid Mechanics, Lissabon, Portugal] (2012)
Detection of upstream propagating sound waves at buffet flow using high-speed PIV[Open Access]
16. Int. Symp. on Applications of Laser Techniques to Fluid Mechanics (2012)
16. Int. Symp. on Applications of Laser Techniques to Fluid Mechanics (2012)
Impact of Spanwise Oscillation on Trailing-Edge Noise[DOI]
18th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference (33rd AIAA Aeroacoustics Conference) : [Proceedings] (2012)
18th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference (33rd AIAA Aeroacoustics Conference) : [Proceedings] (2012)
Thermoacoustical noise induced by laminar flame annihilation at varying flame thicknesses[DOI]
18th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference (33rd AIAA Aeroacoustics Conference) : 04 June 2012 - 06 June 2012 : Colorado Springs, CO (2012)
18th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference (33rd AIAA Aeroacoustics Conference) : 04 June 2012 - 06 June 2012 : Colorado Springs, CO (2012)
Impact of inhomogeneous density distribution on acoustic sources in turbulent jets
ERCOFTAC bulletin 90 15-20 (2012)
ERCOFTAC bulletin 90 15-20 (2012)
Experimental and numerical investigation of hypersonic instabilities in a boundary layer on a capsule with and without high-temperature gas effects
[RTO-AVT 200 Specialists Meeting on "Hypersonic Laminar-Turbulent Transition", München, Germany] (2012)
[RTO-AVT 200 Specialists Meeting on "Hypersonic Laminar-Turbulent Transition", München, Germany] (2012)
Non-invasive determination of external forces in vortex-pair-cylinder interactions[DOI]
Physics of fluids 24 061903 (2012)
Physics of fluids 24 061903 (2012)
Stereo PIV measurements of the in-cylinder flow of a motored four-valve combustion engine
9. International Symposium on Particle Image Velocimetry (2012)
9. International Symposium on Particle Image Velocimetry (2012)
Experimental investigation of the transitional bronchial velocity distribution using stereo scanning PIV[DOI]
Experiments in fluids 52 709-718 (2012)
Experiments in fluids 52 709-718 (2012)
Time-resolved stereo PIV measurements of shock-boundary layer interaction on a supercritical airfoil[DOI]
Experiments in fluids 52-3 591-604 (2012)
Experiments in fluids 52-3 591-604 (2012)
Investigation of a continuous adjoint-based optimization procedure for aeroacoustic control of plane jets[DOI]
The international journal of heat and fluid flow 38 200-212 (2012)
The international journal of heat and fluid flow 38 200-212 (2012)
Premixed flame response to equivalence ratio fluctuations: Comparison between reduced order modeling and detailed computations[DOI]
Combustion and flame 159-12 3530-3543 (2012)
Combustion and flame 159-12 3530-3543 (2012)
The Reissner Canard : The first all-metal airplane 100 years ago[DOI]
Progress in aerospace sciences 54 59-64 (2012)
Progress in aerospace sciences 54 59-64 (2012)
Stereoscopic multi-planar PIV measurements of in-cylinder tumbling flow[DOI]
Experiments in fluids 53-6 1993-2009 (2012)
Experiments in fluids 53-6 1993-2009 (2012)
Analysis of the unsteady flow in an elastic stenotic vessel[DOI]
European journal of mechanics / B, Fluids 35 Special-SI 102-110 (2012)
European journal of mechanics / B, Fluids 35 Special-SI 102-110 (2012)
Surface structure and dimensional effects on the aerodynamics of an owl-based wing model[DOI]
European journal of mechanics / B, Fluids 33-May/June 58-73 (2012)
European journal of mechanics / B, Fluids 33-May/June 58-73 (2012)
On least-order flow representations for aerodynamics and aeroacoustics[DOI]
Journal of fluid mechanics 697 367-398 (2012)
Journal of fluid mechanics 697 367-398 (2012)
Multiplane-stereo PIV measurements for steady flow in the first two bifurcations of the upper human airways during exhalation
Proceedings of the ECCOMAS Thematic International Conference on Simulation and Modeling of Biological Flows (SIMBIO 2011) (2011)
Proceedings of the ECCOMAS Thematic International Conference on Simulation and Modeling of Biological Flows (SIMBIO 2011) (2011)
Investigation of the Inspiration and Heating Capability of the Human Nasal Cavity Based on a Lattice-Boltzmann Method
Proceedings of the ECCOMAS Thematic International Conference on Simulation and Modeling of Biological Flows (SIMBIO 2011) (2011)
Proceedings of the ECCOMAS Thematic International Conference on Simulation and Modeling of Biological Flows (SIMBIO 2011) (2011)
Time resolved measurements of wall-shear stress, dilatation, and static pressure in an elastic, stenotic vessel[Open Access]
Proceedings of the ECCOMAS Thematic International Conference on Simulation and Modeling of Biological Flows (SIMBIO 2011) 040, 10 Seiten (2011)
Proceedings of the ECCOMAS Thematic International Conference on Simulation and Modeling of Biological Flows (SIMBIO 2011) 040, 10 Seiten (2011)
Lattice Boltzmann Simulations with Locally Refined Meshes[DOI]
20th AIAA Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference : 27 June 2011 (2011)
20th AIAA Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference : 27 June 2011 (2011)
Zonal RANS-LES computation of transonic airfoil flow[DOI]
29th AIAA Applied Aerodynamics Conference : 27 June 2011 (2011)
29th AIAA Applied Aerodynamics Conference : 27 June 2011 (2011)
Experimental Investigation of Coupled Heave/Pitch Oscillations in Transonic Flow[DOI]
29th AIAA Applied Aerodynamics Conference : 27 June 2011 (2011)
29th AIAA Applied Aerodynamics Conference : 27 June 2011 (2011)
Airframe-Noise Reduction by Suppressing Near-Wall Turbulent Structures[DOI]
17th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference (32nd AIAA Aeroacoustics Conference) : 05 June 2011 (2011)
17th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference (32nd AIAA Aeroacoustics Conference) : 05 June 2011 (2011)
Reformulation of Acoustic Entropy Source Terms[DOI]
17th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference (32nd AIAA Aeroacoustics Conference) : 05 June 2011 (2011)
17th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference (32nd AIAA Aeroacoustics Conference) : 05 June 2011 (2011)
Analysis of acoustic source terms of a coaxial helium/air jet[DOI]
17th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference (32nd AIAA Aeroacoustics Conference) : 05 June 2011 - 08 June 2011 : Portland, Oregon (2011)
17th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference (32nd AIAA Aeroacoustics Conference) : 05 June 2011 - 08 June 2011 : Portland, Oregon (2011)
Time-resolved analysis of the fluid-structure interaction in an elastic stenotic vessel using TRPIV
9th International Symposium on Particle-Image Velocimetry : PIV11 : Kobe, Japan, July 21-23, 2011 (2011)
9th International Symposium on Particle-Image Velocimetry : PIV11 : Kobe, Japan, July 21-23, 2011 (2011)
Investigation of forced heave/pitch oscillations of a supercritical airfoil in transonic flows
[International Forum on Aeroelasticity and Structural Dynamics, IFASD, Paris, France] (2011)
[International Forum on Aeroelasticity and Structural Dynamics, IFASD, Paris, France] (2011)
Numerical Investigation to Enhance the Thrust Vector of a Scramjet Nozzle[DOI]
17th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference (32nd AIAA Aeroacoustics Conference) : 05 June 2011 (2011)
17th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference (32nd AIAA Aeroacoustics Conference) : 05 June 2011 (2011)
Large-Eddy Simulation of Supersonic Film Cooling at Laminar and Turbulent Injection
17th AIAA International Space Planes and Hypersonic Systems and Technologies Conference 2011 : San Francisco, California, USA, 11 - 14 April 2011 . - Vol. 1 647-659 (2011)
17th AIAA International Space Planes and Hypersonic Systems and Technologies Conference 2011 : San Francisco, California, USA, 11 - 14 April 2011 . - Vol. 1 647-659 (2011)
Experimental Analysis of Three-Dimensional Flow Structures in Two Four-Valve Combustion Engines[DOI]
SAE technical paper 2011 12 pages (2011)
SAE technical paper 2011 12 pages (2011)
Computational science and high performance computing IV : the 4th Russian-German advanced research workshop, Freiburg, Germany, October 12 to 16, 2009 ; [proceedings of the Fourth Russian-German Advanced Research Workshop on Computational Science and High Performance Computing][DOI]
(Krause, Egon; Shokin, Yurii; Resch, Michael; Kröner, Dietmar; Shokina, Nina)
4. Russian-German Advanced Research Workshop on Computational Science and High Performance Computing 115 XXIII, 378 S. : Ill., graph. Darst. (2011)
(Krause, Egon; Shokin, Yurii; Resch, Michael; Kröner, Dietmar; Shokina, Nina)
4. Russian-German Advanced Research Workshop on Computational Science and High Performance Computing 115 XXIII, 378 S. : Ill., graph. Darst. (2011)
Three-dimensional flow measurements inside the cylinder of a four-value combustion engine
[11th Asian Symposium on Visualization, ASV11, 05.06.2011-09.06.2011, Niigata, Japan] (2011)
[11th Asian Symposium on Visualization, ASV11, 05.06.2011-09.06.2011, Niigata, Japan] (2011)
SFB Transregio 40: Schubdüse
60. Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrtkongress 2011 : Tagungsband - Manuskripte ; 27.-29. September 2011, Congress Centrum Bremen 175-194 (2011)
60. Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrtkongress 2011 : Tagungsband - Manuskripte ; 27.-29. September 2011, Congress Centrum Bremen 175-194 (2011)
Miscellaneous Topics
High performance computing in science and engineering '10 : transactions of the High Performance Computing Center, Stuttgart (HLRS) 2010 ; [14th [i.e. 13th] Annual Results and Review Workshop on High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering, which was held on October 4 - 5, 2010 at the Stuttgart University ; workshop proceedings] / Wolfgang E. Nagel ..., ed. 515-517 (2011)
High performance computing in science and engineering '10 : transactions of the High Performance Computing Center, Stuttgart (HLRS) 2010 ; [14th [i.e. 13th] Annual Results and Review Workshop on High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering, which was held on October 4 - 5, 2010 at the Stuttgart University ; workshop proceedings] / Wolfgang E. Nagel ..., ed. 515-517 (2011)
Numerical Investigation of Shock Wave Boundary-Layer Interaction Using a Zonal RANS-LES Ansatz[DOI]
High performance computing in science and engineering '10 : transactions of the High Performance Computing Center, Stuttgart (HLRS) 2010 ; [14th [i.e. 13th] Annual Results and Review Workshop on High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering, which was held on October 4 - 5, 2010 at the Stuttgart University ; workshop proceedings] / Wolfgang E. Nagel ..., ed. 369-383 (2011)
High performance computing in science and engineering '10 : transactions of the High Performance Computing Center, Stuttgart (HLRS) 2010 ; [14th [i.e. 13th] Annual Results and Review Workshop on High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering, which was held on October 4 - 5, 2010 at the Stuttgart University ; workshop proceedings] / Wolfgang E. Nagel ..., ed. 369-383 (2011)
Evolutive, iterative aerodynamical global optimization, with weak aerodynamics/structure interactions
Coupled problems 2011 : computational methods for coupled problems in science and engineering IV ; [proceedings of the IV International Conference on Computational Methods for Coupled Problems in Science and Engineering held in Kos, Greece, 20 - 22 June 2011] Computational methods for coupled problems in science and engineering IV 1273-1281 (2011)
Coupled problems 2011 : computational methods for coupled problems in science and engineering IV ; [proceedings of the IV International Conference on Computational Methods for Coupled Problems in Science and Engineering held in Kos, Greece, 20 - 22 June 2011] Computational methods for coupled problems in science and engineering IV 1273-1281 (2011)
Methods for quantitative evaluation of alveolar structure during in vivo microscopy[DOI]
Respiratory physiology & neurobiology 176-3 123-129 (2011)
Respiratory physiology & neurobiology 176-3 123-129 (2011)
Comparison of holographic and tomographic particle-image velocimetry turbulent channel flow measurements[DOI]
Journal of physics / Conference series 318 022019 (2011)
Journal of physics / Conference series 318 022019 (2011)
Friction Drag Variation via Spanwise Transversal Surface Waves[DOI]
Flow, turbulence and combustion 87-1 33-53 (2011)
Flow, turbulence and combustion 87-1 33-53 (2011)
Development of a shear stress sensor to analyse the influence of polymers on the turbulent wall shear stress[DOI]
Journal of physics / Condensed matter 23-18 184121 (2011)
Journal of physics / Condensed matter 23-18 184121 (2011)
A level-set based adaptive-grid method for premixed combustion[DOI]
Combustion and flame 158-7 1318-1339 (2011)
Combustion and flame 158-7 1318-1339 (2011)
Investigation of dissipation elements in a fully developed turbulent channel flow by tomographic particle-image velocimetry[DOI]
Physics of fluids 23-3 035106 (2011)
Physics of fluids 23-3 035106 (2011)
Time-Resolved Particle Image Velocimetry of Unsteady Shock Wave-Boundary Layer Interaction[DOI]
AIAA journal 49-1 195-204 (2011)
AIAA journal 49-1 195-204 (2011)
A strictly conservative Cartesian cut-cell method for compressible viscous flows on adaptive grids[DOI]
Computer methods in applied mechanics and engineering 200-9/12 1038-1052 (2011)
Computer methods in applied mechanics and engineering 200-9/12 1038-1052 (2011)
Stagnant vortex flow
Computational science and high performance computing IV : the 4th Russian-German advanced research workshop, Freiburg, Germany, October 12 to 16, 2009 ; [proceedings of the Fourth Russian-German Advanced Research Workshop on Computational Science and High Performance Computing] / Egon Krause ... (ed.) 115 65-74 (2011)
Computational science and high performance computing IV : the 4th Russian-German advanced research workshop, Freiburg, Germany, October 12 to 16, 2009 ; [proceedings of the Fourth Russian-German Advanced Research Workshop on Computational Science and High Performance Computing] / Egon Krause ... (ed.) 115 65-74 (2011)
Visualization of Supersonic Flow past EOS[DOI]
Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik : ZAMM = Journal of applied mathematics and mechanics 812000,3-Suppl. 3 777-780 (2011)
Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik : ZAMM = Journal of applied mathematics and mechanics 812000,3-Suppl. 3 777-780 (2011)
SFB-Transregio 40: Heckströmungen
Tagungsband, Manuskripte / Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrtkongress 2011 : Bremen, 27. bis 29. September 2011 (2011)
Tagungsband, Manuskripte / Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrtkongress 2011 : Bremen, 27. bis 29. September 2011 (2011)
A cartesian cut-cell solver for compressible flows[DOI]
Computational science and high performance computing IV : the 4th Russian-German advanced research workshop, Freiburg, Germany, October 12 to 16, 2009 ; [proceedings of the Fourth Russian-German Advanced Research Workshop on Computational Science and High Performance Computing] / Egon Krause ... (ed.) 115 363-376 (2011)
Computational science and high performance computing IV : the 4th Russian-German advanced research workshop, Freiburg, Germany, October 12 to 16, 2009 ; [proceedings of the Fourth Russian-German Advanced Research Workshop on Computational Science and High Performance Computing] / Egon Krause ... (ed.) 115 363-376 (2011)
Time resolved stereo PIV measurements of unsteady shock-boundary layer interaction on a supercritical airfoil
[15th Int. Symp. on Applications of Laser Techniques to Fluid Mechanics, Lissabon, Portugal] (2010)
[15th Int. Symp. on Applications of Laser Techniques to Fluid Mechanics, Lissabon, Portugal] (2010)
Time resolved stereo PIV of shock oscillations on an airfoil in transonic flow
[Deutscher Luft - und Raumfahrtkongress, DLRK, Hamburg, Germany] (2010)
[Deutscher Luft - und Raumfahrtkongress, DLRK, Hamburg, Germany] (2010)
An Adaptive Dual-Mesh Method for Premixed Combustion Using the Level Set Approach[DOI]
48th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting Including the New Horizons Forum and Aerospace Exposition : [Proceedings] (2010)
48th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting Including the New Horizons Forum and Aerospace Exposition : [Proceedings] (2010)
Cycle-Resolved Multi-Planar Flow Measurements in a Four-Valve Combustion Engine[DOI]
Experiments in fluids 50-4 961-976 (2010)
Experiments in fluids 50-4 961-976 (2010)
Experimental and numerical investigation of turbulent convection in a rotating cylinder[DOI]
Journal of fluid mechanics 642 445-476 (2010)
Journal of fluid mechanics 642 445-476 (2010)
Localized edge states nucleate turbulence in extended plane Couette cells[DOI]
Journal of fluid mechanics 646 441-451 (2010)
Journal of fluid mechanics 646 441-451 (2010)
Compressible turbulent channel and pipe flow: similarities and differences[DOI]
Journal of fluid mechanics 648 155-181 (2010)
Journal of fluid mechanics 648 155-181 (2010)
Local consumption speed of turbulent premixed flames - An analysis of 'memory effects'[DOI]
Combustion and flame 157-5 955-965 (2010)
Combustion and flame 157-5 955-965 (2010)
Large-eddy simulation of variable-density round and plane jets[DOI]
The international journal of heat and fluid flow 31-3, SI 307-314 (2010)
The international journal of heat and fluid flow 31-3, SI 307-314 (2010)
The compressible mixing layer: an LES study[DOI]
Theoretical and computational fluid dynamics 24-6 565-588 (2010)
Theoretical and computational fluid dynamics 24-6 565-588 (2010)
Turbulent Mixing in an Accelerated Nozzle Flow[DOI]
The international journal of heat and fluid flow 31-3 342-350 (2010)
The international journal of heat and fluid flow 31-3 342-350 (2010)
Numerical simulation of riblet controlled spatial transition in a zero-pressure gradient boundary layer[DOI]
Flow, turbulence and combustion 85-1 57-71 (2010)
Flow, turbulence and combustion 85-1 57-71 (2010)
Investigation of pulsatile flow in the upper human airways[DOI]
International journal of design & nature and ecodynamics 5-4 335-353 (2010)
International journal of design & nature and ecodynamics 5-4 335-353 (2010)
In vivo microscopy in a porcine model of acute lung injury[DOI]
Respiratory physiology & neurobiology 172-3 192-200 (2010)
Respiratory physiology & neurobiology 172-3 192-200 (2010)
Computational Fluid Dynamics. Analysis of Nasal Flow
B-ENT : a publication of the Royal Belgian Society for ENT and Head and Neck Surgery 6-3 161-165 (2010)
B-ENT : a publication of the Royal Belgian Society for ENT and Head and Neck Surgery 6-3 161-165 (2010)
On the Assumption of steadiness of Nasal Cavity Flow[DOI]
Journal of biomechanics 43-6 1081-1085 (2010)
Journal of biomechanics 43-6 1081-1085 (2010)
Turbulence and heat excited noise sources in single and coaxial jets[DOI]
Journal of sound and vibration : JSV 329-7 786-803 (2010)
Journal of sound and vibration : JSV 329-7 786-803 (2010)
On accuracy and efficiency of constrained reinitialization[DOI]
International journal for numerical methods in fluids 63-11 1347-1358 (2010)
International journal for numerical methods in fluids 63-11 1347-1358 (2010)
The Constrained Reinitialization Equation for Level Set Methods[DOI]
Journal of computational physics 229-5 1514-1535 (2010)
Journal of computational physics 229-5 1514-1535 (2010)
A zonal RANS-LES method to determine the flow over a high-lift configuration[DOI]
Computers & fluids 39-7 1241-1253 (2010)
Computers & fluids 39-7 1241-1253 (2010)
Effect of filter width on sound of variable density jets
16th AIAA / Stockholm, Sweden, 7-9 June 2010 / American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. 2092-2103 (2010)
16th AIAA / Stockholm, Sweden, 7-9 June 2010 / American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. 2092-2103 (2010)
Advances in the computational aeroacoustics with the discontinuous galerkin solver NoisSol
16th AIAA / Stockholm, Sweden, 7-9 June 2010 / American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. 1747-1756 (2010)
16th AIAA / Stockholm, Sweden, 7-9 June 2010 / American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. 1747-1756 (2010)
Numerical Simulation of Riblet Controlled Spatial Transition[DOI]
High performance computing in science and engineering '09 : transactions of the High Performance Computing Center Stuttgart (HLRS) 2009 ; [Twelfth Results and Review Workshop on High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering, which has been held October 8 - 9, 2008 [i.e. 2009] at Stuttgart University] / Wolfgang E. Nagel ..., ed.. - Pt. 5 311-324 (2010)
High performance computing in science and engineering '09 : transactions of the High Performance Computing Center Stuttgart (HLRS) 2009 ; [Twelfth Results and Review Workshop on High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering, which has been held October 8 - 9, 2008 [i.e. 2009] at Stuttgart University] / Wolfgang E. Nagel ..., ed.. - Pt. 5 311-324 (2010)
Miscellaneous Topics[DOI]
High performance computing in science and engineering '09 : transactions of the High Performance Computing Center Stuttgart (HLRS) 2009 ; [Twelfth Results and Review Workshop on High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering, which has been held October 8 - 9, 2008 [i.e. 2009] at Stuttgart University] / Wolfgang E. Nagel ..., ed. 467-469 (2010)
High performance computing in science and engineering '09 : transactions of the High Performance Computing Center Stuttgart (HLRS) 2009 ; [Twelfth Results and Review Workshop on High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering, which has been held October 8 - 9, 2008 [i.e. 2009] at Stuttgart University] / Wolfgang E. Nagel ..., ed. 467-469 (2010)
LES of the Flow over a High-Lift Airfoil Configuration
Progress in turbulence III : proceedings of the ITi Conference in Turbulence 2008 / Joachim Peinke ... 131 227-230 (2010)
Progress in turbulence III : proceedings of the ITi Conference in Turbulence 2008 / Joachim Peinke ... 131 227-230 (2010)
LES of Riblet Controlled Temporal Transition of Channel Flow
Progress in turbulence III : proceedings of the ITi Conference in Turbulence 2008 / Joachim Peinke ... 131 183-186 (2010)
Progress in turbulence III : proceedings of the ITi Conference in Turbulence 2008 / Joachim Peinke ... 131 183-186 (2010)
Localized edge states for the transition to turbulence in shear flows[DOI]
Seventh IUTAM Symposium on Laminar-Turbulent Transition : proceedings of the Seventh IUTAM Symposium on Laminar-Turbulent Transition : Stockholm, Sweden, 2009 [June 23 - 26] / P. Schlatter; D[an] S. Henningson, ed. 18 253-258 (2010)
Seventh IUTAM Symposium on Laminar-Turbulent Transition : proceedings of the Seventh IUTAM Symposium on Laminar-Turbulent Transition : Stockholm, Sweden, 2009 [June 23 - 26] / P. Schlatter; D[an] S. Henningson, ed. 18 253-258 (2010)
The influence of leading-edge serrations on the flow field of an artificial owl wing
AIAA meeting papers on disc [15.]2010-6 (2010)
AIAA meeting papers on disc [15.]2010-6 (2010)
Numerical Simulation of Nasal Cavity Flow Based on a Lattice-Boltzmann Method[DOI]
New results in numerical and experimental fluid mechanics VII : contributions to the 16th STAB/DGLR symposium Aachen, Germany 2008 ; [November, 3 - 4, 2008] / Andreas Dillmann ... (ed.) 112 513-520 (2010)
New results in numerical and experimental fluid mechanics VII : contributions to the 16th STAB/DGLR symposium Aachen, Germany 2008 ; [November, 3 - 4, 2008] / Andreas Dillmann ... (ed.) 112 513-520 (2010)
Analysis of the temporal flow field in a tracheobronchial model
Proceedings / CFD 2010, 5th European Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics : Lisbon, Portugal, June 14th - 17th, 2010 / ECCOMAS, the European Community on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. Ed.: J. C. F. Pereira ... 13 S. (2010)
Proceedings / CFD 2010, 5th European Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics : Lisbon, Portugal, June 14th - 17th, 2010 / ECCOMAS, the European Community on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. Ed.: J. C. F. Pereira ... 13 S. (2010)
Numerical study of noise reduction via wall turbulence control
AIAA meeting papers on disc [15.]2010-5 (2010)
AIAA meeting papers on disc [15.]2010-5 (2010)
Analysis of high-lift generated noise via a hybrid LES/CAA method[DOI]
New results in numerical and experimental fluid mechanics VII : contributions to the 16th STAB/DGLR symposium Aachen, Germany 2008 ; [November, 3 - 4, 2008] / Andreas Dillmann ... (ed.) 112 449-456 (2010)
New results in numerical and experimental fluid mechanics VII : contributions to the 16th STAB/DGLR symposium Aachen, Germany 2008 ; [November, 3 - 4, 2008] / Andreas Dillmann ... (ed.) 112 449-456 (2010)
Effect of filter with on sound of variable density jets
AIAA meeting papers on disc [15.]2010-5 (2010)
AIAA meeting papers on disc [15.]2010-5 (2010)
Riblets in a turbulent adverse-pressure gradient boundary layer
AIAA meeting papers on disc [15.]2010-6 (2010)
AIAA meeting papers on disc [15.]2010-6 (2010)
Drag reduction in a turbulent boundary layer by spanwise transversal surface waves
AIAA meeting papers on disc [15.]2010-6 (2010)
AIAA meeting papers on disc [15.]2010-6 (2010)
Comparison of PIV and LDA measurements within the cylinder of a four-valve combustion engine
8th International Symposium on Engineering Turbulence Modelling and Measurements - ETMM8 : proceedings ; Marseille, France, 9-11 June 2010 / ERCOFTAC, European Research Collaboration on Flow Turbulence and Combustion. - Vol. 1-3 899-904 (2010)
8th International Symposium on Engineering Turbulence Modelling and Measurements - ETMM8 : proceedings ; Marseille, France, 9-11 June 2010 / ERCOFTAC, European Research Collaboration on Flow Turbulence and Combustion. - Vol. 1-3 899-904 (2010)
Three-Dimensional Flow Field within a Four-Valve Combustion Engine Measured by Particle-Image Velocimetry
ISFV 14 : The 14th International Symposium on Flow Visualization ; June 20 - 24, 2010, EXCO, Daegu, Korea / Korean Soc. of Visualization, K. Chun Kim ... (2010)
ISFV 14 : The 14th International Symposium on Flow Visualization ; June 20 - 24, 2010, EXCO, Daegu, Korea / Korean Soc. of Visualization, K. Chun Kim ... (2010)
On the interaction of a vortex pair with a freely moving cylinder
AIAA meeting papers on disc [15.]2010-6 (2010)
AIAA meeting papers on disc [15.]2010-6 (2010)
In- and outflow conditions for a zonal RANS/LES method
8th International Symposium on Engineering Turbulence Modelling and Measurements - ETMM8 : proceedings ; Marseille, France, 9-11 June 2010 / ERCOFTAC, European Research Collaboration on Flow Turbulence and Combustion. - Bd. 1 30-35 (2010)
8th International Symposium on Engineering Turbulence Modelling and Measurements - ETMM8 : proceedings ; Marseille, France, 9-11 June 2010 / ERCOFTAC, European Research Collaboration on Flow Turbulence and Combustion. - Bd. 1 30-35 (2010)
Simulation of transonic airfoil flow with a zonal RANS-LES method
Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrtkongress 2010 : Hamburg, 31. August - 2. September 2010; Tagungsband / DGLR. 0178-6326, S./Art.: 161191 2010 161191 (2010)
Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrtkongress 2010 : Hamburg, 31. August - 2. September 2010; Tagungsband / DGLR. 0178-6326, S./Art.: 161191 2010 161191 (2010)
A level-set based cut-cell method for flows with complex moving boundaries[Open Access]
Proceedings / CFD 2010, 5th European Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics : Lisbon, Portugal, June 14th - 17th, 2010 / ECCOMAS, the European Community on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. Ed.: J. C. F. Pereira ... 20 Seiten (2010)
Proceedings / CFD 2010, 5th European Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics : Lisbon, Portugal, June 14th - 17th, 2010 / ECCOMAS, the European Community on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. Ed.: J. C. F. Pereira ... 20 Seiten (2010)
Large-Eddy Simulation of Supersonic Film Cooling
46th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference & Exhibit, Nashville, TN, July 25-28, AIAA 2010-6792 (2010)
46th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference & Exhibit, Nashville, TN, July 25-28, AIAA 2010-6792 (2010)
Experimentelle Analyse der Fluid-Struktur-Interaktion und Wandschubspannung in elastischen Gefäßen bei pulsatiler Durchströmung
Lasermethoden in der Strömungsmesstechnik : 18. Fachtagung, 7. - 9. September 2010, Cottbus / veranst. von der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Laser-Anemometrie GALA e.V. Hrsg.: C. Egbers ... 12, 8 S. (2010)
Lasermethoden in der Strömungsmesstechnik : 18. Fachtagung, 7. - 9. September 2010, Cottbus / veranst. von der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Laser-Anemometrie GALA e.V. Hrsg.: C. Egbers ... 12, 8 S. (2010)
Experimental investigation of the bronchial velocity distribution using scanning stereo PIV
Applications of laser techniques to fluid mechanics : Lisbon 15th 2010 International Symposium ; 15th International Symposium on Applications of Laser Techniques to Fluid Mechanics ; Lisbon, 05 - 08 July 2010 (2010)
Applications of laser techniques to fluid mechanics : Lisbon 15th 2010 International Symposium ; 15th International Symposium on Applications of Laser Techniques to Fluid Mechanics ; Lisbon, 05 - 08 July 2010 (2010)
Influence of hydrodynamic instability on the heat release transfer function of premixed flames
Power for land, sea and air (GT2010) : June 14 -18, 2010, Glasgow, UK / ASME Turbo Expo 2010. IGTI 709-717 (2010)
Power for land, sea and air (GT2010) : June 14 -18, 2010, Glasgow, UK / ASME Turbo Expo 2010. IGTI 709-717 (2010)
Tomographic Particle-Image Velocimetry in a Fully Developed Channel Flow to Measure Dissipation Elements[Open Access]
15th International Symposium on Applications of Laser Techniques to Fluid Mechanics, Lisbon, Portugal, July 2010 (2010)
15th International Symposium on Applications of Laser Techniques to Fluid Mechanics, Lisbon, Portugal, July 2010 (2010)
Numerical simulation of riblet controlled oblique transition[DOI]
Seventh IUTAM Symposium on Laminar-Turbulent Transition : proceedings of the Seventh IUTAM Symposium on Laminar-Turbulent Transition : Stockholm, Sweden, 2009 [June 23 - 26] / P. Schlatter; D[an] S. Henningson, ed. 18 207-212 (2010)
Seventh IUTAM Symposium on Laminar-Turbulent Transition : proceedings of the Seventh IUTAM Symposium on Laminar-Turbulent Transition : Stockholm, Sweden, 2009 [June 23 - 26] / P. Schlatter; D[an] S. Henningson, ed. 18 207-212 (2010)
A refractive index matched facility for pulsatile flow elastic vessels[DOI]
Experiments in fluids 47-4/5 865-881 (2009)
Experiments in fluids 47-4/5 865-881 (2009)
Position-sensitive ion detection in precision Penning trap mass spectrometry[DOI]
Nuclear instruments and methods in physics research : Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment 606-3 475-483 (2009)
Nuclear instruments and methods in physics research : Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment 606-3 475-483 (2009)
Turbulence statistics and energy budget in rotating Rayleigh-Bénard convection[DOI]
European journal of mechanics / B, Fluids 28-4 578-589 (2009)
European journal of mechanics / B, Fluids 28-4 578-589 (2009)
3D-visualization Of The Nasal Flow After Allergen Challenge And The Effect Of Mometasone Furoate Nasal Spray (MFNS)[DOI]
The journal of allergy and clinical immunology 123-Suppl. 2 512, 135-135 (2009)
The journal of allergy and clinical immunology 123-Suppl. 2 512, 135-135 (2009)
Comparison of two in vivo microscopy techniques to visualize alveolar mechanics[DOI]
Journal of clinical monitoring and computing 23-5 323-332 (2009)
Journal of clinical monitoring and computing 23-5 323-332 (2009)
High Reynolds Number Turbulent Wind Tunnel Boundary Layer Wall-Shear Stress Sensor[DOI]
Journal of turbulence 10-14 12 S. (2009)
Journal of turbulence 10-14 12 S. (2009)
Wall-shear stress patterns of coherent structures in turbulent duct flow[DOI]
Journal of fluid mechanics 633 147-158 (2009)
Journal of fluid mechanics 633 147-158 (2009)
Two-Dimensional Visualization of Turbulent Wall Shear Stress Using Micropillars[DOI]
AIAA journal 47-2 314-321 (2009)
AIAA journal 47-2 314-321 (2009)
Time-resolved and volumetric PIV measurements of a transitional separation bubble on an SD7003 airfoil[DOI]
Experiments in fluids 44-4 609-622 (2009)
Experiments in fluids 44-4 609-622 (2009)
Acoustic wave refraction in open turbulent flames[DOI]
Acta acustica united with Acustica 95-3 440-447 (2009)
Acta acustica united with Acustica 95-3 440-447 (2009)
PIV–LES analysis of channel flow rotating about the streamwise axis[DOI]
European journal of mechanics / B, Fluids 28-5 677-688 (2009)
European journal of mechanics / B, Fluids 28-5 677-688 (2009)
Analysis of different sound source formulations to simulate combustion generated noise using a hybrid LES/APE-RF method[DOI]
International journal of aeroacoustics 8-1/2 95-123 (2009)
International journal of aeroacoustics 8-1/2 95-123 (2009)
Miscellaneous Topics[DOI]
High performance computing in science and engineering ' 08 : transactions of the High Performance Computing Center, Stuttgart (HLRS) 2008 / Wolfgang E. Nagel ... eds. 525-527 (2009)
High performance computing in science and engineering ' 08 : transactions of the High Performance Computing Center, Stuttgart (HLRS) 2008 / Wolfgang E. Nagel ... eds. 525-527 (2009)
Anisotropy in turbulent rotating convection[DOI]
Advances in Turbulence XII : Proceedings of the 12th EUROMECH European Turbulence Conference,September 7-10, 2009, Marburg, Germany / edited by Bruno Eckhardt 132 49008 (2009)
Advances in Turbulence XII : Proceedings of the 12th EUROMECH European Turbulence Conference,September 7-10, 2009, Marburg, Germany / edited by Bruno Eckhardt 132 49008 (2009)
Hybrid Parallelization for Multi-View Visualization of Time-Dependent Simulation Data
EG PGV 2009 : 9th Eurographics Symposium on Parallel Graphics and Visualization ; Munich, Germany, March 29 - 30, 2009 ; [Eurographics symposium proceedings] / conference chair: Kurt Debattista. Program co-chairs: Daniel Weiskopf; João Comba 79-86 (2009)
EG PGV 2009 : 9th Eurographics Symposium on Parallel Graphics and Visualization ; Munich, Germany, March 29 - 30, 2009 ; [Eurographics symposium proceedings] / conference chair: Kurt Debattista. Program co-chairs: Daniel Weiskopf; João Comba 79-86 (2009)
Cycle-Resolved Multi-Planar Particle-Image Velocimetry Measurements of the In-Cylinder Flow of a Four-Valve Combustion Engine
Conference proceedings / 8th International Symposium on Particle Image Velocimetry, PIV'09 : August 25 - 28, 2009, Melbourne, Australia / supported by: Air Force Office of Scientific Research ... Ed. by Julio Soria ... (2009)
Conference proceedings / 8th International Symposium on Particle Image Velocimetry, PIV'09 : August 25 - 28, 2009, Melbourne, Australia / supported by: Air Force Office of Scientific Research ... Ed. by Julio Soria ... (2009)
Numerical investigation of the flow field in the upper human airways[DOI]
Modelling in medicine and biology VIII : [Eighth International Conference on Modelling in Medicine and Biology] / ed. C.A. Brebbia 13 103-114 (2009)
Modelling in medicine and biology VIII : [Eighth International Conference on Modelling in Medicine and Biology] / ed. C.A. Brebbia 13 103-114 (2009)
Analysis of the temporal behavior of the base flow of a supersonic axisymmetric rocket configuration using LES
3rd European Conference for Aerospace Sciences : July 6 - 9, 2009, Versailles Conference Center, Versailles, France ; programme / Von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics. M. L. Riethmuller, ed.-in-chief 14 S. (2009)
3rd European Conference for Aerospace Sciences : July 6 - 9, 2009, Versailles Conference Center, Versailles, France ; programme / Von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics. M. L. Riethmuller, ed.-in-chief 14 S. (2009)
From Fluid Mechanics to Acoustics
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Coupled Methods in Numerical Dynamics, CMND 2009, Split, Croatia, September 16 - 19, 2009 / ed. by Zdravko Terze ... 3-34 (2009)
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Coupled Methods in Numerical Dynamics, CMND 2009, Split, Croatia, September 16 - 19, 2009 / ed. by Zdravko Terze ... 3-34 (2009)
Large-Eddy Simulation of Interacting Film Cooling Jets
Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo 2009 : presented at the 2009 ASME Turbo Expo, June 8 - 12, 2009, Orlando, Florida, USA / sponsored by the International Gas Turbine Institute 81-90 (2009)
Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo 2009 : presented at the 2009 ASME Turbo Expo, June 8 - 12, 2009, Orlando, Florida, USA / sponsored by the International Gas Turbine Institute 81-90 (2009)
Numerical Simulation of Riblet Controlled Transition
Sixth International Symposium on Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena : Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea, June 22 - 24, 2009 / Edited by N. Kasagi .... - Vol. 1-3 (2009)
Sixth International Symposium on Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena : Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea, June 22 - 24, 2009 / Edited by N. Kasagi .... - Vol. 1-3 (2009)
Mixing of Several Fluids in an Accelerated Nozzle Flow
Sixth International Symposium on Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena : Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea, June 22-24 2009 / edited by N. Kasagi ... [et al.].. - Vol. 3 1299-1304 (2009)
Sixth International Symposium on Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena : Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea, June 22-24 2009 / edited by N. Kasagi ... [et al.].. - Vol. 3 1299-1304 (2009)
High spanwise wall-shear stress events in turbulent duct flow[DOI]
Advances in Turbulence XII : Proceedings of the 12th EUROMECH European Turbulence Conference,September 7-10, 2009, Marburg, Germany / edited by Bruno Eckhardt 132 935-936 (2009)
Advances in Turbulence XII : Proceedings of the 12th EUROMECH European Turbulence Conference,September 7-10, 2009, Marburg, Germany / edited by Bruno Eckhardt 132 935-936 (2009)
A General Formulation of Boundary Conditions on Cartesian Cut-Cells for Compressible Viscous Flow
AIAA meeting papers on disc [14.]2009-7 1-10 (2009)
AIAA meeting papers on disc [14.]2009-7 1-10 (2009)
Noise Prediction for Turbulent Coaxial Jets[DOI]
Numerical simulation of turbulent flows and noise generation : results of the DFG/CNRS research groups FOR 507 and FOR 508 / Christophe Brun ... (ed.) 104 99-119 (2009)
Numerical simulation of turbulent flows and noise generation : results of the DFG/CNRS research groups FOR 507 and FOR 508 / Christophe Brun ... (ed.) 104 99-119 (2009)
Acoustic refraction effects in turbulent reacting flows
AIAA meeting papers on disc [14.]2009-6 9 S. (2009)
AIAA meeting papers on disc [14.]2009-6 9 S. (2009)
Time-resolved two- and three-dimensional measurements of transitional separation bubbles[DOI]
Imaging measurement methods for flow analysis : results of the DFG priority programme 1147 imaging measurement methods for flow analysis 2003 - 2009 / Wolfgang Nitsche; Christoph Dobriloff (ed.) 106 83-92 (2009)
Imaging measurement methods for flow analysis : results of the DFG priority programme 1147 imaging measurement methods for flow analysis 2003 - 2009 / Wolfgang Nitsche; Christoph Dobriloff (ed.) 106 83-92 (2009)
Large-eddy simulation of the base flow of a cylindrical space vehicle configuration
Proceedings of the 6th European Symposium on Aerothermodynamics for Space Vehicles : 3 - 6 November 2008, Versailles, France / ed.: H. Lacoste ... 659 7 S. (2009)
Proceedings of the 6th European Symposium on Aerothermodynamics for Space Vehicles : 3 - 6 November 2008, Versailles, France / ed.: H. Lacoste ... 659 7 S. (2009)
Meandering of wing-tip vortices interacting with a cold jet in the extended wake[DOI]
High performance computing on vector systems 2008 : [presentations given at the seventh Teraflop Workshop, held in November 2007 at Tohoku University, Japan, the eight Teraflop Workshop, held in April 2008 at the Höchstleistungsrechenzentrum Stuttgart (HLRS), Germany, and at the Japan Atomic Energy Agency in April 2008] / Michael Resch ..., ed. 223-242 (2009)
High performance computing on vector systems 2008 : [presentations given at the seventh Teraflop Workshop, held in November 2007 at Tohoku University, Japan, the eight Teraflop Workshop, held in April 2008 at the Höchstleistungsrechenzentrum Stuttgart (HLRS), Germany, and at the Japan Atomic Energy Agency in April 2008] / Michael Resch ..., ed. 223-242 (2009)
Numerical and Experimental Analysis of Cylindrical Film Cooling Holes in a Shallow Cavity[DOI]
AIAA meeting papers on disc [13.]2008-1 AIAA 2008-570 (2008)
AIAA meeting papers on disc [13.]2008-1 AIAA 2008-570 (2008)
Intravitale Konfokalmikroskopie zur Darstellung der Alveoarmtechnik bei exprimentellen induzierten Lungenversagen
[2. Dresdner Sensor-Symposiums, DMtS, Dresden, Germany] (2008)
[2. Dresdner Sensor-Symposiums, DMtS, Dresden, Germany] (2008)
Numerical Applicability of Different Sound Source Formulations to Compute Combustion Noise Using Acoustic Perturbation Equations for Reacting Flows[DOI]
14th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference (29th AIAA Aeroacoustics Conference) : [Proceedings] (2008)
14th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference (29th AIAA Aeroacoustics Conference) : [Proceedings] (2008)
3D-MRI-visualization of nasal allergen challenge with and without mometasone furoate nasal spray[DOI]
Allergy : European journal of allergy and clinical immunology 63-Suppl. s 88 1845 (2008)
Allergy : European journal of allergy and clinical immunology 63-Suppl. s 88 1845 (2008)
Erratum to “Differential Equation Based Constrained Reinitialization for Level Set Methods” [J. Comput. Phys. 227 (2008) 6821–6845][DOI]
Journal of computational physics 227-22 9696 (2008)
Journal of computational physics 227-22 9696 (2008)
On an analogy to the area-velocity relation of gasdynamics in slender vortices[DOI]
Acta mechanica 201-1/4 23-30 (2008)
Acta mechanica 201-1/4 23-30 (2008)
Investigation of vortex induced unsteadiness of a seperation in a bubble via time-resolved and scanning PIV measurements[DOI]
Experiments in fluids 45-4 675-691 (2008)
Experiments in fluids 45-4 675-691 (2008)
A multilevel formulation for Cartesian hierarchical grid methods with adaptive mesh refinement[DOI]
Computers & fluids 37-9 1103-1125 (2008)
Computers & fluids 37-9 1103-1125 (2008)
Experimental analysis of the flow field over a novel owl based airfoil[DOI]
Experiments in fluids 46-5 975-989 (2008)
Experiments in fluids 46-5 975-989 (2008)
Large-eddy simulation of rotating turbulent channel flow[DOI]
Flow, turbulence and combustion 80.2008-1 119-132 (2008)
Flow, turbulence and combustion 80.2008-1 119-132 (2008)
Measurement in a zero-pressure gradient turbulent boundary layer with forced thermal convection[DOI]
Flow, turbulence and combustion 81-1/2 131-153 (2008)
Flow, turbulence and combustion 81-1/2 131-153 (2008)
Disturbance evolution in the leading-edge region of a blunt flat plate in supersonic flow[DOI]
Fluid dynamics research 40-11/12 803-826 (2008)
Fluid dynamics research 40-11/12 803-826 (2008)
Numerical analysis of the acoustic field of reacting flows via acoustic perturbation equations[DOI]
Computers & fluids 37-9 1157-1169 (2008)
Computers & fluids 37-9 1157-1169 (2008)
Noise prediction for a turbulent jet using different hybrid methods[DOI]
Computers & fluids 37-4 : special issue 414-426 (2008)
Computers & fluids 37-4 : special issue 414-426 (2008)
Large-eddy simulation of film cooling flows at density gradients[DOI]
The international journal of heat and fluid flow 29-1 18-34 (2008)
The international journal of heat and fluid flow 29-1 18-34 (2008)
Dynamic calibration technique for the micro-pillar shear-stress sensor MPS3[DOI]
Measurement science and technology 19-10 105201 (2008)
Measurement science and technology 19-10 105201 (2008)
Numerical investigation of the three-dimensional flow in a human lung model[DOI]
Journal of biomechanics 41-11 2446-2457 (2008)
Journal of biomechanics 41-11 2446-2457 (2008)
Numerical analysis of the impact of the nose geometry on the flow structure : Part II: Natural valve and lower turbinate
Computational fluid dynamics journal 16-3 243-260 (2008)
Computational fluid dynamics journal 16-3 243-260 (2008)
Numerical analysis of the impact of the nose geometry on the flow structure : Part I: Septum spurs
Computational fluid dynamics journal 16-2 219-234 (2008)
Computational fluid dynamics journal 16-2 219-234 (2008)
Dynamic wall-shear stress measurements in turbulent pipe flow using the micro-pillar sensor MPS3[DOI]
The international journal of heat and fluid flow 2008 830-840 (2008)
The international journal of heat and fluid flow 2008 830-840 (2008)
Differential equation based constrained reinitialization for level set methods[DOI]
Journal of computational physics 227-14 6821-6845 (2008)
Journal of computational physics 227-14 6821-6845 (2008)
Mean wall-shear stress measurements using the micro-pillar shear stress sensor MPS3[DOI]
Measurement science and technology 19-1 015403 (2008)
Measurement science and technology 19-1 015403 (2008)
Large-eddy simulation of film cooling flow ejected in a shallow cavity[DOI]
Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo 2008 : presented at the 2008 ASME Turbo Expo, June 9 - 13, 2008, Berlin, Germany / sponsored by the International Gas Turbine Institute 55-64 (2008)
Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo 2008 : presented at the 2008 ASME Turbo Expo, June 9 - 13, 2008, Berlin, Germany / sponsored by the International Gas Turbine Institute 55-64 (2008)
Zonal large-eddy simulations and aeroacoustics of high-lift airfoil configurations[DOI]
Computational science and high performance computing III : the 3rd Russian-German advanced research workshop, Novosibirsk, Russia, 23 - 27 July 2007 / Egon Krause ... (ed.) 101 136-154 (2008)
Computational science and high performance computing III : the 3rd Russian-German advanced research workshop, Novosibirsk, Russia, 23 - 27 July 2007 / Egon Krause ... (ed.) 101 136-154 (2008)
Miscellaneous topics[Open Access]
High performace computing in science and engineering 07 : transactions of the High Performance Computing Center Stuttgart (HLRS) 2007 ; [Tenth Results and Review Workshop on High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering, which was held October 4 - 5, 2007 at Stuttgart University] / Wolfgang E. Nagel ..., ed. 571-572 (2008)
High performace computing in science and engineering 07 : transactions of the High Performance Computing Center Stuttgart (HLRS) 2007 ; [Tenth Results and Review Workshop on High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering, which was held October 4 - 5, 2007 at Stuttgart University] / Wolfgang E. Nagel ..., ed. 571-572 (2008)
Aeroacoustic prediction of jet and slat noise[DOI]
High performace computing in science and engineering 07 : transactions of the High Performance Computing Center Stuttgart (HLRS) 2007 ; [Tenth Results and Review Workshop on High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering, which was held October 4 - 5, 2007 at Stuttgart University] / Wolfgang E. Nagel ..., ed. 387-408 (2008)
High performace computing in science and engineering 07 : transactions of the High Performance Computing Center Stuttgart (HLRS) 2007 ; [Tenth Results and Review Workshop on High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering, which was held October 4 - 5, 2007 at Stuttgart University] / Wolfgang E. Nagel ..., ed. 387-408 (2008)
Transonic shock buffet interference of an oscillating high aspect ratio swept wing
AIAA meeting papers on disc 13-10 1 S. (2008)
AIAA meeting papers on disc 13-10 1 S. (2008)
Time-resolved PIV measurements of oscillating flow in a non-collapsing flexible pipe
14th Lisbon : International Symposium on Applications of Laser Techniques to Fluid Mechanics ; 7 - 10 July, 2008, Lisbon, Portugal (2008)
14th Lisbon : International Symposium on Applications of Laser Techniques to Fluid Mechanics ; 7 - 10 July, 2008, Lisbon, Portugal (2008)
Experimental analysis of the flow over a owl-shape based airfoil
14th Lisbon : International Symposium on Applications of Laser Techniques to Fluid Mechanics ; 7 - 10 July, 2008, Lisbon, Portugal (2008)
14th Lisbon : International Symposium on Applications of Laser Techniques to Fluid Mechanics ; 7 - 10 July, 2008, Lisbon, Portugal (2008)
Numerische Untersuchung zum Schubverhalten einer Scramjet Düse
Motto: Wissen und Visionen für ein nachhaltiges Wachstum : Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrtkongress 2008, Darmstadt, 23. bis 25. September 2008 / Deutsche Gesellschaft für Luft- und Raumfahrt - Lilienthal-Oberth e.V. (DGLR). - Vol. 1-3 2008 (2008)
Motto: Wissen und Visionen für ein nachhaltiges Wachstum : Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrtkongress 2008, Darmstadt, 23. bis 25. September 2008 / Deutsche Gesellschaft für Luft- und Raumfahrt - Lilienthal-Oberth e.V. (DGLR). - Vol. 1-3 2008 (2008)
Large-eddy simulation of the flow around a high-lift airfoil configuration
Fifth International Symposium on Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena : TU München, Garching, Germany, 27 - 29 August 2007 / ed. by R. Friedrich ... (2008)
Fifth International Symposium on Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena : TU München, Garching, Germany, 27 - 29 August 2007 / ed. by R. Friedrich ... (2008)
High performance computing towards silent flows[DOI]
High performance computing on vector systems 2007 : [presentations given at the Fifth Teraflop Workshop held in November 2006 at Tohoku University, Japan, and the Sixth Teraflop Workshop held in March 2007 at the Stuttgart High Performance Computing Center (HLRS), Germany] / Michael Resch ..., ed. 115-135 (2008)
High performance computing on vector systems 2007 : [presentations given at the Fifth Teraflop Workshop held in November 2006 at Tohoku University, Japan, and the Sixth Teraflop Workshop held in March 2007 at the Stuttgart High Performance Computing Center (HLRS), Germany] / Michael Resch ..., ed. 115-135 (2008)
Numerical applicability of different sound source formulations to compute combustion noise using acoustic perturbation equations for reacting flows
AIAA meeting papers on disc [13.]2008-5 (2008)
AIAA meeting papers on disc [13.]2008-5 (2008)
Time-resolved PIV measurements of oscillating pipe flow with flexible walls
ISFV 13/FLUVISU 12 : International Symposium on Flow Visualization/French Congress on Visualization in Fluid Mechanics ; July 1 - 4, 2008, Nice, France / ed.: J. P. Prenel ... (2008)
ISFV 13/FLUVISU 12 : International Symposium on Flow Visualization/French Congress on Visualization in Fluid Mechanics ; July 1 - 4, 2008, Nice, France / ed.: J. P. Prenel ... (2008)
High resolution wall-shear stress measurements using a micro-pillar sensor MPS3[Open Access]
Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena 5 (2007)
Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena 5 (2007)
Evolution of jets effusing from inclined holes into crossflow[DOI]
The international journal of heat and fluid flow 28-6 1312-1326 (2007)
The international journal of heat and fluid flow 28-6 1312-1326 (2007)
Design and numerical optimization of thick airfoils including blunt trailing edges[DOI]
Journal of aircraft 44-1 232-240 (2007)
Journal of aircraft 44-1 232-240 (2007)
Comparison of direct numerical simulations and particle-image velocimetry data of turbulent channel flow rotating about the streamwise axis[DOI]
Physics of fluids 19-8 085114 (2007)
Physics of fluids 19-8 085114 (2007)
Interdisziplinäres Networking für klinische und molekulare Fragestellungen beim nicht-muskelinvasiven Urothelkarzinom der Harnblase[DOI]
Der Urologe : Organ der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Urologie 46-9 1126-1128 (2007)
Der Urologe : Organ der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Urologie 46-9 1126-1128 (2007)
Reduced-order representation of turbulent jet flow and its noise source[DOI]
European series in applied and industrial mathematics 16 33-50 (2007)
European series in applied and industrial mathematics 16 33-50 (2007)
Time resolved analysis of steady and oscillating flow in the upper human airways[DOI]
Experiments in fluids 42-6 955-970 (2007)
Experiments in fluids 42-6 955-970 (2007)
Acoustic perturbation equations for reacting flows to compute combustion noise[DOI]
International journal of aeroacoustics 6-4 335-355 (2007)
International journal of aeroacoustics 6-4 335-355 (2007)
LES of film cooling for different jet fluids
Hangkong-dongli-xuebao : jikan = Journal of aerospace power 22-4 521-530 (2007)
Hangkong-dongli-xuebao : jikan = Journal of aerospace power 22-4 521-530 (2007)
Morphometric characterisation of wing feathers of the barn owl Tyto alba pratincola and the pigeon Columba livia[DOI]
Frontiers in zoology 4-23 15 S. (2007)
Frontiers in zoology 4-23 15 S. (2007)
Comparison of DNS and PIV data of turbulent channel flow rotating about the streamwise axis
Physics of fluids 19 (2007)
Physics of fluids 19 (2007)
Large-eddy simulation of streamwise-rotating tubulent channel flow[DOI]
Computers & fluids 37-7 786-792 (2007)
Computers & fluids 37-7 786-792 (2007)
Large-Eddy Simulation of Tundish Flows Using Preconditioning[DOI]
New results in numerical and experimental fluid mechanics VI : contributions to the 15th STAB/DGLR symposium Darmstadt, Germany 2006 / Cameron Tropea ... (ed.) 96 397-404 (2007)
New results in numerical and experimental fluid mechanics VI : contributions to the 15th STAB/DGLR symposium Darmstadt, Germany 2006 / Cameron Tropea ... (ed.) 96 397-404 (2007)
Towards noise reduction of coaxial jets
A collection of technical papers / 13th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference : Rome, Italy, 21 - 23 May 2007 (2007)
A collection of technical papers / 13th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference : Rome, Italy, 21 - 23 May 2007 (2007)
Hole shape comparison for film cooling flows using large-eddy simulations
AIAA meeting papers on disc 2007-1/5 (2007)
AIAA meeting papers on disc 2007-1/5 (2007)
Numerical analysis of sound sources in high Reynolds number single jets
AIAA meeting papers on disc [12.]2007-10-11 (2007)
AIAA meeting papers on disc [12.]2007-10-11 (2007)
Numerical analysis of wing vortices[DOI]
New results in numerical and experimental fluid mechanics VI : contributions to the 15th STAB/DGLR symposium Darmstadt, Germany 2006 / Cameron Tropea ... (ed.) 96 17-25 (2007)
New results in numerical and experimental fluid mechanics VI : contributions to the 15th STAB/DGLR symposium Darmstadt, Germany 2006 / Cameron Tropea ... (ed.) 96 17-25 (2007)
Wall-shear stress assessment in zero-pressure gradient turbulent flow using MPS3[DOI]
Advances in turbulence XI : proceedings of the 11th EUROMECH European Turbulence Conference, June 25 - 28, 2007, Porto, Portugal / José M. Laginha M. Palma ...(eds.) 117 97-99 (2007)
Advances in turbulence XI : proceedings of the 11th EUROMECH European Turbulence Conference, June 25 - 28, 2007, Porto, Portugal / José M. Laginha M. Palma ...(eds.) 117 97-99 (2007)
Transonic Shock-boundary-layer interaction on an oscillating high-aspect ratio wwept wing
International Forum on Aeroelasticity and Structural Dynamics, Stockholm, Schweden June 18-20, 2007 (2007)
International Forum on Aeroelasticity and Structural Dynamics, Stockholm, Schweden June 18-20, 2007 (2007)
A hybrid RANS/LES solution of the flow around an airfoil flap configuration
Fifth International Symposium on Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena : TU München, Garching, Germany, 27 - 29 August 2007 / ed. by R. Friedrich ... (2007)
Fifth International Symposium on Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena : TU München, Garching, Germany, 27 - 29 August 2007 / ed. by R. Friedrich ... (2007)
Investigation of Kelvin-Helmholtz induced separation bubble flapping via time-resolved and scanning PIV measurments
7th International Symposium Particle Image Velocimetry : PIV 2007 ; Rome, 11 - 14 September 2007 / Faculty of Engineering, University 'La Sapienza', Rome, Italy (2007)
7th International Symposium Particle Image Velocimetry : PIV 2007 ; Rome, 11 - 14 September 2007 / Faculty of Engineering, University 'La Sapienza', Rome, Italy (2007)
LES of turbulent transport in film cooling at several hole shapes
Proceedings of IGTC '07 TokyoPro: presented at the International Gas Turbine Congress 2007, December 2-7, 2007, Tokyo, Japan (2007)
Proceedings of IGTC '07 TokyoPro: presented at the International Gas Turbine Congress 2007, December 2-7, 2007, Tokyo, Japan (2007)
LES of film cooling efficiency for different hole shapes
Fifth International Symposium on Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena : TU München, Garching, Germany, 27 - 29 August 2007 / ed. by R. Friedrich ... (2007)
Fifth International Symposium on Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena : TU München, Garching, Germany, 27 - 29 August 2007 / ed. by R. Friedrich ... (2007)
'LES-CAA coupling'
Large-eddy simulation for acoustics : [based on the contributions of the International Workshop on LES for Acoustics in Göttingen, 2002] / ed. by Claus Wagner; Thomas Hüttl; Pierre Sagaut 20 (2007)
Large-eddy simulation for acoustics : [based on the contributions of the International Workshop on LES for Acoustics in Göttingen, 2002] / ed. by Claus Wagner; Thomas Hüttl; Pierre Sagaut 20 (2007)
Investigation of Lattice Boltzmann Methods for LES[DOI]
Progress in turbulence II : proceedings of the ITi Conference in Turbulence 2005 ; with 5 tables / Martin Oberlack ... (ed.) 109 279-283 (2007)
Progress in turbulence II : proceedings of the ITi Conference in Turbulence 2005 ; with 5 tables / Martin Oberlack ... (ed.) 109 279-283 (2007)
Numerical analysis of sound generating mechanisms of a high-lift device[DOI]
New results in numerical and experimental fluid mechanics VI : contributions to the 15th STAB/DGLR symposium Darmstadt, Germany 2006 / Cameron Tropea ... (ed.) 96 421-429 (2007)
New results in numerical and experimental fluid mechanics VI : contributions to the 15th STAB/DGLR symposium Darmstadt, Germany 2006 / Cameron Tropea ... (ed.) 96 421-429 (2007)
Reduced-order analysis of turbulent jet noise
Fortschritte der Akustik : DAGA 2007 ; 33. Jahrestagung für Akustik, 19. bis 22. März 2007 in Stuttgart / Veranst.: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Akustik (DEGA), Lehrstuhl für Bauphysik der Universität Stuttgart (LBP) und das Fraunhofer-Institut für Bauphysik (IBP). Wiss. Hrsg.: Schew-Ram Mehra ... (2007)
Fortschritte der Akustik : DAGA 2007 ; 33. Jahrestagung für Akustik, 19. bis 22. März 2007 in Stuttgart / Veranst.: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Akustik (DEGA), Lehrstuhl für Bauphysik der Universität Stuttgart (LBP) und das Fraunhofer-Institut für Bauphysik (IBP). Wiss. Hrsg.: Schew-Ram Mehra ... (2007)
LES of turbulent mixing in film cooling flows
Conference on Turbulence and Interactions TI 2006 (2006)
Conference on Turbulence and Interactions TI 2006 (2006)
Flow visualization of internal flow in the human lung network[DOI]
Journal of visualization 9-3 239-239 (2006)
Journal of visualization 9-3 239-239 (2006)
Computational fluid dynamics and digital particle image velocimetry study of the flow through an optimized micro-axial blood pump[DOI]
Artificial organs 30-5 384-391 (2006)
Artificial organs 30-5 384-391 (2006)
Comparison of steady and unsteady nasal cavity flow solutions for the complete respiration cycle
Computational fluid dynamics journal 15-3 354-377 (2006)
Computational fluid dynamics journal 15-3 354-377 (2006)
Scanning PIV measurements of a laminar separation bubble[DOI]
Experiments in fluids 41-2 319-326 (2006)
Experiments in fluids 41-2 319-326 (2006)
Coated hot-film sensors for transition detection in cruise flight[DOI]
Journal of aircraft 43-2 456-465 (2006)
Journal of aircraft 43-2 456-465 (2006)
A large-eddy simulation method for low Mach number flows using preconditioning and multigrid[DOI]
Computers & fluids 35-10 1126-1136 (2006)
Computers & fluids 35-10 1126-1136 (2006)
Investigation of the impact of the geometry on the nose flow[DOI]
European journal of mechanics / B, Fluids 25-4 471-490 (2006)
European journal of mechanics / B, Fluids 25-4 471-490 (2006)
Large-eddy simulations and particle-image velocimetry measurements of tundish flow
Steel research international 77-8 565-575 (2006)
Steel research international 77-8 565-575 (2006)
Nano-newton drag sensor based on flexible micro-pillars[DOI]
Measurement science and technology 17-10 2689-2697 (2006)
Measurement science and technology 17-10 2689-2697 (2006)
Large-eddy simulation of tundish flow[DOI]
High performance computing in science and engineering '06 : transactions of the High Performance Computing Center Stuttgart (HLRS) 2006 / Wolfgang E. Nagel ..., ed. Results and Review Workshop on High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering ; (Stuttgart) : 2006.10.19-20 (2006)
High performance computing in science and engineering '06 : transactions of the High Performance Computing Center Stuttgart (HLRS) 2006 / Wolfgang E. Nagel ..., ed. Results and Review Workshop on High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering ; (Stuttgart) : 2006.10.19-20 (2006)
Breakdown of compressible slender vortices[DOI]
Computational science and high performance computing II : the 2nd Russian-German Advanced Research Workshop [on Computational Science and High Performance Computing], Stuttgart, Germany, March 14 to 16, 2005 / Egon Krause ... (ed.) 91 1-12 (2006)
Computational science and high performance computing II : the 2nd Russian-German Advanced Research Workshop [on Computational Science and High Performance Computing], Stuttgart, Germany, March 14 to 16, 2005 / Egon Krause ... (ed.) 91 1-12 (2006)
Hybrid LES/CAA method for aeroacoustic applications[DOI]
High performance computing in science and engineering '05 : transactions of the High Performance Computing Center, Stuttgart (HLRS) 2005 ; [Eighth Results and Review Workshop on High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering, which was held October 13 - 14, 2005 at Stuttgart University] / Wolfgang E. Nagel ... , ed. 155-172 (2006)
High performance computing in science and engineering '05 : transactions of the High Performance Computing Center, Stuttgart (HLRS) 2005 ; [Eighth Results and Review Workshop on High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering, which was held October 13 - 14, 2005 at Stuttgart University] / Wolfgang E. Nagel ... , ed. 155-172 (2006)
Miscellaneous topics
High performance computing in science and engineering '06 : transactions of the High Performance Computing Center Stuttgart (HLRS) 2006 / Wolfgang E. Nagel ..., ed. Results and Review Workshop on High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering ; (Stuttgart) : 2006.10.19-20 471-472 (2006)
High performance computing in science and engineering '06 : transactions of the High Performance Computing Center Stuttgart (HLRS) 2006 / Wolfgang E. Nagel ..., ed. Results and Review Workshop on High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering ; (Stuttgart) : 2006.10.19-20 471-472 (2006)
Miscellaneous topics
High performance computing in science and engineering '05 : transactions of the High Performance Computing Center, Stuttgart (HLRS) 2005 ; [Eighth Results and Review Workshop on High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering, which was held October 13 - 14, 2005 at Stuttgart University] / Wolfgang E. Nagel ... , ed. 277-278 (2006)
High performance computing in science and engineering '05 : transactions of the High Performance Computing Center, Stuttgart (HLRS) 2005 ; [Eighth Results and Review Workshop on High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering, which was held October 13 - 14, 2005 at Stuttgart University] / Wolfgang E. Nagel ... , ed. 277-278 (2006)
A hybrid LES/CAA method for aeroacoustic applications[DOI]
High performance computing on vector systems : proceedings of the High Performance Computing Center, Stuttgart, March 2005 ; [presentations given at the Second Teraflop Workbench Project Workshop held at the Höchstleistungsrechenzentrum Stuttgart (HLRS) in March 2005] / Michael Resch ..., eds. 139-153 (2006)
High performance computing on vector systems : proceedings of the High Performance Computing Center, Stuttgart, March 2005 ; [presentations given at the Second Teraflop Workbench Project Workshop held at the Höchstleistungsrechenzentrum Stuttgart (HLRS) in March 2005] / Michael Resch ..., eds. 139-153 (2006)
Engine jet/vortex interaction in the near wake of an airfoil
AIAA meeting papers on disc [11.]2006-10-13 (2006)
AIAA meeting papers on disc [11.]2006-10-13 (2006)
Time-resolved PIV measurements of vortical structures in the upper human airways
Innovation durch Einheit von Therapie und Monitoring : protektive Beatmungskonzepte, Lasertherapie und optische Messverfahren, sensorische-aktorische Rückkopplung in der Rehabilitationstechnik / 1. Dresdner Medizintechnik-Symposium, 4. bis 6. Dezember 2006, Dresden. Rüdiger Poll; Jens Füssel (Hg.) / 1. Dresdner Medizintechnik Symposium, Dresden, December, 2006 1 35-40 (2006)
Innovation durch Einheit von Therapie und Monitoring : protektive Beatmungskonzepte, Lasertherapie und optische Messverfahren, sensorische-aktorische Rückkopplung in der Rehabilitationstechnik / 1. Dresdner Medizintechnik-Symposium, 4. bis 6. Dezember 2006, Dresden. Rüdiger Poll; Jens Füssel (Hg.) / 1. Dresdner Medizintechnik Symposium, Dresden, December, 2006 1 35-40 (2006)
Vortex detection via scanning PIV measurements
Lasermethoden in der Strömungsmesstechnik : 14. Fachtagung, 5. bis 7. September 2006, Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt, Braunschweig / veranst. von der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Laser-Anemometrie GALA e.V. In Zsarb. mit der Physikalisch-Technischen Bundesanstalt Braunschweig. Hrsg.: D. Dopheide ... (2006)
Lasermethoden in der Strömungsmesstechnik : 14. Fachtagung, 5. bis 7. September 2006, Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt, Braunschweig / veranst. von der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Laser-Anemometrie GALA e.V. In Zsarb. mit der Physikalisch-Technischen Bundesanstalt Braunschweig. Hrsg.: D. Dopheide ... (2006)
Large-eddy simulations for tundish and airfoil flows[DOI]
Advances in high performance computing and computational sciences : the 1st Kazakh-German Advanced Research Workshop [on Computational Science and High Performance Computing], Almaty, Kazakhstan, September 25 to October 1, 2005 / Yurii Shokin ... (ed.) 93 185-204 (2006)
Advances in high performance computing and computational sciences : the 1st Kazakh-German Advanced Research Workshop [on Computational Science and High Performance Computing], Almaty, Kazakhstan, September 25 to October 1, 2005 / Yurii Shokin ... (ed.) 93 185-204 (2006)
Turbulence simulation via the Lattice-Boltzmann method on hierarchically refined meshes
Proceedings / European Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics : Egmond aan Zee, the Netherlands, 5 - 8 September 2006 / ECCOMAS, European Community on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. Ed.: P. Wesseling ... 12 S. (2006)
Proceedings / European Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics : Egmond aan Zee, the Netherlands, 5 - 8 September 2006 / ECCOMAS, European Community on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. Ed.: P. Wesseling ... 12 S. (2006)
Experimental study of a subsonic flat plate turbulent boundary layer with forced thermal convection
Turbulence, heat and mass transfer 5 : proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium on Turbulence, Heat and Mass Transfer, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 25 - 29 September, 2006 / ed. by K. Hanjalić; Y. Nagano; S. Jakirlić (2006)
Turbulence, heat and mass transfer 5 : proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium on Turbulence, Heat and Mass Transfer, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 25 - 29 September, 2006 / ed. by K. Hanjalić; Y. Nagano; S. Jakirlić (2006)
Evolution of jets effusing from inclined holes into crossflow
Turbulence, heat and mass transfer 5 : proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium on Turbulence, Heat and Mass Transfer, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 25 - 29 September, 2006 / ed. by K. Hanjalic ; Y. Nagano; S. Jakirlic 1312-1326 (2006)
Turbulence, heat and mass transfer 5 : proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium on Turbulence, Heat and Mass Transfer, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 25 - 29 September, 2006 / ed. by K. Hanjalic ; Y. Nagano; S. Jakirlic 1312-1326 (2006)
Source term evaluation of the APE-RF system using DNS data
Proceedings / European Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics : Egmond aan Zee, the Netherlands, 5 - 8 September 2006 / ECCOMAS, European Community on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. Ed.: P. Wesseling ... 14 S. (2006)
Proceedings / European Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics : Egmond aan Zee, the Netherlands, 5 - 8 September 2006 / ECCOMAS, European Community on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. Ed.: P. Wesseling ... 14 S. (2006)
Micro-force drag measurements of a fixed air bubble at low Re numbers using flexible micro-pillars
13th Lisbon : international symposium ; 26 - 29 June 2006, [Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, Lisboa, Portugal ; 13th International Symposium on Applications of Laser Techniques to Fluid Mechanics ; papers] / Instituto Superior Técnico, Technical University of Lisbon (2006)
13th Lisbon : international symposium ; 26 - 29 June 2006, [Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, Lisboa, Portugal ; 13th International Symposium on Applications of Laser Techniques to Fluid Mechanics ; papers] / Instituto Superior Técnico, Technical University of Lisbon (2006)
Efficient large-eddy simulation of low mach number flow[DOI]
New results in numerical and experimental fluid mechanics V : contributions to the 14th STAB/DGLR symposium Bremen, Germany 2004 / Hans J. Rath .. (ed.) 92 422-429 (2006)
New results in numerical and experimental fluid mechanics V : contributions to the 14th STAB/DGLR symposium Bremen, Germany 2004 / Hans J. Rath .. (ed.) 92 422-429 (2006)
Noise generation mechanisms in single and coaxial jets
AIAA meeting papers on disc [11.]2006-8/9 (2006)
AIAA meeting papers on disc [11.]2006-8/9 (2006)
On airframe, jet, and combustion noise
Proceedings / 7th National Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics : May 29th - 30th, 2006, Mons / FPMs, Faculty of Engineering (2006)
Proceedings / 7th National Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics : May 29th - 30th, 2006, Mons / FPMs, Faculty of Engineering (2006)
A preconditioned LES method for nearly incompressible flows[DOI]
Direct and large-eddy simulation VI : proceedings of the Sixth International ERCOFTAC Workshop on Direct and Large-Eddy Simulation, held at the University of Poitiers, September 12 - 14, 2005 / ed. by Eric Lamballais ... 10 747-754 (2006)
Direct and large-eddy simulation VI : proceedings of the Sixth International ERCOFTAC Workshop on Direct and Large-Eddy Simulation, held at the University of Poitiers, September 12 - 14, 2005 / ed. by Eric Lamballais ... 10 747-754 (2006)
Volumetric measurements of vortical structures in the reattachment region of a laminar separation bubble using stereo scanning PIV
13th Lisbon : international symposium ; 26 - 29 June 2006, [Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, Lisboa, Portugal ; 13th International Symposium on Applications of Laser Techniques to Fluid Mechanics ; papers] / Instituto Superior Técnico, Technical University of Lisbon (2006)
13th Lisbon : international symposium ; 26 - 29 June 2006, [Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, Lisboa, Portugal ; 13th International Symposium on Applications of Laser Techniques to Fluid Mechanics ; papers] / Instituto Superior Técnico, Technical University of Lisbon (2006)
Aerothermodynamische Auslegung eines ScramJet-Antriebssystems für zukünftige Raumtransportsysteme
Motto: Luft- und Raumfahrt: Lehre, Forschung, Industrie - gemeinsam innovativ : Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrtkongress 2006, Braunschweig, 06. bis 09. November 2006 / Deutsche Gesellschaft für Luft- und Raumfahrt - Lilienthal-Oberth e.V. (DGLR) 2006 (2006)
Motto: Luft- und Raumfahrt: Lehre, Forschung, Industrie - gemeinsam innovativ : Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrtkongress 2006, Braunschweig, 06. bis 09. November 2006 / Deutsche Gesellschaft für Luft- und Raumfahrt - Lilienthal-Oberth e.V. (DGLR) 2006 (2006)
Visualization of human nasal cavity flows
CD-ROM proceedings / 12th International Symposium on Flow Visualization : September 10 - 14, 2006, Göttingen, Germany / [I. Grant, ed.] (2006)
CD-ROM proceedings / 12th International Symposium on Flow Visualization : September 10 - 14, 2006, Göttingen, Germany / [I. Grant, ed.] (2006)
DNS/CAA analysis of the sound field radiated from a turbulent premixed flame
Proceedings - 13th International Congress on Sound and Vibration : ICSV13 - Vienna ; July 2 - 6, Vienna, Austria / [organised by Vienna University of Technology, Institute for Mechanics of Materials and Structures ... Under the auspices of the International Institute of Acoustics and Vibration (IIAV) ... In cooperation with the Austrian Acoustics Association ...] (2006)
Proceedings - 13th International Congress on Sound and Vibration : ICSV13 - Vienna ; July 2 - 6, Vienna, Austria / [organised by Vienna University of Technology, Institute for Mechanics of Materials and Structures ... Under the auspices of the International Institute of Acoustics and Vibration (IIAV) ... In cooperation with the Austrian Acoustics Association ...] (2006)
Nozzle Flow Calculations with Gas Injections using Inviscid and Viscous Approaches
[13th International Conference on Numerical Methods in Fluid Dynamics, Rome, Italy] (2005)
[13th International Conference on Numerical Methods in Fluid Dynamics, Rome, Italy] (2005)
An expandable percutaneous catheter pump for left ventricular support : proof of concept[DOI]
Journal of the American College of Cardiology : JACC 45-11 1856-1861 (2005)
Journal of the American College of Cardiology : JACC 45-11 1856-1861 (2005)
High-speed PIV measurements of the flow downstream a dynamic model of the human vocal folds[DOI]
Experiments in fluids 39-2 232-245 (2005)
Experiments in fluids 39-2 232-245 (2005)
Preconditioned large-eddy simulations for tundish flows
The international journal of heat and fluid flow 27.2006-4 (2005)
The international journal of heat and fluid flow 27.2006-4 (2005)
Large-eddy simulation of low frequency oscillations of the Dean vortices in turbulent pipe bend flows[DOI]
Physics of fluids 17-3 035107 (2005)
Physics of fluids 17-3 035107 (2005)
Wall shear stress imaging using micro-structured surfaces with flexible micro-pillars[DOI]
Experiments in fluids 39-2 464-474 (2005)
Experiments in fluids 39-2 464-474 (2005)
Manufacture of high-aspect-ratio micro-hair sensor arrays[DOI]
Journal of micromechanics and microengineering 15-10 1904-1910 (2005)
Journal of micromechanics and microengineering 15-10 1904-1910 (2005)
Two-Point-Correlations in a Zero Pressure Gradient Boundary Layer at Re θ = 54600[DOI]
Progress in turbulence : with 10 tables ; [ITi Conference on Turbulence held in Bad Zwischenahn, Germany, 21 - 24 September 2003] / J. Peinke; A. Kittel; S. Barth; M. Oberlack (eds.). - Pt. IV 101 117-120 (2005)
Progress in turbulence : with 10 tables ; [ITi Conference on Turbulence held in Bad Zwischenahn, Germany, 21 - 24 September 2003] / J. Peinke; A. Kittel; S. Barth; M. Oberlack (eds.). - Pt. IV 101 117-120 (2005)
Experimentelle Untersuchung von Drehschwingungen eines Pfeilflügels großer Streckung in transsonischer Strömung
Motto: Luft- und Raumfahrt - Grenzen überwinden, Horizonte erweitern : Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrtkongress 2005, Friedrichshafen, 26. bis 29. September 2005 / Deutsche Gesellschaft für Luft- und Raumfahrt - Lilienthal-Oberth e.V. (DGLR) 2005 (2005)
Motto: Luft- und Raumfahrt - Grenzen überwinden, Horizonte erweitern : Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrtkongress 2005, Friedrichshafen, 26. bis 29. September 2005 / Deutsche Gesellschaft für Luft- und Raumfahrt - Lilienthal-Oberth e.V. (DGLR) 2005 (2005)
Film cooling predictions by large-eddy simulations
EUROMECH 469 [European Mechanics Society, 6 October 2005 - 8 October 2005, Dresden, GErmany] (2005)
EUROMECH 469 [European Mechanics Society, 6 October 2005 - 8 October 2005, Dresden, GErmany] (2005)
Experimental investigation of slender streamwise vortices and oblique shock-vortex interaction
AIAA papers 2005-4630 bis 2005-5393 (2005)
AIAA papers 2005-4630 bis 2005-5393 (2005)
Noise prediction for a turbulent jet using an LES/CAA method
AIAA meeting papers on disc [10.]2005-10 (2005)
AIAA meeting papers on disc [10.]2005-10 (2005)
PIV Investigation of a Turbulent Channel Flow Rotating about the Streamwise Axis
[10th European Turbulence Conference] (2004)
[10th European Turbulence Conference] (2004)
Experimental investigation of a pitched airfoil in transonic flow[DOI]
Aerospace science and technology 8-7 583-590 (2004)
Aerospace science and technology 8-7 583-590 (2004)
Investigation of the engine jet/wing tip vortex interference[DOI]
Aerospace science and technology 8-3 175-183 (2004)
Aerospace science and technology 8-3 175-183 (2004)
On the simulation of trailing edge noise with a hybrid LES/APE method[DOI]
Journal of sound and vibration : JSV 270-3 509-524 (2004)
Journal of sound and vibration : JSV 270-3 509-524 (2004)
Aeroacoustics research in Europe : The CEAS-ASC report on 2003 highlights[DOI]
Journal of sound and vibration : JSV 278-1/2 19 S. (2004)
Journal of sound and vibration : JSV 278-1/2 19 S. (2004)
A general one-equation turbulence model for free shear and wall-bounded flows[DOI]
Flow, turbulence and combustion 73-3/4 187-215 (2004)
Flow, turbulence and combustion 73-3/4 187-215 (2004)
PIV-Study on bubble interaction and wakes in multiphase flows[DOI]
Bubbly flows : analysis, modelling and calculation ; [final colloquium of the priority research 'Analysis, Modelling and Numerical Calculations of Multiphase Flows' held in Freyburg (Unstrut) from 23. - 25. September 2002] / Martin Sommerfeld (ed.) 37-52 (2004)
Bubbly flows : analysis, modelling and calculation ; [final colloquium of the priority research 'Analysis, Modelling and Numerical Calculations of Multiphase Flows' held in Freyburg (Unstrut) from 23. - 25. September 2002] / Martin Sommerfeld (ed.) 37-52 (2004)
Hot-wire measurements of two-point correlations in the flat plate boundary layer at high Reynolds numbers
IUTAM Symposium on Reynolds Number Scaling in Turbulent Flow : proceedings of the IUTAM symposium held in Princeton, N.J., U.S.A., 11 - 13 September 2002 / ed. by Alexander J. Smits 74 279-284 (2004)
IUTAM Symposium on Reynolds Number Scaling in Turbulent Flow : proceedings of the IUTAM symposium held in Princeton, N.J., U.S.A., 11 - 13 September 2002 / ed. by Alexander J. Smits 74 279-284 (2004)
Heat transfer measurements and flow visualizations in supersonic flow[DOI]
New results in numerical and experimental fluid mechanics IV : contributions to the 13th STAB/DGLR symposium, Munich, Germany 2002 / Christian Breitsamter ... (ed.). German Aerospace Aerodynamics Association. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Luft- und Raumfahrt - Lilienthal-Oberth. DGLR/STAB-Symposium ; 13 (München) : 2002.11.12-14 87 244-251 (2004)
New results in numerical and experimental fluid mechanics IV : contributions to the 13th STAB/DGLR symposium, Munich, Germany 2002 / Christian Breitsamter ... (ed.). German Aerospace Aerodynamics Association. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Luft- und Raumfahrt - Lilienthal-Oberth. DGLR/STAB-Symposium ; 13 (München) : 2002.11.12-14 87 244-251 (2004)
LES of cylinder wake T106 turbine blade interaction
Direct and large-eddy simulation V : proceedings of the Fifth International ERCOFTAC Workshop on Direct and Large-Eddy Simulation, held at the Munich University of Technology, August 27 - 29, 2003 / ed. by Rainer Friedrich ... 9 619-626 (2004)
Direct and large-eddy simulation V : proceedings of the Fifth International ERCOFTAC Workshop on Direct and Large-Eddy Simulation, held at the Munich University of Technology, August 27 - 29, 2003 / ed. by Rainer Friedrich ... 9 619-626 (2004)
A hot-film measuring system for free flight conditions
Recent results in laminar-turbulent transition : selected numerical and experimental contributions from the DFG priority programme 'Transition' in Germany / Siegfried Wagner ... 86 281-292 (2004)
Recent results in laminar-turbulent transition : selected numerical and experimental contributions from the DFG priority programme 'Transition' in Germany / Siegfried Wagner ... 86 281-292 (2004)
Transition detection in cruise flight using a resistant multisensor hot-Film technique
AIAA papers 2004-0001-2004,1388 (2004)
AIAA papers 2004-0001-2004,1388 (2004)
Large-eddy simulation of trailing-edge blowing
Extended abstracts, proceedings / 10th International Symposium on Transport Phenomena and Dynamics of Rotating Machinery : Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, March 07 - 11, 2004 / organized by Pacific Center of Thermal Fluids Engineering, USA; Institute of Steam and Gas Turbines, RWTH Aachen University, Germany. Ed. by Dieter Bohn (2004)
Extended abstracts, proceedings / 10th International Symposium on Transport Phenomena and Dynamics of Rotating Machinery : Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, March 07 - 11, 2004 / organized by Pacific Center of Thermal Fluids Engineering, USA; Institute of Steam and Gas Turbines, RWTH Aachen University, Germany. Ed. by Dieter Bohn (2004)
Flow prediction for film cooling by large-eddy simulation
Extended abstracts, proceedings / 10th International Symposium on Transport Phenomena and Dynamics of Rotating Machinery : Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, March 07 - 11, 2004 / organized by Pacific Center of Thermal Fluids Engineering, USA; Institute of Steam and Gas Turbines, RWTH Aachen University, Germany. Ed. by Dieter Bohn (2004)
Extended abstracts, proceedings / 10th International Symposium on Transport Phenomena and Dynamics of Rotating Machinery : Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, March 07 - 11, 2004 / organized by Pacific Center of Thermal Fluids Engineering, USA; Institute of Steam and Gas Turbines, RWTH Aachen University, Germany. Ed. by Dieter Bohn (2004)
Visualization and high-speed PIV measurements of the flow downstream a dynamic mechanical model of the human vocal folds[Open Access]
12th International Symposium Applications of Laser Techniques to Fluid Mechanics : Lisbon, Portugal, July, 2004 (2004)
12th International Symposium Applications of Laser Techniques to Fluid Mechanics : Lisbon, Portugal, July, 2004 (2004)
Large eddy simulation of attached airfoil flow[DOI]
MEGAFLOW - numerical flow simulation for aircraft design : results of the second phase of the German CFD initiative MEGAFLOW, presented during its closing symposium at DLR, Braunschweig, Germany, December 10 and 11, 2002 / Norbert Kroll; Jens K. Fassbender (eds.) 89 241-250 (2004)
MEGAFLOW - numerical flow simulation for aircraft design : results of the second phase of the German CFD initiative MEGAFLOW, presented during its closing symposium at DLR, Braunschweig, Germany, December 10 and 11, 2002 / Norbert Kroll; Jens K. Fassbender (eds.) 89 241-250 (2004)
PIV Investigation of a Turbulent Channel Flow Rotating about the Sreamwise Axis
Advances in turbulence X : proceedings of the Tenth European Turbulence Conference, held in Trondheim, Norway, June 29 - July 2, 2004 / ed.: H. I. Andersson ... (2004)
Advances in turbulence X : proceedings of the Tenth European Turbulence Conference, held in Trondheim, Norway, June 29 - July 2, 2004 / ed.: H. I. Andersson ... (2004)
Large-eddy simulation of a jet in a crossflow
Direct and large-eddy simulation V : proceedings of the Fifth International ERCOFTAC Workshop on Direct and Large-Eddy Simulation, held at the Munich University of Technology, August 27 - 29, 2003 / ed. by Rainer Friedrich ... 9 603-610 (2004)
Direct and large-eddy simulation V : proceedings of the Fifth International ERCOFTAC Workshop on Direct and Large-Eddy Simulation, held at the Munich University of Technology, August 27 - 29, 2003 / ed. by Rainer Friedrich ... 9 603-610 (2004)
Large Eddy Simulation of Airfoil Flow
Fourth Aeroacoustics Workshop SWING (Simulation of wing-flow noise generation), 26. – 27. Februar 2004, Aachen Co-organized by: RWTH Aachen – Aerodynamisches Institut / TU Dresden – Institut für Akustik und Sprachkommunikation (2004)
Fourth Aeroacoustics Workshop SWING (Simulation of wing-flow noise generation), 26. – 27. Februar 2004, Aachen Co-organized by: RWTH Aachen – Aerodynamisches Institut / TU Dresden – Institut für Akustik und Sprachkommunikation (2004)
A Hybrid Approach to Analyze the Acoustic Field Based on Aerothermodynamic Effects
CFA/DAGA Conference (2004)
CFA/DAGA Conference (2004)
Computations of nose(y) flows
Proceedings / ECCOMAS 2004 : July 24 - 28 2004, Jyväskylä, Finland / 4th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering. [ECCOMAS, European Community on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences] (2004)
Proceedings / ECCOMAS 2004 : July 24 - 28 2004, Jyväskylä, Finland / 4th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering. [ECCOMAS, European Community on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences] (2004)
On vortex loops and filaments: three examples of numerical predictions of flows containing vortices[DOI]
The Science of nature 90-1 4-26 (2003)
The Science of nature 90-1 4-26 (2003)
Acoustic perturbation equations based on flow decomposition via source filtering[DOI]
Journal of computational physics 188-2 365-398 (2003)
Journal of computational physics 188-2 365-398 (2003)
Large eddy simulation of a compressible boundary layer[DOI]
Proceedings in applied mathematics and mechanics : PAMM 2-1 304-305 (2003)
Proceedings in applied mathematics and mechanics : PAMM 2-1 304-305 (2003)
Large-scale CFD data handling in a VR-based otorhinolaryngological CAS-system using a Linux-Cluster[DOI]
The journal of supercomputing 25-2 143-154 (2003)
The journal of supercomputing 25-2 143-154 (2003)
Numerical and experimental investigations on the influence of thermal boundary conditions on shock boundary-layer interaction
Computational fluid dynamics journal 12.2003-2 401-407 (2003)
Computational fluid dynamics journal 12.2003-2 401-407 (2003)
Investigation of engine jet/wing-tip vortex interference
Aerospace science and technology 8-3 175-183 (2003)
Aerospace science and technology 8-3 175-183 (2003)
Numerical Simulation of the Flow Field in a Model of the Nasal Cavity[DOI]
Computers & fluids 32-1 39-45 (2003)
Computers & fluids 32-1 39-45 (2003)
Strong shock-vortex interaction : a numerical study
Computational fluid dynamics journal 12-2 266-278 (2003)
Computational fluid dynamics journal 12-2 266-278 (2003)
Axial flow in slender vortices[DOI]
Computational fluid and solid mechanics 2003 : proceedings Second MIT Conference on Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics, June 17 - 20, 2003 / ed.: K. J. Bathe 984-987 (2003)
Computational fluid and solid mechanics 2003 : proceedings Second MIT Conference on Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics, June 17 - 20, 2003 / ed.: K. J. Bathe 984-987 (2003)
LES of transitional boundary layers and wakes with trailing edge blowing[DOI]
Numerical flow simulation / Ernst Heinrich Hirschel (ed.). - 3: CNRS-DFG collaborative research programme : results 2000 - 2002 ; [contributions communicated at the 9th 3160 Joint CNRS-DFG Workshop on Numerical Flow Simulation, held October 26 - 27, 2002, Nice] 82 230-243 (2003)
Numerical flow simulation / Ernst Heinrich Hirschel (ed.). - 3: CNRS-DFG collaborative research programme : results 2000 - 2002 ; [contributions communicated at the 9th 3160 Joint CNRS-DFG Workshop on Numerical Flow Simulation, held October 26 - 27, 2002, Nice] 82 230-243 (2003)
LES of compressible wall-bounded flows
A collection of technical papers / 16th AIAA Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference and Exhibit : Orlando, Florida, 23 - 26 June 2003 (2003)
A collection of technical papers / 16th AIAA Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference and Exhibit : Orlando, Florida, 23 - 26 June 2003 (2003)
Computation of Aeroacoustic Sound via Hybrid CFD/CAA Methods
Ageing mechanisms and control = Les mécanismes vieillissants et le contrôle : symposium part A - developments in computational aero- and hydro-acoustics; symposium part B - monitoring and management of gas turbine fleets for extended life and reduced costs ; papers presented at the RTO Applied Vehicle Technology Panel (AVT) symposium held in Manchester, United Kingdom, 8 - 11 October 2001 50 (2003)
Ageing mechanisms and control = Les mécanismes vieillissants et le contrôle : symposium part A - developments in computational aero- and hydro-acoustics; symposium part B - monitoring and management of gas turbine fleets for extended life and reduced costs ; papers presented at the RTO Applied Vehicle Technology Panel (AVT) symposium held in Manchester, United Kingdom, 8 - 11 October 2001 50 (2003)
Comparison between normal and oblique shock induced vortex breakdown : definition of stability criteria
Mechanics of electromagnetic solids : [presentations of the Symposium on the Mechanics of Electromagnetic Materials and Structures of the Fourth International Conference on Nonlinear Mechanics in Shanghai, China in August 13 - 16, 2002] / ed. by J.S. Yang ... 3 792-799 (2003)
Mechanics of electromagnetic solids : [presentations of the Symposium on the Mechanics of Electromagnetic Materials and Structures of the Fourth International Conference on Nonlinear Mechanics in Shanghai, China in August 13 - 16, 2002] / ed. by J.S. Yang ... 3 792-799 (2003)
An LES/CAA method to simulate trailing edge noise
Mechanics of electromagnetic solids : [presentations of the Symposium on the Mechanics of Electromagnetic Materials and Structures of the Fourth International Conference on Nonlinear Mechanics in Shanghai, China in August 13 - 16, 2002] / ed. by J.S. Yang ... 3 141-148 (2003)
Mechanics of electromagnetic solids : [presentations of the Symposium on the Mechanics of Electromagnetic Materials and Structures of the Fourth International Conference on Nonlinear Mechanics in Shanghai, China in August 13 - 16, 2002] / ed. by J.S. Yang ... 3 141-148 (2003)
LES of transitional boundary layers and wakes with trailing edge blowing
Numerical flow simulation / Ernst Heinrich Hirschel (ed.). - 3: CNRS-DFG collaborative research programme : results 2000 - 2002 ; [contributions communicated at the 9th 3160 Joint CNRS-DFG Workshop on Numerical Flow Simulation, held October 26 - 27, 2002, Nice] 82 230-243 (2003)
Numerical flow simulation / Ernst Heinrich Hirschel (ed.). - 3: CNRS-DFG collaborative research programme : results 2000 - 2002 ; [contributions communicated at the 9th 3160 Joint CNRS-DFG Workshop on Numerical Flow Simulation, held October 26 - 27, 2002, Nice] 82 230-243 (2003)
'LES of turbulent boundary layers'
Computational fluid dynamics 2002 : proceedings of the Second International Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics, ICCFD, Sydney, Australia, 15 - 19 July 2002. S. Armfield ... (ed.) 439-444 (2003)
Computational fluid dynamics 2002 : proceedings of the Second International Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics, ICCFD, Sydney, Australia, 15 - 19 July 2002. S. Armfield ... (ed.) 439-444 (2003)
Computation of trailing edge noise of a 3D lifting airfoil in turbulent subsonic flow
A collection of papers / 9th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference and Exhibit : Hilton Head, South Carolina, 12 - 14 May 2003. - Vol. 3 134-145 (2003)
A collection of papers / 9th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference and Exhibit : Hilton Head, South Carolina, 12 - 14 May 2003. - Vol. 3 134-145 (2003)
A general one-equation model for near-wall and free shear turbulence
33rd AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference and Exhibit (2003)
33rd AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference and Exhibit (2003)
Some observations of vortex breakdown in a confined flow with solid body rotation[DOI]
Flow, turbulence and combustion 69-1 63-78 (2002)
Flow, turbulence and combustion 69-1 63-78 (2002)
Experimental evaluation and early clinical results of a new low-profile bileaflet aortic valve[DOI]
Artificial organs 26-5 416-419 (2002)
Artificial organs 26-5 416-419 (2002)
A comparison of second- and sixth-order methods for large-eddy simulations[DOI]
Computers & fluids 31-Vol. 31 695-718 (2002)
Computers & fluids 31-Vol. 31 695-718 (2002)
Interaction between longitudinal vortices and normal and oblique shocks
International journal for numerical methods in engineering : IJNME 60-1 (2002)
International journal for numerical methods in engineering : IJNME 60-1 (2002)
Strömungstechnische Auslegung und Optimierung einer perkutan implantierbaren Miniatur-Blutpumpe[DOI]
Biomedizinische Technik = Biomedical engineering 47 114-117 (2002)
Biomedizinische Technik = Biomedical engineering 47 114-117 (2002)
A differential equation to approximate wall distance[DOI]
International journal for numerical methods in fluids 39-8 743-762 (2002)
International journal for numerical methods in fluids 39-8 743-762 (2002)
Holographic particle image velocimetry applied to the flow within the cylinder of a four-valve internal combustion engine[DOI]
Experiments in fluids 33-6 781-793 (2002)
Experiments in fluids 33-6 781-793 (2002)
Unsteady flow through a new mechanical heart valve prosthesis analysed by digital particle image Velocimetry[DOI]
Measurement science and technology 13-7 1043-1049 (2002)
Measurement science and technology 13-7 1043-1049 (2002)
Telecentric lenses for imaging in particle-image velocimetry : a new stereoscopic approach[DOI]
Experiments in fluids 33-5 703-708 (2002)
Experiments in fluids 33-5 703-708 (2002)
Numerical analysis of the supersonic flow around reusable space transportation vehicles
4th European Symposium on Aerothermodynamics for Space Vehicles : 15 - 18 October 2001, Capua, Italy / organised by ESA, CIRA ... [Comp. by R. A. Harris] 487 191-197 (2002)
4th European Symposium on Aerothermodynamics for Space Vehicles : 15 - 18 October 2001, Capua, Italy / organised by ESA, CIRA ... [Comp. by R. A. Harris] 487 191-197 (2002)
Comparison between normal and oblique shock induced vortex breakdown definition of stability criteria
Proceedings of the 4th International conference on nonlinear mechanics (ICNM-IV) : August 13-16, 2002, Shanghai, China / Wei-Chang Qian, Mathematiker Physiker China; Chang-Jun Cheng; Chinese Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics.; National Natural Science Foundation of China 792-799 (2002)
Proceedings of the 4th International conference on nonlinear mechanics (ICNM-IV) : August 13-16, 2002, Shanghai, China / Wei-Chang Qian, Mathematiker Physiker China; Chang-Jun Cheng; Chinese Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics.; National Natural Science Foundation of China 792-799 (2002)
An LES/CAA method to simulate trailing edge noise
Proceedings of the 4th International conference on nonlinear mechanics (ICNM-IV) : August 13-16, 2002, Shanghai, China / Wei-Chang Qian, Mathematiker Physiker China; Chang-Jun Cheng; Chinese Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics.; National Natural Science Foundation of China 141-148 (2002)
Proceedings of the 4th International conference on nonlinear mechanics (ICNM-IV) : August 13-16, 2002, Shanghai, China / Wei-Chang Qian, Mathematiker Physiker China; Chang-Jun Cheng; Chinese Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics.; National Natural Science Foundation of China 141-148 (2002)
Navier-Stokes simulations of vortex flows
The Navier-Stokes equations : theory and numerical methods ; [proceedings of the International Conference on Navier-Stokes Equations: Theory and Numerical Methods held in Villa Monastero in Varenna, Lecco, Italy] / ed. by Rodolfo Salvi 223 233-246 (2002)
The Navier-Stokes equations : theory and numerical methods ; [proceedings of the International Conference on Navier-Stokes Equations: Theory and Numerical Methods held in Villa Monastero in Varenna, Lecco, Italy] / ed. by Rodolfo Salvi 223 233-246 (2002)
Numerical and experimental investigation of the interaction of wingtip vortices and engine jets in the near field
AIAA papers 2002-0001-2002,1143 (2002)
AIAA papers 2002-0001-2002,1143 (2002)
Experimental and computational investigation of oblique shock-vortex-interaction
AIAA papers 2002-2380 bis 2002-3348 (2002)
AIAA papers 2002-2380 bis 2002-3348 (2002)
Oblique shock-vortex interaction
Annual Scientific Conference : Gamm 2002 ; at the University of Augsburg March 25-28, 2002 / Ronald H.W. Hoppe.. / Gesellschaft für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik (2002)
Annual Scientific Conference : Gamm 2002 ; at the University of Augsburg March 25-28, 2002 / Ronald H.W. Hoppe.. / Gesellschaft für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik (2002)
Computation of flows around space configurations
High performance scientific and engineering computing : proceedings of the 3rd International FORTWIHR Conference on HPSEC, Erlangen, March 12 - 14, 2001 / Michael Breuer ..., ed. 21 131-138 (2002)
High performance scientific and engineering computing : proceedings of the 3rd International FORTWIHR Conference on HPSEC, Erlangen, March 12 - 14, 2001 / Michael Breuer ..., ed. 21 131-138 (2002)
Numerical Analysis of the Supersonic Flow around Reusable Space Transportation Vehicles
4th European Symposium on Aerothermodynamics for Space Vehicles : 15 - 18 October 2001, Capua, Italy / organised by ESA, CIRA ... [Comp. by R. A. Harris] 487 (2002)
4th European Symposium on Aerothermodynamics for Space Vehicles : 15 - 18 October 2001, Capua, Italy / organised by ESA, CIRA ... [Comp. by R. A. Harris] 487 (2002)
Experimental Study of a 2D Wing Section Undergoing Free and Forced Pitch Oscillations in Transonic Flow
Proceedings / [XI] International Conference on the Methods of Aerophysical Research, 1 - 7 July, 2002, Novosibirsk, Russia / Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences ... (2002)
Proceedings / [XI] International Conference on the Methods of Aerophysical Research, 1 - 7 July, 2002, Novosibirsk, Russia / Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences ... (2002)
Experimental setup for unsteady pressure and force measurements on an oscillating rectangular wing section in trnasonic flow
New results in numerical and experimental fluid mechanics III : contributions to the 12th AG STAB/DGLR symposium, Stuttgart, Germany 2000 / Siegfried Wagner ... [ed.]. Arbeitsgemeinschaft Strömungen mit Ablösung. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Luft- und Raumfahrt. AG STAB/DGLR Symposium ; 12 (Stuttgart) : 2000.11.15-17 77 (2002)
New results in numerical and experimental fluid mechanics III : contributions to the 12th AG STAB/DGLR symposium, Stuttgart, Germany 2000 / Siegfried Wagner ... [ed.]. Arbeitsgemeinschaft Strömungen mit Ablösung. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Luft- und Raumfahrt. AG STAB/DGLR Symposium ; 12 (Stuttgart) : 2000.11.15-17 77 (2002)
Development of a multi-sensor hot-film measuring technique for transition detection in cruise flight
AIAA Paper 2002-0534 (2002)
AIAA Paper 2002-0534 (2002)
Numerical instabilities in upwind methods: Analysis and cures for the 'carbuncle' phenomenon[DOI]
Journal of computational physics 166-2 271-301 (2001)
Journal of computational physics 166-2 271-301 (2001)
Spatio-temporal reconstruction of vortex dynamics in axisymmetric wakes[DOI]
Journal of fluids and structures 15-3/4 543-554 (2001)
Journal of fluids and structures 15-3/4 543-554 (2001)
Multiscale lattice Boltzmann schemes with turbulence modeling[DOI]
Journal of computational physics 170-2 812-829 (2001)
Journal of computational physics 170-2 812-829 (2001)
Flow and Occluder Dynamics of the New Triflo Medical Heart Valve Prothesis
The journal of heart valve disease 2001 (2001)
The journal of heart valve disease 2001 (2001)
Large-eddy simulations of accelerated pipe flows
Computational fluid dynamics journal 10-1 96-118 (2001)
Computational fluid dynamics journal 10-1 96-118 (2001)
The surgical trauma of abdominal wall incision : a comparison of laparoscopic vs open surgery with three-dimensional stereography[DOI]
Surgical endoscopy and other interventional techniques 15-10 1147-1149 (2001)
Surgical endoscopy and other interventional techniques 15-10 1147-1149 (2001)
Boundary-layer measurements on the ELAC configuration at Re = 20.10
Vehicle system dynamics 35 (2001)
Vehicle system dynamics 35 (2001)
LES of turbulent boundary layers and wakes
Numerical flow simulation / ed. by Ernst Heinrich Hirschel / Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique 75 288-302 (2001)
Numerical flow simulation / ed. by Ernst Heinrich Hirschel / Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique
Simulation of a wake-blade interaction in moving grids
Computational fluid dynamics 2000 : proceedings of the First International Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics, ICCFD, Kyoto, Japan, 10 - 14 July 2000 / Nobuyuki Satofuka (ed.) 437-442 (2001)
Computational fluid dynamics 2000 : proceedings of the First International Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics, ICCFD, Kyoto, Japan, 10 - 14 July 2000 / Nobuyuki Satofuka (ed.) 437-442 (2001)
Towards the numerical analysis of trailing-edge noise
Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrtkongress 2001 : Hamburg, 17. - 20. September 2001, Motto: Luft- und Raumfahrt - Made in Germany : deutsche Technologie im internationalen Wettbewerb / Deutsche Gesellschaft für Luft- und Raumfahrt - Lilienthal-Oberth e.V. (DGLR). - Bd. 1 2001 3-12 (2001)
Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrtkongress 2001 : Hamburg, 17. - 20. September 2001, Motto: Luft- und Raumfahrt - Made in Germany : deutsche Technologie im internationalen Wettbewerb / Deutsche Gesellschaft für Luft- und Raumfahrt - Lilienthal-Oberth e.V. (DGLR). - Bd. 1 2001 3-12 (2001)
Unsteady force and pressure measurements on an oscillatory rectangular wing section in transonic flow
AIAA papers 2001-2400-2001,2478 (2001)
AIAA papers 2001-2400-2001,2478 (2001)
Airflow simulation inside a model of the human nasal cavity in a virtual reality based rhinological operation planning system
CARS 2001 : computer assisted radiology and surgery ; proceedings of the 15th international congress and exhibition, Berlin, June 27-30, 2001 / editors, Heinz U. Lemke ... 1230 85-90 (2001)
CARS 2001 : computer assisted radiology and surgery ; proceedings of the 15th international congress and exhibition, Berlin, June 27-30, 2001 / editors, Heinz U. Lemke ... 1230 85-90 (2001)
'LES of a turbulent flow around a sharp trailing edge'
Direct and large-eddy simulation IV : [proceedings of DLES4, the fourth international ERCOFTAC Workshop on Direct and Large-Eddy Simulation wich was held at the University of Twente, July 18 - 20, 2001] / ed. by Bernard J. Geurts; Rainer Friedrich and Olivier Métais 8 353-362 (2001)
Direct and large-eddy simulation IV : [proceedings of DLES4, the fourth international ERCOFTAC Workshop on Direct and Large-Eddy Simulation wich was held at the University of Twente, July 18 - 20, 2001] / ed. by Bernard J. Geurts; Rainer Friedrich and Olivier Métais 8 353-362 (2001)
Comparison of source term Formulations for a hybrid CFD/CAA method
31st AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference & Exhibit : 11 - 14 June 2001, Anaheim, CA (2001)
31st AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference & Exhibit : 11 - 14 June 2001, Anaheim, CA (2001)
Numerical simulation of wake flows
Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference proceedings / ECCOMAS CFD 2001, Swansea, [4 - 7 September 2001]. ECCOMAS, [European Community on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences] (2001)
Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference proceedings / ECCOMAS CFD 2001, Swansea, [4 - 7 September 2001]. ECCOMAS, [European Community on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences] (2001)
LES Based Trailing Edge Noise Prediction
DNS/LES - progress and challenges : proceedings of the Third AFOSR International Conference on DNS/LES, University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington, Texas, USA, August 5 - 9, 2001 / ed. by Chaoqun Liu ... (2001)
DNS/LES - progress and challenges : proceedings of the Third AFOSR International Conference on DNS/LES, University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington, Texas, USA, August 5 - 9, 2001 / ed. by Chaoqun Liu ... (2001)
Numerical Investigations on Supersonic Vortex Breakdown[DOI]
GRAMM 2001 : Annual Scientific Conference, February 12-15, 2001, ETH Zürich / GAMM / Gesellschaft für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik (Deutschland) (2001)
GRAMM 2001 : Annual Scientific Conference, February 12-15, 2001, ETH Zürich / GAMM / Gesellschaft für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik (Deutschland) (2001)
'LES of wakes and wake-blade interferences'
Proceedings of the 2001 ASME Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting : presented at the 2001 ASME Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting, May 29 - June 1, 2001, New Orleans, Louisiana / sponsored by the Fluids Engineering Division, ASME. Ed. by Timothy J. O'Hern (2001)
Proceedings of the 2001 ASME Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting : presented at the 2001 ASME Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting, May 29 - June 1, 2001, New Orleans, Louisiana / sponsored by the Fluids Engineering Division, ASME. Ed. by Timothy J. O'Hern (2001)
Three-dimensional flow measurements within the cylinder of a motored four-valve engine using holographic particle-image velocimetry[DOI]
SAE technical paper 2001-01-3493 (2001)
SAE technical paper 2001-01-3493 (2001)
Boundary-layer measurements on the ELAC configuration at Re = 20•106'
Mechanics for a new millennium : proceedings of the 20th International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Chicago, Illinois, USA, 27 August - 2 September 2000 / ed. by Hassan Aref and James W. Phillips (2001)
Mechanics for a new millennium : proceedings of the 20th International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Chicago, Illinois, USA, 27 August - 2 September 2000 / ed. by Hassan Aref and James W. Phillips (2001)
LES of wake-blade interaction in moving grids
Computational fluid dynamics 2000 : proceedings of the First International Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics, ICCFD, Kyoto, Japan, 10 - 14 July 2000 / Nobuyuki Satofuka (ed.) (2001)
Computational fluid dynamics 2000 : proceedings of the First International Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics, ICCFD, Kyoto, Japan, 10 - 14 July 2000 / Nobuyuki Satofuka (ed.) (2001)
LES of turbulent flows through 90�-pipe bends on NEC SX-4
High performance computing in science and engineering 2000 : transactions of the High Performance Computing Center Stuttgart (HLRS) 2000 / E. Krause ... (ed.). Result and Review Workshop on High-Performance Computing in Science and Engineering ; 3 (Stuttgart) : 2000.10.04-06 (2001)
High performance computing in science and engineering 2000 : transactions of the High Performance Computing Center Stuttgart (HLRS) 2000 / E. Krause ... (ed.). Result and Review Workshop on High-Performance Computing in Science and Engineering ; 3 (Stuttgart) : 2000.10.04-06 (2001)
Experimental analysis of separated transitional transonic airfoil flow
AIAA papers 2001-2700-2001,3095 (2001)
AIAA papers 2001-2700-2001,3095 (2001)
3-D measurements of bubble motion and wake structure in two-phase flows using 3-D Scanning Particle-Image-Velocimetry (3-D SPIV) and stereo-imaging
Laser techniques applied to fluid mechanics : selected papers from the 9th International Symposium, Lisbon, Portugal, July 13 - 16, 1998 / R.J. Adrian ... (eds.) 621-635 (2000)
Laser techniques applied to fluid mechanics : selected papers from the 9th International Symposium, Lisbon, Portugal, July 13 - 16, 1998 / R.J. Adrian ... (eds.) 621-635 (2000)
LES of turbulent flows through 90 degrees-pipe bends
Advances in turbulence VIII : proceedings ot the Eighth European Turbulence Conference ; held in Barcelona, Spain, June 27 - 30, 2000 / ed.: C. Dopazo 329-332 (2000)
Advances in turbulence VIII : proceedings ot the Eighth European Turbulence Conference ; held in Barcelona, Spain, June 27 - 30, 2000 / ed.: C. Dopazo 329-332 (2000)
The ageing of the low-frequency water disturbances caused by swimming goldfish and its possible relevance to prey detection
The journal of experimental biology 203-7 1193-1200 (2000)
The journal of experimental biology 203-7 1193-1200 (2000)
The von Neumann revolution: Numerical methods in fluid dynamics
Computational fluid dynamics journal 9-3 147-156 (2000)
Computational fluid dynamics journal 9-3 147-156 (2000)
LES of turbulent flows through pipe bends
Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik : ZAMM = Journal of applied mathematics and mechanics 80 (2000)
Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik : ZAMM = Journal of applied mathematics and mechanics 80 (2000)
Numerical simulation of normal and oblique shock vortex interaction
Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik : ZAMM = Journal of applied mathematics and mechanics 801999,1-Suppl. 1 181-184 (2000)
Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik : ZAMM = Journal of applied mathematics and mechanics 801999,1-Suppl. 1 181-184 (2000)
Computation of the aeroacoustic sound field generated by the turbulent flow behind a blunt trailing edge
Computational fluid dynamics journal 9-1 (2000)
Computational fluid dynamics journal 9-1 (2000)
Experimental setup for transonic flow over a 2-D rectangular wing section oscillating in pitch
The aeronautical journal 104.2000-1038 : 104.2000,1040 Paper-No. 0313 (2000)
The aeronautical journal 104.2000-1038 : 104.2000,1040 Paper-No. 0313 (2000)
Boundary layer investigations on a model of the ELAC 1 configuration at high Reynolds numbers in the DNW[DOI]
European journal of mechanics / B, Fluids 19-5 745-764 (2000)
European journal of mechanics / B, Fluids 19-5 745-764 (2000)
Supersonic leeside flow topology on delta wings revisited[DOI]
Experiments in fluids 29 592-604 (2000)
Experiments in fluids 29 592-604 (2000)
A differential equation to determine the wall distance
International journal for numerical methods in fluids 34 (2000)
International journal for numerical methods in fluids 34 (2000)
Numerical simulation of the interaction of wingtip vortices and engine jets in the near field
AIAA paper 2000-222 (2000)
AIAA paper 2000-222 (2000)
Comparison of numerical schemes applied to CAA problems
Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik : ZAMM = Journal of applied mathematics and mechanics 80-Suppl. 1 S605-S606 (2000)
Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik : ZAMM = Journal of applied mathematics and mechanics 80-Suppl. 1 S605-S606 (2000)
Zonal approach for the solution of the Navier-Stokes equations
Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik : ZAMM = Journal of applied mathematics and mechanics 80-Suppl. 3 S633-S634 (2000)
Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik : ZAMM = Journal of applied mathematics and mechanics 80-Suppl. 3 S633-S634 (2000)
Simulation of incompressible and compressible flow on vector-parallel computers
Parallel computational fluid dynamics : towards teraflops, optimization, and novel formulations ; proceedings of the Parallel CFD '99 Conference / ed. by D. Keyes ... 25-34 (2000)
Parallel computational fluid dynamics : towards teraflops, optimization, and novel formulations ; proceedings of the Parallel CFD '99 Conference / ed. by D. Keyes ... 25-34 (2000)
Numerical analysis of flows over space transportation systems
Proceedings / [X] International Conference on the Methods of Aerophysical Research : 9 - 16 July 2000, Novosibirsk - Tomsk, Russia / Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences ... ICMAR 2000 ; 10 (Novosibirsk; Tomsk) : 2000.07.09-16. - Pt. 1-2 177-182 (2000)
Proceedings / [X] International Conference on the Methods of Aerophysical Research : 9 - 16 July 2000, Novosibirsk - Tomsk, Russia / Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences ... ICMAR 2000 ; 10 (Novosibirsk; Tomsk) : 2000.07.09-16. - Pt. 1-2 177-182 (2000)
In-vitro study of the flow through a new tri-leaflet mechanical heart valve prosthesis using phase-locked DPIV measurements
Lasermethoden in der Strömungsmesstechnik : 8. Fachtagung / veranst. von der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Laser-Anemometrie GALA e.V. / Fachtagung über Lasermethoden in der Strömungsmesstechnik <8, 2000, Freising> [Hrsg.:] A. Delgado ... (2000)
Lasermethoden in der Strömungsmesstechnik : 8. Fachtagung / veranst. von der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Laser-Anemometrie GALA e.V. / Fachtagung über Lasermethoden in der Strömungsmesstechnik <8, 2000, Freising> [Hrsg.:] A. Delgado ... (2000)
Computational study of normal and oblique shock-vortex interactions
ECCOMAS 2000, European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering : Barcelona, 11 - 14 September 2000 ; incorporating the VI International Conference on Computational Plasticity (COMPLAS VI) : book of abstracts / [ECCOMAS. European Community of Computational Methods in Applied Sciences] (2000)
ECCOMAS 2000, European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering : Barcelona, 11 - 14 September 2000 ; incorporating the VI International Conference on Computational Plasticity (COMPLAS VI) : book of abstracts / [ECCOMAS. European Community of Computational Methods in Applied Sciences] (2000)
A detailed study of the role of the wake on the motion of single bubbles and bubble pairs using an advanced PIV-method
Proceedings of the 9th Workshop on Two-Phase Flow Predictions : Merseburg, April 13 - 16, 1999 / Lehrstuhl für Mechanische Verfahrenstechnik, Institut Verfahrenstechnik, Fachbereich Ingenieurwissenschaften, Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg. Ed.: M. Sommerfeld. Workshop on Two-Phase Flow Predictions ; 9 (Merseburg) : 1999.04.13-16 (2000)
Proceedings of the 9th Workshop on Two-Phase Flow Predictions : Merseburg, April 13 - 16, 1999 / Lehrstuhl für Mechanische Verfahrenstechnik, Institut Verfahrenstechnik, Fachbereich Ingenieurwissenschaften, Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg. Ed.: M. Sommerfeld. Workshop on Two-Phase Flow Predictions ; 9 (Merseburg) : 1999.04.13-16 (2000)
On the influence of thermal boundary conditions on shock boundary-layer interaction
DGLR-Jahrestagung 2000 175-175 (2000)
DGLR-Jahrestagung 2000 175-175 (2000)
Experimentelle Untersuchung der Hyperschallkonfiguration ELAC mit berührungslosen Meßverfahren
Motto: Luft- und Raumfahrt - Technologiemotor für die mobile Gesellschaft / Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrtkongress 2000, Leipzig, 18. bis 21. September 2000. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Luft- und Raumfahrt - Lilienthal-Oberth e.V. (DGLR). - Bd. 1-3 2000 208-208 (2000)
Motto: Luft- und Raumfahrt - Technologiemotor für die mobile Gesellschaft / Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrtkongress 2000, Leipzig, 18. bis 21. September 2000. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Luft- und Raumfahrt - Lilienthal-Oberth e.V. (DGLR). - Bd. 1-3 2000 208-208 (2000)
3-D measurements of bubble motion and wake structure in two-phase flows using 3-D scanning PIV and stereo-imaging
Laser techniques applied to fluid mechanics : selected papers from the 9th International Symposium, Lisbon, Portugal, July 13 - 16, 1998 / R.J. Adrian ... (eds.) 621-636 (2000)
Laser techniques applied to fluid mechanics : selected papers from the 9th International Symposium, Lisbon, Portugal, July 13 - 16, 1998 / R.J. Adrian ... (eds.) 621-636 (2000)
Numerical simulation of supersonic and hypersonic flow around delta wings in comparison to experimental results
ECCOMAS 2000, European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering ; Barcelona, 11.-14.9.2000 ; incorporating the 6. International Conference on Computational Plasticity (COMPLAS 6) / [ECCOMAS. European Community of Computational Methods in Applied Sciences] (2000)
ECCOMAS 2000, European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering ; Barcelona, 11.-14.9.2000 ; incorporating the 6. International Conference on Computational Plasticity (COMPLAS 6) / [ECCOMAS. European Community of Computational Methods in Applied Sciences] (2000)
Shock induced vortex breakdown
Proceedings / 10. International Conference on the Methods of Aerophysical Research : 9.-16.7.2000, Novosibirsk - Tomsk, Russia / Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences... / ICMAR 2000 109-114 (2000)
Proceedings / 10. International Conference on the Methods of Aerophysical Research : 9.-16.7.2000, Novosibirsk - Tomsk, Russia / Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences... / ICMAR 2000 109-114 (2000)
Application of LES to jets and internal turbulent flows
Advanced Turbulent Flow Computations : [lecture notes concerning the IUTAM School on Advanced Turbulent Flow Computations held at CISM in Udine on 7.-11.9.1998] / Peyret, R. [u.a.] Hrsg 395 / International Centre for Mechanical Sciences 155-208 (2000)
Advanced Turbulent Flow Computations : [lecture notes concerning the IUTAM School on Advanced Turbulent Flow Computations held at CISM in Udine on 7.-11.9.1998] / Peyret, R. [u.a.] Hrsg 395 / International Centre for Mechanical Sciences 155-208 (2000)
Stereoscopic particle-image velocimetry (PIV). A new approach using telecentric lenses
10th International Symposium on Applications of Laser Techniques to Fluid Mechanics : Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, 10 - 13 July 2000, Lisboa, Portugal (2000)
10th International Symposium on Applications of Laser Techniques to Fluid Mechanics : Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, 10 - 13 July 2000, Lisboa, Portugal (2000)
Determination of aeroacoustic sources for a hybrid LES/CAA approach
Proceedings of the Seventh International Congress on Sound and Vibration, ICSV-7 : Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany, July 4 - 7, 2000 / [International Institute of Acoustics and Vibration (IIAV)]. Ed. by Gianfranco Guidati .... - Vol. 1-6 (2000)
Proceedings of the Seventh International Congress on Sound and Vibration, ICSV-7 : Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany, July 4 - 7, 2000 / [International Institute of Acoustics and Vibration (IIAV)]. Ed. by Gianfranco Guidati .... - Vol. 1-6 (2000)
Numerical simulation of the interaction of flap side-edge vortices and engine jets
ICAS paper / International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences Paper-no. 0212 (2000)
ICAS paper / International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences Paper-no. 0212 (2000)
LES of turbulent flows through 90É-pipe bends
Advances in turbulence VIII : proceedings ot the Eighth European Turbulence Conference ; held in Barcelona, Spain, June 27 - 30, 2000 / ed.: C. Dopazo (2000)
Advances in turbulence VIII : proceedings ot the Eighth European Turbulence Conference ; held in Barcelona, Spain, June 27 - 30, 2000 / ed.: C. Dopazo (2000)
Computation of turbulence related noise on the basis of large-eddy simulation
Second Aeroacoustics Workshop : in connection with the National Research Project SWING (Simulation of Wing-flow Noise Generation) ; 6/7 October 2000 in Brau[n]schweig, Germany ; proceedings / co-org. by: DLR Braunschweig - Institut für Entwurfsaerodynamik ... Ed. by H. Körner ... (2000)
Second Aeroacoustics Workshop : in connection with the National Research Project SWING (Simulation of Wing-flow Noise Generation) ; 6/7 October 2000 in Brau[n]schweig, Germany ; proceedings / co-org. by: DLR Braunschweig - Institut für Entwurfsaerodynamik ... Ed. by H. Körner ... (2000)
Prediction of sound radiation with a hybrid LES-CAA approach
Aeroacoustics Workshop ; TU Dresden, 28.-29.1.1999 / Költzsch, P. [u.a.] Hrsg (2000)
Aeroacoustics Workshop ; TU Dresden, 28.-29.1.1999 / Költzsch, P. [u.a.] Hrsg (2000)
Experimentelle Untersuchung von Leeseitenwirbeln in Überschallströmungen: Strömungssichtbarmachung und Geschwindigkeitsmessung mit Vapour-Screen und PIV
Lasermethoden in der Strömungsmesstechnik : 8. Fachtagung / veranst. von der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Laser-Anemometrie GALA e.V. / Fachtagung über Lasermethoden in der Strömungsmesstechnik <8, 2000, Freising> [Hrsg.:] A. Delgado ... (2000)
Lasermethoden in der Strömungsmesstechnik : 8. Fachtagung / veranst. von der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Laser-Anemometrie GALA e.V. / Fachtagung über Lasermethoden in der Strömungsmesstechnik <8, 2000, Freising> [Hrsg.:] A. Delgado ... (2000)
Reynolds number effects on low-speed aerodynamics of a hypersonic configuration[DOI]
Journal of spacecraft and rockets : JSR 36-2 265-272 (1999)
Journal of spacecraft and rockets : JSR 36-2 265-272 (1999)
Entropy-layer instabilities over a blunted flat plate in supersonic flow[DOI]
Physics of fluids 11-1 7-9 (1999)
Physics of fluids 11-1 7-9 (1999)
Investigation of the flow tracking capabilities of tracer particles for the application of PIV to supersonic flow fields
New results in numerical and experimental fluid mechanics II : contributions to the 11th AG STAB/DGLR symposium, Berlin, Germany 1998 / ed. by Wolfgang Nitsche ... 72 266-273 (1999)
New results in numerical and experimental fluid mechanics II : contributions to the 11th AG STAB/DGLR symposium, Berlin, Germany 1998 / ed. by Wolfgang Nitsche ... 72 266-273 (1999)
Entropy-layer instabilities in plane supersonic flow
New results in numerical and experimental fluid mechanics II : contributions to the 11th AG STAB/DGLR symposium, Berlin, Germany 1998 / ed. by Wolfgang Nitsche ... 72 108-115 (1999)
New results in numerical and experimental fluid mechanics II : contributions to the 11th AG STAB/DGLR symposium, Berlin, Germany 1998 / ed. by Wolfgang Nitsche ... 72 108-115 (1999)
An experimental investigation of the ELAC 1 configuration at supersonic speeds
Experiments in fluids 26 423-436 (1999)
Experiments in fluids 26 423-436 (1999)
Structure and dynamics of the wake of bubbles and its relevance for bubble interaction
Physics of fluids 11 1781-1796 (1999)
Physics of fluids 11 1781-1796 (1999)
Construction of three-dimensional flow structure out of two-dimensional steady flow field velocity measurements
Experiments in fluids 27 351-358 (1999)
Experiments in fluids 27 351-358 (1999)
Slender vortices
Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik : ZAMM = Journal of applied mathematics and mechanics 1999 113-158 (1999)
Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik : ZAMM = Journal of applied mathematics and mechanics 1999 113-158 (1999)
Investigation of the flow field of the TSTO concept FSSC-12T at subsonic Mach numbers
Proceedings of the 12. European Aerospace Conference on Progress in Space Transportation : Paris, France 1999 o.Nr. (1999)
Proceedings of the 12. European Aerospace Conference on Progress in Space Transportation : Paris, France 1999 o.Nr. (1999)
The 3-D evolution and bursting of the starting vortex downstream of a backward-facing step studied by sequential high-speed scanning PIV
Laser Anemometry, Advanced and Applications : Proceedings of the 8. International Conference, Rome, Italy, 6.-8.9.1999 / organized by University of Rome La Sapienza and EALA, European Association for Laser Anemometry / Cenedese, A. [u.a.] Hrsg (1999)
Laser Anemometry, Advanced and Applications : Proceedings of the 8. International Conference, Rome, Italy, 6.-8.9.1999 / organized by University of Rome La Sapienza and EALA, European Association for Laser Anemometry / Cenedese, A. [u.a.] Hrsg (1999)
The 3-D evolution and bursting of the starting vortex downstream of a backward-facing step sudied by sequential high-speed scanning PIV
The 3. International Workshop on PIV'99 - Santa Barbara : Fess Parker's Double Tree Resort, Santa Barbara, CA, USA, 16.-18.9.1999 / Adrian, R. [u.a.] Hrsg (1999)
The 3. International Workshop on PIV'99 - Santa Barbara : Fess Parker's Double Tree Resort, Santa Barbara, CA, USA, 16.-18.9.1999 / Adrian, R. [u.a.] Hrsg (1999)
A comparison of finite volume and high-order finite difference schemes for the solution of the Navier-Stokes and Euler equations
Finite Volumes for Complex Applications II : Problems and Perspectives ; [19.-22.7.1999, Duisburg, Germany] [2. International Symposium on Finite Volumes for Complex Applications, Problems and Perspectives. Organizing Institutions Institut für Verbrennung und Gasdynamik (IVG), University Duisburg, Germany...] / Vilsmeier, R. [u.a.] Hrsg 733-742 (1999)
Finite Volumes for Complex Applications II : Problems and Perspectives ; [19.-22.7.1999, Duisburg, Germany] [2. International Symposium on Finite Volumes for Complex Applications, Problems and Perspectives. Organizing Institutions Institut für Verbrennung und Gasdynamik (IVG), University Duisburg, Germany...] / Vilsmeier, R. [u.a.] Hrsg 733-742 (1999)
Experimental study of velocity fields in a model of human nasal cavity by DPIV
Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena - 1 : 1. International Symposium ; 12.-15.9.1999, Santa Barbara, California / Banerjee, S. [u.a.] Hrsg 831-842 (1999)
Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena - 1 : 1. International Symposium ; 12.-15.9.1999, Santa Barbara, California / Banerjee, S. [u.a.] Hrsg 831-842 (1999)
Numerische Strömungssimulation
Horizonte : die RWTH Aachen auf dem Weg ins 21. Jahrhundert / Walter, R. [u.a.] Hrsg 55-63 (1999)
Horizonte : die RWTH Aachen auf dem Weg ins 21. Jahrhundert / Walter, R. [u.a.] Hrsg 55-63 (1999)
Predicting complex vortex structures - recent advancements in simulations
AIAA Papers 993400-993818 AIAA 99-3809 (1999)
AIAA Papers 993400-993818 AIAA 99-3809 (1999)
Cyclic flow oscillations in a system of repeatedly branching channels
Physics of fluids 10-4 877-885 (1998)
Physics of fluids 10-4 877-885 (1998)
Application of three dimensional stereography to assess abdominal wall mobility[DOI]
Hernia : the journal of hernias and abdominal wall surgery 2-1 11-14 (1998)
Hernia : the journal of hernias and abdominal wall surgery 2-1 11-14 (1998)
Boundary layer measurement on the ELAC I configuration at RE=YX10^7
Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik : ZAMM = Journal of applied mathematics and mechanics 1998-Suppl. 61-61 (1998)
Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik : ZAMM = Journal of applied mathematics and mechanics 1998-Suppl. 61-61 (1998)
Modified mesh for hernia repair that is adapted to the physiology of the abdominal wall
The European Journal of Surgery 164 951-960 (1998)
The European Journal of Surgery 164 951-960 (1998)
Numerische Simulation des Wirbelaufplatzens
Abhandlungen aus dem Aerodynamischen Institut 33 64-71 (1998)
Abhandlungen aus dem Aerodynamischen Institut 33 64-71 (1998)
Messungen von Geschwindigkeitsfeldern mit der PIV-Methode in einem Modellmotor mit unterschiedlichen Kolbenwänden
Abhandlungen aus dem Aerodynamischen Institut 33 79-88 (1998)
Abhandlungen aus dem Aerodynamischen Institut 33 79-88 (1998)
Grobstruktursimulation kompressibler, turbulenter Strömungen durch Rohre mit Querschnittsverengung
Abhandlungen aus dem Aerodynamischen Institut 33 53-63 (1998)
Abhandlungen aus dem Aerodynamischen Institut 33 53-63 (1998)
Grobstruktursimulation eines in ruhendes Argon eintretenden turbulenten Luftstrahles
Abhandlungen aus dem Aerodynamischen Institut 33 33-42 (1998)
Abhandlungen aus dem Aerodynamischen Institut 33 33-42 (1998)
Grobstruktursimulation ebener Freistrahlen - ein Vergleich zweier Lösungsverfahren
Abhandlungen aus dem Aerodynamischen Institut 33 43-52 (1998)
Abhandlungen aus dem Aerodynamischen Institut 33 43-52 (1998)
Strömungsuntersuchung in einem Serienmotor mit der Particle-Image-Velocimetry
Abhandlungen aus dem Aerodynamischen Institut 33 89-99 (1998)
Abhandlungen aus dem Aerodynamischen Institut 33 89-99 (1998)
Druckverlustmessungen an einem Nasenmodell bei unterschiedlichen Volumenströmen
Abhandlungen aus dem Aerodynamischen Institut 33-119/125 (1998)
Abhandlungen aus dem Aerodynamischen Institut 33-119/125 (1998)
Reagierende Überschallumströmung an einem Raumtransportsystem mit Außenverbrennung
Abhandlungen aus dem Aerodynamischen Institut 33 100-109 (1998)
Abhandlungen aus dem Aerodynamischen Institut 33 100-109 (1998)
Instabilitätsanalyse der Grenzschicht über einer stumpfen ebenen Platte im Überschall
Abhandlungen aus dem Aerodynamischen Institut 33-110/117 (1998)
Abhandlungen aus dem Aerodynamischen Institut 33-110/117 (1998)
Visualisierung von Wirbelstrukturen im Brennraum eines 4-Ventil Motors
Abhandlungen aus dem Aerodynamischen Institut 33 72-78 (1998)
Abhandlungen aus dem Aerodynamischen Institut 33 72-78 (1998)
Entwicklung von Gitteroptimierungsmethoden für die ELAC-1 Konfiguration
DGLR-Jahrestagung 19981998 137-146 (1998)
DGLR-Jahrestagung 19981998 137-146 (1998)
The time course of a goldfish's vortex street measured and analyzed with a PIV device
Lasermethoden in der Strömungsmeßtechnik : 6. Fachtagung ; 28.-30.9.1998, Universität GH Essen / Merzkirch, W. [u.a.] Hrsg. Veranst. von der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Laser-Anemometrie GALA e.V (1998)
Lasermethoden in der Strömungsmeßtechnik : 6. Fachtagung ; 28.-30.9.1998, Universität GH Essen / Merzkirch, W. [u.a.] Hrsg. Veranst. von der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Laser-Anemometrie GALA e.V (1998)
LES of free and wall bounded turbulent flows
16. International Conference on Numerical Methods in Fluid Dynamics : Proceedings of the Conference held in Arcachon, France, 6.-10.7.1998 / Bruneau, C.-H. Hrsg 515 201-206 (1998)
16. International Conference on Numerical Methods in Fluid Dynamics : Proceedings of the Conference held in Arcachon, France, 6.-10.7.1998 / Bruneau, C.-H. Hrsg 515 201-206 (1998)
Time-recording scanning PIV (SPIV) technique for the study of bubble-wake interaction in bubbly two-phase flows
International Conference on Optical Methods and Data Processing in Heat and Fluid Flow : 16.-17.4.1998, City University, London, UK 1998,2 31-40 (1998)
International Conference on Optical Methods and Data Processing in Heat and Fluid Flow : 16.-17.4.1998, City University, London, UK 1998,2 31-40 (1998)
Modelling of the circulatory system
Notes of Lecture Series, Programme Fluid Dynamics and Biological Flows ; 9.-12.3.1998 / Kármán Institute for Fluid Dynamics, Rhode-Saint-Genèse, Belgium (1998)
Notes of Lecture Series, Programme Fluid Dynamics and Biological Flows ; 9.-12.3.1998 / Kármán Institute for Fluid Dynamics, Rhode-Saint-Genèse, Belgium (1998)
PIV measurements in sub- and supersonic flow over the detla wing configuration ELAC
Doppler Picture Interference Velocimetry (DPIV) : 8. International Symposium on Flow Visualization, Sorrento (NA), Italy, 1.-4.9.1998 / Seiler, F. ; George, A. ; Srulijes, J. / Institut Franco-Allemand de Recherches de Saint-Louis (1998)
Doppler Picture Interference Velocimetry (DPIV) : 8. International Symposium on Flow Visualization, Sorrento (NA), Italy, 1.-4.9.1998 / Seiler, F. ; George, A. ; Srulijes, J. / Institut Franco-Allemand de Recherches de Saint-Louis (1998)
Experimentelle und theoretische Untersuchungen zum Folgeverhalten von Streulichtpartikeln in Überschallströmungen
Lasermethoden in der Strömungsmeßtechnik : 6. Fachtagung ; 28.-30.9.1998, Universität GH Essen / Merzkirch, W. [u.a.] Hrsg. Veranst. von der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Laser-Anemometrie GALA e.V 54.1-54.6 (1998)
Lasermethoden in der Strömungsmeßtechnik : 6. Fachtagung ; 28.-30.9.1998, Universität GH Essen / Merzkirch, W. [u.a.] Hrsg. Veranst. von der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Laser-Anemometrie GALA e.V 54.1-54.6 (1998)
Reconstruction of 3-D steady incompressible flow field out of 2-D PIV measurements in wind tunnels
9. International Symposium on Applications of Laser Techniques to Fluid Mechanics : 13.-16.7.1998, Lisbon, Portugal ; [Conference Proceedings] 19.4.1-19.4.8 (1998)
9. International Symposium on Applications of Laser Techniques to Fluid Mechanics : 13.-16.7.1998, Lisbon, Portugal ; [Conference Proceedings] 19.4.1-19.4.8 (1998)
A time-recording DPIV-study of the swirl switching effect in a 90° bend flow
Doppler Picture Interference Velocimetry (DPIV) : 8. International Symposium on Flow Visualization, Sorrento (NA), Italy, 1.-4.9.1998 / Seiler, F. ; George, A. ; Srulijes, J. / Institut Franco-Allemand de Recherches de Saint-Louis (1998)
Doppler Picture Interference Velocimetry (DPIV) : 8. International Symposium on Flow Visualization, Sorrento (NA), Italy, 1.-4.9.1998 / Seiler, F. ; George, A. ; Srulijes, J. / Institut Franco-Allemand de Recherches de Saint-Louis (1998)
Overestimation of flow velocity through leaks in mechanical valve prostheses and in small orifices by continuous wave Doppler[DOI]
Zeitschrift für Kardiologie 86-5 354-362 (1997)
Zeitschrift für Kardiologie 86-5 354-362 (1997)
Interferometry and reconstruction of strongly refracting fields in two-dimensional boundary layer flow[DOI]
Experiments in fluids 22-5 423-431 (1997)
Experiments in fluids 22-5 423-431 (1997)
3D scanning PIV applied to an air flow in a motored engine using digital high-speed video[DOI]
Measurement science and technology 8-12 1480-1492 (1997)
Measurement science and technology 8-12 1480-1492 (1997)
Study of the three-dimensional flow in a T-junction using a dual-scanning method for three-dimensional scanning-particle-image velocimetry (3-D SPIV)[DOI]
Experimental thermal and fluid science 14-1 35-44 (1997)
Experimental thermal and fluid science 14-1 35-44 (1997)
Dual-camera DPIV for flow studies past artificial heart valves[DOI]
Experiments in fluids 22-6 496-506 (1997)
Experiments in fluids 22-6 496-506 (1997)
Untersuchung des Nachlaufs einer Kugelschale mit der dreidimensionalenparticle-image-velocimetry
Abhandlungen aus dem Aerodynamischen Institut 32 58-67 (1997)
Abhandlungen aus dem Aerodynamischen Institut 32 58-67 (1997)
Nose-to-tail calculations for the hypersonic research configuration ELAC I
Gasdynamic problems of space transportation systems : contributions of the German Hypersonic Research Centers and the DLR to the GAMM Annual Meeting 1997, Regensburg, March 24 - 27, 1997 ; special issue / ed. by E. Krause 1997 21-22 (1997)
Gasdynamic problems of space transportation systems : contributions of the German Hypersonic Research Centers and the DLR to the GAMM Annual Meeting 1997, Regensburg, March 24 - 27, 1997 ; special issue / ed. by E. Krause 1997 21-22 (1997)
Flow-simulation for the three-dimensional hypersonic research configurations ELAC I
Gasdynamic problems of space transportation systems : contributions of the German Hypersonic Research Centers and the DLR to the GAMM Annual Meeting 1997, Regensburg, March 24 - 27, 1997 ; special issue / ed. by E. Krause 1997 19-20 (1997)
Gasdynamic problems of space transportation systems : contributions of the German Hypersonic Research Centers and the DLR to the GAMM Annual Meeting 1997, Regensburg, March 24 - 27, 1997 ; special issue / ed. by E. Krause 1997 19-20 (1997)
CFD-applications on SNI/Fujitsu VPP300
Supercomputer 1997 : Anwendungen, Architekturen, Trends / [Mannheimer Seminar 'Supercomputer - Anwendungen, Architekturen, Trends']. Hans-Werner Meuer (Hrsg.). Seminar 'Supercomputer - Anwendungen, Architekturen, Trends' ; 12 (Mannheim) : 1997.06 15 108-119 (1997)
Supercomputer 1997 : Anwendungen, Architekturen, Trends / [Mannheimer Seminar 'Supercomputer - Anwendungen, Architekturen, Trends']. Hans-Werner Meuer (Hrsg.). Seminar 'Supercomputer - Anwendungen, Architekturen, Trends' ; 12 (Mannheim) : 1997.06 15 108-119 (1997)
Experimental study of velocity fields in a model of the human nasal cavity by DPIV
Laser anemometry : advances and applications : proceedings of the 7th international conference, University of Karlsruhe, Germany, September 8-11, 1997 / [1997 International Conference on Laser Anemometry: Advances and Applications]. Organized by: German Association for Laser Anemometry GALA e.V. Ed.: B. Ruck ... 617-626 (1997)
Laser anemometry : advances and applications : proceedings of the 7th international conference, University of Karlsruhe, Germany, September 8-11, 1997 / [1997 International Conference on Laser Anemometry: Advances and Applications]. Organized by: German Association for Laser Anemometry GALA e.V. Ed.: B. Ruck ... 617-626 (1997)
High-speed video : an upcoming chance for time-resolved 3-D velocimetry based on light sheet tomography
Laser anemometry : advances and applications : proceedings of the 7th international conference, University of Karlsruhe, Germany, September 8-11, 1997 / [1997 International Conference on Laser Anemometry: Advances and Applications]. Organized by: German Association for Laser Anemometry GALA e.V. Ed.: B. Ruck ... 427-435 (1997)
Laser anemometry : advances and applications : proceedings of the 7th international conference, University of Karlsruhe, Germany, September 8-11, 1997 / [1997 International Conference on Laser Anemometry: Advances and Applications]. Organized by: German Association for Laser Anemometry GALA e.V. Ed.: B. Ruck ... 427-435 (1997)
Wie soll die mittelfristige HPC-Versorgung in Deutschland gestaltet werden? Eine Antwort aus der Sicht der Strömungsmechanik
Supercomputer 1997 : Anwendungen, Architekturen, Trends / [Mannheimer Seminar 'Supercomputer - Anwendungen, Architekturen, Trends']. Hans-Werner Meuer (Hrsg.). Seminar 'Supercomputer - Anwendungen, Architekturen, Trends' ; 12 (Mannheim) : 1997.06 15 173-176 (1997)
Supercomputer 1997 : Anwendungen, Architekturen, Trends / [Mannheimer Seminar 'Supercomputer - Anwendungen, Architekturen, Trends']. Hans-Werner Meuer (Hrsg.). Seminar 'Supercomputer - Anwendungen, Architekturen, Trends' ; 12 (Mannheim) : 1997.06 15 173-176 (1997)
Separation induced resonance effects in multiple bifurcation : study in a model og the lung airways by DPIV
Laser anemometry : advances and applications : proceedings of the 7th international conference, University of Karlsruhe, Germany, September 8-11, 1997 / [1997 International Conference on Laser Anemometry: Advances and Applications]. Organized by: German Association for Laser Anemometry GALA e.V. Ed.: B. Ruck ... 589-599 (1997)
Laser anemometry : advances and applications : proceedings of the 7th international conference, University of Karlsruhe, Germany, September 8-11, 1997 / [1997 International Conference on Laser Anemometry: Advances and Applications]. Organized by: German Association for Laser Anemometry GALA e.V. Ed.: B. Ruck ... 589-599 (1997)
Large-eddy simulations of the mixing processes in a spatially developing turbulent jet
DNS and LES of complex flows : numerical and modelling aspects ; [workshop] ; University of Twente, July 9-11, 1997 / Bernard Geurts and Hans Kuerten, ed. 1394 (1997)
DNS and LES of complex flows : numerical and modelling aspects ; [workshop] ; University of Twente, July 9-11, 1997 / Bernard Geurts and Hans Kuerten, ed. 1394 (1997)
The coupled Euler/boundary layer method as a design tool for hypersonic re-entry vehicles
Zeitschrift für Flugwissenschaften und Weltraumforschung : ZFW = Journal of flight sciences and space research 20-3 137-144 (1996)
Zeitschrift für Flugwissenschaften und Weltraumforschung : ZFW = Journal of flight sciences and space research 20-3 137-144 (1996)
Numerical simulation of the blood flow in the human cardiovascular system[DOI]
Journal of biomechanics 29-1 13-20 (1996)
Journal of biomechanics 29-1 13-20 (1996)
3-D scanning-particle-image-velocimetry: Technique and application to a spherical cap wake flow[DOI]
Applied Scientific Research 56-2/3 157-179 (1996)
Applied Scientific Research 56-2/3 157-179 (1996)
Numerical simulation of laminar hypersonic shock-boundary layer interaction
Zeitschrift für Flugwissenschaften und Weltraumforschung : ZFW = Journal of flight sciences and space research 20 89-94 (1996)
Zeitschrift für Flugwissenschaften und Weltraumforschung : ZFW = Journal of flight sciences and space research 20 89-94 (1996)
Einfluß des Gefäßdurchmessers auf Druckverlust und effektive Öffnungsfläche künstlicher Herzklappen: Ein Beitrag zur Normung von Prüfverfahren
Biomedizinische Technik = Biomedical engineering E 41 576-577 (1996)
Biomedizinische Technik = Biomedical engineering E 41 576-577 (1996)
Measurements of pressures, forces and moments at subsonic and supersonic speeds on ELAC I
Zeitschrift für Flugwissenschaften und Weltraumforschung : ZFW = Journal of flight sciences and space research 20 105-116 (1996)
Zeitschrift für Flugwissenschaften und Weltraumforschung : ZFW = Journal of flight sciences and space research 20 105-116 (1996)
Comparison between experimental and numerical heat flux data for supersonic flow around ELAC-1
Zeitschrift für Flugwissenschaften und Weltraumforschung : ZFW = Journal of flight sciences and space research 20 61-70 (1996)
Zeitschrift für Flugwissenschaften und Weltraumforschung : ZFW = Journal of flight sciences and space research 20 61-70 (1996)
Investigation of vortex structures on delta wings
Zeitschrift für Flugwissenschaften und Weltraumforschung : ZFW = Journal of flight sciences and space research 20 71-79 (1996)
Zeitschrift für Flugwissenschaften und Weltraumforschung : ZFW = Journal of flight sciences and space research 20 71-79 (1996)
Untersuchung der Wirbelstrukturen im Nachlauf einer Kugelschale mit Hilfe der dreidimensionalen Particle-Image-Velocimetry
Abhandlungen aus dem Aerodynamischen Institut 32 25-36 (1996)
Abhandlungen aus dem Aerodynamischen Institut 32 25-36 (1996)
Experimentelle Untersuchungen der Sekundärströmung um eine Turbinenschaufel in einem einfach beschaufelten Kanal mit profilierten Wänden
Abhandlungen aus dem Aerodynamischen Institut 32 83-97 (1996)
Abhandlungen aus dem Aerodynamischen Institut 32 83-97 (1996)
Numerische Simulation verzweigender Innenströmungen
Abhandlungen aus dem Aerodynamischen Institut 32 98-113 (1996)
Abhandlungen aus dem Aerodynamischen Institut 32 98-113 (1996)
Alternierende Verzweigungsströmungen am Beispiel des bronchialen Systems
Abhandlungen aus dem Aerodynamischen Institut 32 130-139 (1996)
Abhandlungen aus dem Aerodynamischen Institut 32 130-139 (1996)
Strömungssichtbarmachung und Ermittlung von Druck- und Kraftbeiwerten an dem Deltaflügel ELAC I
Abhandlungen aus dem Aerodynamischen Institut 32 48-56 (1996)
Abhandlungen aus dem Aerodynamischen Institut 32 48-56 (1996)
Tomographische Untersuchung eines Heliumfreistrahles
Abhandlungen aus dem Aerodynamischen Institut 32 114-119 (1996)
Abhandlungen aus dem Aerodynamischen Institut 32 114-119 (1996)
Experimentelle Untersuchungen der Strömung in einem Nasenmodell
Abhandlungen aus dem Aerodynamischen Institut 32 120-129 (1996)
Abhandlungen aus dem Aerodynamischen Institut 32 120-129 (1996)
Geschwindigkeitsmessungenim nahen Nachlauf eines winglet-bestückten Tragflügels mit der Drei-Sensor-Hitzdrahtmeßtechnik
Abhandlungen aus dem Aerodynamischen Institut 32 72-82 (1996)
Abhandlungen aus dem Aerodynamischen Institut 32 72-82 (1996)
Numerische Simulation der Umströung der Hyperschallkonfiguration ELAC-1
Abhandlungen aus dem Aerodynamischen Institut 32 37-47 (1996)
Abhandlungen aus dem Aerodynamischen Institut 32 37-47 (1996)
Numerische Simulation inkompressibler Strömungen
Abhandlungen aus dem Aerodynamischen Institut 32 9-24 (1996)
Abhandlungen aus dem Aerodynamischen Institut 32 9-24 (1996)
Transitionsuntersuchungen mit Multisensor-Heißfilmtechnik im Windkanal- und Flugversuch
Abhandlungen aus dem Aerodynamischen Institut 32 63-71 (1996)
Abhandlungen aus dem Aerodynamischen Institut 32 63-71 (1996)
Numerische Simulation einer laminaren Stoßgrenzschicht-Wechselwirkung
Abhandlungen aus dem Aerodynamischen Institut 32 57-62 (1996)
Abhandlungen aus dem Aerodynamischen Institut 32 57-62 (1996)
Experimentelle Simulation der Atemmechanik der Lunge
Abhandlungen aus dem Aerodynamischen Institut 32 140-152 (1996)
Abhandlungen aus dem Aerodynamischen Institut 32 140-152 (1996)
LES of spatially developing jets
Computation and Visualization of Three-Dimensional Vortical and Turbulent Flows : Proceedings of the 5. CNRS DFG Workshop on Numerical Flow Simulation, München, Germany, 6.-7.12.1996 / Friedrich, R. [u.a.] Hrsg 64 116-131 (1996)
Computation and Visualization of Three-Dimensional Vortical and Turbulent Flows : Proceedings of the 5. CNRS DFG Workshop on Numerical Flow Simulation, München, Germany, 6.-7.12.1996 / Friedrich, R. [u.a.] Hrsg 64 116-131 (1996)
Technische Herzklappenprothesen
Qualitätssicherung in der Echokardiographie : wissenschaftliche Tagung der Sektion Kardiologie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Ultraschall in der Medizin (DEGUM) mit Unterstützung der Arbeitsgruppe Kardiovaskulärer Ultraschall der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Kardiologie - Herz- und Kreislaufforschung, 5.10.1996 in Schwannewitz bei Leipzig ; ein Service der Schwarz Pharma Deutschland GmbH / Leitung: W. Fehske (1996)
Qualitätssicherung in der Echokardiographie : wissenschaftliche Tagung der Sektion Kardiologie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Ultraschall in der Medizin (DEGUM) mit Unterstützung der Arbeitsgruppe Kardiovaskulärer Ultraschall der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Kardiologie - Herz- und Kreislaufforschung, 5.10.1996 in Schwannewitz bei Leipzig ; ein Service der Schwarz Pharma Deutschland GmbH / Leitung: W. Fehske (1996)
Application of particle image velocimetry to incylinder flow of a driven piston engine
Proc. 8. Intern. Conf. on Flow Measurement, Beijing 1996 (1996)
Proc. 8. Intern. Conf. on Flow Measurement, Beijing 1996 (1996)
Phase-shifted two-camera DPIV for the study of flow past artificial heart valves
Proc. of the 8. Intern. Symp. Laser Anem. Lissabon, Portugal 1996 26.1, 7 S. (1996)
Proc. of the 8. Intern. Symp. Laser Anem. Lissabon, Portugal 1996 26.1, 7 S. (1996)
Phenomenological study of vortex breakdown by quantitative flow visualization using PIV
Flow visualization VII : proceedings of the Seventh International Symposium on Flow Visualization, September 11 - 14, 1995, Seattle, Washington / ed. by J. P. Crowder 739-744 (1995)
Flow visualization VII : proceedings of the Seventh International Symposium on Flow Visualization, September 11 - 14, 1995, Seattle, Washington / ed. by J. P. Crowder 739-744 (1995)
3D-PIV using stereoscopy and a scanning light-sheet: Application to the 3D unsteady sphere wake flow
Flow visualization VII : proceedings of the Seventh International Symposium on Flow Visualization, September 11 - 14, 1995, Seattle, Washington / ed. by J. P. Crowder 715-720 (1995)
Flow visualization VII : proceedings of the Seventh International Symposium on Flow Visualization, September 11 - 14, 1995, Seattle, Washington / ed. by J. P. Crowder 715-720 (1995)
An experimental study of an oscillatory flow in a bifurcation using PIV
Flow visualization VII : proceedings of the Seventh International Symposium on Flow Visualization, September 11 - 14, 1995, Seattle, Washington / ed. by J. P. Crowder 674-679 (1995)
Flow visualization VII : proceedings of the Seventh International Symposium on Flow Visualization, September 11 - 14, 1995, Seattle, Washington / ed. by J. P. Crowder 674-679 (1995)
Simulation of vortex breakdown
Zeitschrift für Flugwissenschaften und Weltraumforschung : ZFW = Journal of flight sciences and space research 19-6 (1995)
Zeitschrift für Flugwissenschaften und Weltraumforschung : ZFW = Journal of flight sciences and space research 19-6 (1995)
3D-PIV using a scanning light-sheet and stereoscopy: Study of flow development around a spherical cap
Laser anemometry 229 497-503 (1995)
Laser anemometry 229 497-503 (1995)
Comparative measurements in the canonical boundary layer at Reδ2≤6×104 on the wall of the German–Dutch windtunnel[DOI]
Physics of fluids 7-6 1275-1281 (1995)
Physics of fluids 7-6 1275-1281 (1995)
Linear stability analysis of the near wake of a flat plate
Zeitschrift für Flugwissenschaften und Weltraumforschung : ZFW = Journal of flight sciences and space research 19-6 (1995)
Zeitschrift für Flugwissenschaften und Weltraumforschung : ZFW = Journal of flight sciences and space research 19-6 (1995)
Velocity field measurements of unsteady flow downstream of artificial heart valves using digital-particle-image-velocimetry (DPIV)
The international journal of artificial organs 18 441-441 (1995)
The international journal of artificial organs 18 441-441 (1995)
Study of vortex breakdown by particle-tracking-velocimetry (PTV) : P. 3: Time-dependent structure and development of breakdown-modes
Experiments in fluids 18 174-186 (1995)
Experiments in fluids 18 174-186 (1995)
Windkanalwaage zum Messen aerodynamischer Kräfte an der Hyperschall-Konfiguration ELAC I
Messtechnische Briefe : MTB 31-1 (1995)
Messtechnische Briefe : MTB 31-1 (1995)
Whole-volume PIV by the concept of a scanning light-sheet : Technique and application to 3D unsteady bluff body wakes
Laser anemometry 229 115-121 (1995)
Laser anemometry 229 115-121 (1995)
Digital-particle-image-velocimetry in a scanning light-sheet : 3D-starting flow around a short cylinder
Experiments in fluids 19 255-263 (1995)
Experiments in fluids 19 255-263 (1995)
Bubble- and spiral-type breakdown of slender vortices[DOI]
Experimental thermal and fluid science 11-3 276-284 (1995)
Experimental thermal and fluid science 11-3 276-284 (1995)
Parallel solution schemes for the navier-stokes equations
Computational fluid dynamics on parallel systems : proceedings of a CNRS-DFG Symposium in Stuttgart, December 9 and 10, 1993 / ed. by Siegfried Wagner. Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique. Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft 50 88-96 (1995)
Computational fluid dynamics on parallel systems : proceedings of a CNRS-DFG Symposium in Stuttgart, December 9 and 10, 1993 / ed. by Siegfried Wagner. Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique
Anwendung der particle image velocimetry auf eine Motorinnenströmung
Flächige Strömungsmeßverfahren : Zusammenfassung der Vorträge auf der Fachausschußtagung am 02./03. März 1995 in Berlin / DGLR-Fachausschuss 'Experimentelle Aerodynamik'. [Institut für Luft- und Raumfahrt, Technische Universität Berlin]. W. Nitsche; R. Henke (Hrsg.) 295 (1995)
Flächige Strömungsmeßverfahren : Zusammenfassung der Vorträge auf der Fachausschußtagung am 02./03. März 1995 in Berlin / DGLR-Fachausschuss 'Experimentelle Aerodynamik'. [Institut für Luft- und Raumfahrt, Technische Universität Berlin]. W. Nitsche; R. Henke (Hrsg.) 295 (1995)
3D-PIV using stereoscopy and a scanning light-shear : Application to the 3D unsteady sphere wake flow
Proc. 7. Int. Sympos. Flow Visualizat. Hrsg. J. Crowder. 715-720 (1995)
Proc. 7. Int. Sympos. Flow Visualizat. Hrsg. J. Crowder. 715-720 (1995)
Numerical simulation of vortex breakdown-recent results
6 Int. Sympos. on Comput. Fluid Dyn. Lake Tahoe 1995. - Bd. 3 644-652 (1995)
6 Int. Sympos. on Comput. Fluid Dyn. Lake Tahoe 1995. - Bd. 3 644-652 (1995)
An experimental study of an oscillatory flow in bifurcating tube suing particle-image-velocimetry (PIV)
Proc. 7. Int. Sympos. Flow Visualizat. Hrsg. J. Crowder 674-679 (1995)
Proc. 7. Int. Sympos. Flow Visualizat. Hrsg. J. Crowder 674-679 (1995)
Strömungsfragen der Medizin
38. Jtagg. d. Kanzler u. Ltd. Verwalt. beamten d. wiss. Hochschulen d. Bundesrep. Deutschland. Aachen 1995, Tagg. ber. 23-35 (1995)
38. Jtagg. d. Kanzler u. Ltd. Verwalt. beamten d. wiss. Hochschulen d. Bundesrep. Deutschland. Aachen 1995, Tagg. ber. 23-35 (1995)
Untersuchung einer Motorinnenströmung mit der Particle-Image-Velocimetry
4. Fachtagg. Lasermeth. in d. Ström. meßtech. Hrsg. B. Ruck [u.a.] Stuttgart 1995 (1995)
4. Fachtagg. Lasermeth. in d. Ström. meßtech. Hrsg. B. Ruck [u.a.] Stuttgart 1995 (1995)
Preliminary report on cavitation tests from the AIA/LMS, Aachen
Miami-Sympos. on Heart Valve Caviat. and Noise. Miami 1995 (1995)
Miami-Sympos. on Heart Valve Caviat. and Noise. Miami 1995 (1995)
Phenomenological study of vortex breakdown by quantitative flow visualization using particle-image-velocimetry (PIV)
Proc. 7. Int. Sympos. Flow Visualizat. Hrsg. J. Crowder. 739-745 (1995)
Proc. 7. Int. Sympos. Flow Visualizat. Hrsg. J. Crowder. 739-745 (1995)
Gittergenerierung und Strömungsfelduntersuchung für komplexe Wiedereintrittskörper
[Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrtkongress, DGLR Jahrestagung, Erlangen, Germany] (1994)
[Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrtkongress, DGLR Jahrestagung, Erlangen, Germany] (1994)
The role of numerical aerothermodynamics for the development of new space transportation systems
[nd European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering, ECCOMAS ECFD] (1994)
[nd European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering, ECCOMAS ECFD] (1994)
Rekonstruktive Ohrchirurgie ohne Fremdprothesen
Biomedizinische Technik = Biomedical engineering 39-E 372-373 (1994)
Biomedizinische Technik = Biomedical engineering 39-E 372-373 (1994)
Einschränkung der Erkennung von Krankheitsbildern durch die Grenzen der Computertomographie am Beispiel der Nasennebenhöhlen - Qualitätsmerkmale unterschiedlicher Diagnoseverfahren
Biomedizinische Technik = Biomedical engineering 39-E 77-78 (1994)
Biomedizinische Technik = Biomedical engineering 39-E 77-78 (1994)
Produktprüfung bei künstlichen Herzklappen
Biomedizinische Technik = Biomedical engineering 39-E 401-402 (1994)
Biomedizinische Technik = Biomedical engineering 39-E 401-402 (1994)
Technische Gesichtspunkte zur Zertifizierung nichtaktiver chirurgischer Implantate für den Europäischen Markt
Biomedizinische Technik = Biomedical engineering 39-E 405-406 (1994)
Biomedizinische Technik = Biomedical engineering 39-E 405-406 (1994)
Strömungsbeobachtungen und Echo-Dopplermessungen zur Leckströmung an technischen Herzklappenprothesen
Biomedizinische Technik = Biomedical engineering 39-E 40-41 (1994)
Biomedizinische Technik = Biomedical engineering 39-E 40-41 (1994)
Color-coded doppler imaging of the vena contracta as a basis for quantification of pure mitral regurgitation
The American journal of cardiology 73 267-274 (1994)
The American journal of cardiology 73 267-274 (1994)
Optische Tomographie zur Untersuchung von Zylinderinnenströmungen
3. Fachtagg. Lasermeth. in d. Strö Bremen 1994 38, 3 S. (1994)
3. Fachtagg. Lasermeth. in d. Strö Bremen 1994 38, 3 S. (1994)
Recent progress in hypersonics: The ELAC configuration
Proc. 2. Eur. Sympos. on Aerothermodyn. for Space Veh. Nordwijk, Niederlande 1994 (1994)
Proc. 2. Eur. Sympos. on Aerothermodyn. for Space Veh. Nordwijk, Niederlande 1994 (1994)
Experience with parallel computing in fluid mechanics
2. Eur. Comput. Fluid Dyn. Conf. New York, NY (USA) 1994 87-95 (1994)
2. Eur. Comput. Fluid Dyn. Conf. New York, NY (USA) 1994 87-95 (1994)
In vitro steady flow study of leakagae jet formation of technical heart valves prostheses
Proc. 3. Int. Sympos. Biofluid Mech. Hrsg. D. Liepsch. München 1994 315-323 (1994)
Proc. 3. Int. Sympos. Biofluid Mech. Hrsg. D. Liepsch. München 1994 315-323 (1994)
Particle-Image-Velocimetry (PIV) - a tool for measuring unsteady vortical flows in models of branching vessels: Application to the confluent flow in a rigid 90deg. T-junction
Proc. 3. Int. Sympos. Biofluid Mech. Hrsg. D. Liepsch. München 1994 565-576 (1994)
Proc. 3. Int. Sympos. Biofluid Mech. Hrsg. D. Liepsch. München 1994 565-576 (1994)
In vitro-study of occluder cinematics of the SIM aortic heart valve protheses in pulsatile flow
Proc. 3. Int. Sympos. Biofluid Mech. Hrsg. D. Liepsch. München 1994 295-306 (1994)
Proc. 3. Int. Sympos. Biofluid Mech. Hrsg. D. Liepsch. München 1994 295-306 (1994)
Analysis of hypersonic flows around space transportation systems via cfd methods
[Aiandglr Fifth International Aerospace Planes And Hypersonics Technologies Conference] (1993)
[Aiandglr Fifth International Aerospace Planes And Hypersonics Technologies Conference] (1993)
Investigation of the flowfield over parallel-arranged launch vehicles[DOI]
23rd Fluid Dynamics, Plasmadynamics, and Lasers Conference : [Proceedings] (1993)
23rd Fluid Dynamics, Plasmadynamics, and Lasers Conference : [Proceedings] (1993)
An extended insight into hypersonic flow phenomena using numerical methods[DOI]
Computers & fluids 22-4/5 407-426 (1993)
Computers & fluids 22-4/5 407-426 (1993)
Detailed Numerical Analysis of Hypersonic Flows over a Two-Stage Spacecraft[DOI]
Journal of spacecraft and rockets 1-4 8-13 (1993)
Journal of spacecraft and rockets 1-4 8-13 (1993)
Strömungsuntersuchungen an Textilmaschinen mit Hilfe der Ähnlichkeitstheorie
Textilpraxis international : TPI 48 202-205 (1993)
Textilpraxis international : TPI 48 202-205 (1993)
Pressure measurements at supersonic speeds on the research configuration ELAC I
Zeitschrift für Flugwissenschaften und Weltraumforschung : ZFW = Journal of flight sciences and space research 17 82-89 (1993)
Zeitschrift für Flugwissenschaften und Weltraumforschung : ZFW = Journal of flight sciences and space research 17 82-89 (1993)
Numerical simulation of vortical and coherent structures in compressible jet flows[DOI]
Applied Scientific Research 51-1/2 331-335 (1993)
Applied Scientific Research 51-1/2 331-335 (1993)
Supersonic and hypersonic flow computations for the research configuration ELAC I and comparison to experimental data
Zeitschrift für Flugwissenschaften und Weltraumforschung : ZFW = Journal of flight sciences and space research 17 90-98 (1993)
Zeitschrift für Flugwissenschaften und Weltraumforschung : ZFW = Journal of flight sciences and space research 17 90-98 (1993)
In-flight measuring techniques for laminar flow wing development
Zeitschrift für Flugwissenschaften und Weltraumforschung : ZFW = Journal of flight sciences and space research 17 294-310 (1993)
Zeitschrift für Flugwissenschaften und Weltraumforschung : ZFW = Journal of flight sciences and space research 17 294-310 (1993)
Study of vortex breakdown by particle tracking velocimetry (PTV). P. 2: Spiral-type vortex breakdown
Experiments in fluids 14 133-139 (1993)
Experiments in fluids 14 133-139 (1993)
Theoretical and experimental studies based on a new model of the mechanics of breathing
Proc. Int. Sci. Conf. on Fluid Mech. and Hydrodyn. Aspects of Biosphere. 1993, abstr. (1993)
Proc. Int. Sci. Conf. on Fluid Mech. and Hydrodyn. Aspects of Biosphere. 1993, abstr. (1993)
Strömungsfeldberechnungen und Leistungsvorhersage von fortgeschrittenen Raketenmotorendüsen
[Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrtkongress, DGLR Jahrestagung, Bremen] (1992)
[Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrtkongress, DGLR Jahrestagung, Bremen] (1992)
Comparative study of inviscid and viscous hypersonic flows over an STS
Computational fluid dynamics '92 : Proceedings of the European Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference, 1st, Brussels, Belgium, Sep. 7-11, 1992. - Vols. 1 & 2 A95-95357, Seite 323-330 (1992)
Computational fluid dynamics '92 : Proceedings of the European Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference, 1st, Brussels, Belgium, Sep. 7-11, 1992. - Vols. 1 & 2 A95-95357, Seite 323-330 (1992)
Robust Computation of 3D Viscous Hypersonic Flow Problems[DOI]
Proceedings of the Ninth GAMM Conference on Numerical Methods in Fluid Mechanics : Lausanne, September 25 - 27, 1991 / ed. by Jan B. Vos ... (1992)
Proceedings of the Ninth GAMM Conference on Numerical Methods in Fluid Mechanics : Lausanne, September 25 - 27, 1991 / ed. by Jan B. Vos ... (1992)
Implicit solutions of three-dimensional viscous hypersonic flows[DOI]
Computers & fluids 21-1 109-132 (1992)
Computers & fluids 21-1 109-132 (1992)
Comparison of turbulence measurements with single, X and triple hot-wire probes[DOI]
Experiments in fluids 13-2/3 208-216 (1992)
Experiments in fluids 13-2/3 208-216 (1992)
Calculation of three-dimensional, compressible boundary layers on pointed bodies and comparison with experiments
Zeitschrift für Flugwissenschaften und Weltraumforschung : ZFW = Journal of flight sciences and space research 16-5 308-316 (1992)
Zeitschrift für Flugwissenschaften und Weltraumforschung : ZFW = Journal of flight sciences and space research 16-5 308-316 (1992)
Numerical simulation of the small vortices in the intake and compression processes of an engine
JSME international journal / Series II, Fluids engineering, heat transfer, power, combustion, thermophysical properties 35 549 (1992)
JSME international journal / Series II, Fluids engineering, heat transfer, power, combustion, thermophysical properties 35 549 (1992)
Dopplerkardiographische Darstellung konstruktionsbedingter Regurgitationen an technischen Herzklappenprothesen
Zeitschrift für Kardiologie 81 (1992)
Zeitschrift für Kardiologie 81 (1992)
Study of vortex breakdown by particle tracking velocimetry. P. 1: Bubble-type vortex breakdown
Experiments in fluids 13 339-349 (1992)
Experiments in fluids 13 339-349 (1992)
Vortical structures and turbulent phenomena in a piston-engine model
Proc. 13. Int. Conf. on Numer. Meth. in Fluid. Dyn. Berlin [u.a.] 1992 165-170 (1992)
Proc. 13. Int. Conf. on Numer. Meth. in Fluid. Dyn. Berlin [u.a.] 1992 165-170 (1992)
Radiation boundary conditions for finite element solutions of generalized wave equations[DOI]
International journal for numerical methods in fluids 12-8 765-783 (1991)
International journal for numerical methods in fluids 12-8 765-783 (1991)
Computation of 3D Viscous Hypersonic Flows
[Fourth International Symposium on Computational Fluid Dynamics, Davis, California, USA] (1991)
[Fourth International Symposium on Computational Fluid Dynamics, Davis, California, USA] (1991)
Doppler-echokardiographische Bestimmung der effektiven Oberfläche von mechanischen Herzklappenprothesen im Strömungsmodell
Zeitschrift für Kardiologie 80 441-448 (1991)
Zeitschrift für Kardiologie 80 441-448 (1991)
Cinematics and sticking of heart valves in pulsatile flow test
The international journal of artificial organs 14 327-331 (1991)
The international journal of artificial organs 14 327-331 (1991)
Biomechanics of valvular plane displacement of the heart
Basic research in cardiology 86 572-581 (1991)
Basic research in cardiology 86 572-581 (1991)
Untersuchungen zur verzweigenden Innenströmung
Konstruktion : Zeitschrift für Produktentwicklung und Ingenieur-Werkstoffe 43 309-316 (1991)
Konstruktion : Zeitschrift für Produktentwicklung und Ingenieur-Werkstoffe 43 309-316 (1991)
Densitrometrische In-vitro-Untersuchung periimplantärer Knochendefekte mit Hilfe der digitalen Bildverarbeitung
Zeitschrift für zahnärztliche Implantologie : ZZI = Journal of dental implantology : JDI 7 189-193 (1991)
Zeitschrift für zahnärztliche Implantologie : ZZI = Journal of dental implantology : JDI 7 189-193 (1991)
Wavy Taylor-vortex flows via multigrid-continuation methods[DOI]
Journal of computational physics 91-1 197-227 (1990)
Journal of computational physics 91-1 197-227 (1990)
Modellierung kardiovaskulärer Strömungen in technischen Modellen
Biomedizinische Technik = Biomedical engineering 35 53-54 (1990)
Biomedizinische Technik = Biomedical engineering 35 53-54 (1990)
Computation of transition to turbulence in the compression stage of a reciprocating engine
Fluid dynamics research 6 277-294 (1990)
Fluid dynamics research 6 277-294 (1990)
Simulation of unsteady flows[DOI]
Twelfth International Conference on Numerical Methods in Fluid Dynamics : proceedings of the conference held at the University of Oxford, England on 9-13 July 1990 / K. W. Morton (ed.) 371 268-272 (1990)
Twelfth International Conference on Numerical Methods in Fluid Dynamics : proceedings of the conference held at the University of Oxford, England on 9-13 July 1990 / K. W. Morton (ed.) 371 268-272 (1990)
The solution to the problem of vortex breakdown
Proc. 12. Int. Conf. on Numer. Meth. in Fluid Dyn. Berlin [u.a.] 1990 371 35-50 (1990)
Proc. 12. Int. Conf. on Numer. Meth. in Fluid Dyn. Berlin [u.a.] 1990 371 35-50 (1990)
Solution of the 3-D, incompressible Navier-Stokes equations for the simulation of vortex breakdown
Proceedings of the Eighth GAMM Conference on Numerical Methods in Fluid Mechanics / ed. by Pieter Wesseling 29 42-51 (1990)
Proceedings of the Eighth GAMM Conference on Numerical Methods in Fluid Mechanics / ed. by Pieter Wesseling 29 42-51 (1990)
Computation of the transition to turbulence and flame propagation in a piston engine
Proc. 12. Int. Conf. on Numer. Meth. in Fluid Dyn. Berlin [u.a.] 1990 371 469-474 (1990)
Proc. 12. Int. Conf. on Numer. Meth. in Fluid Dyn. Berlin [u.a.] 1990 371 469-474 (1990)
Das DFG-Schwerpunktprogramm 'Finite Approximationen in der Strömungsmechanik'
GAMM-Tagg. 1990, Nr. 1 29-49 (1990)
GAMM-Tagg. 1990, Nr. 1 29-49 (1990)
Three-Dimensional Simulations of Hypersonic Flows
International Conference on Hypersonic Aerodynamics (1989)
International Conference on Hypersonic Aerodynamics (1989)
Application of the Multigrid Method in Solutions of the Compressible Navier-Stokes Equations
[Fourth Copper Mountain Conference on Multigrid Methods] (1989)
[Fourth Copper Mountain Conference on Multigrid Methods] (1989)
Multigrid Solutions for the Navier-Stokes Equations
Notes on numerical fluid mechanics and multidisciplinary design 25 176-190 (1989)
Notes on numerical fluid mechanics and multidisciplinary design 25 176-190 (1989)
The space vehicle of variable geometry, optimum for two supersonic cruising speeds
Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik : ZAMM = Journal of applied mathematics and mechanics 69 T 585-T 588 (1989)
Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik : ZAMM = Journal of applied mathematics and mechanics 69 T 585-T 588 (1989)
Zur Spaltströmung durch künstliche Herzklappen
Biomedizinische Technik = Biomedical engineering 34 101-102 (1989)
Biomedizinische Technik = Biomedical engineering 34 101-102 (1989)
Evaluation parameters and test methods for artificial heart valves. Int. j
Artificial organs 12 252-260 (1989)
Artificial organs 12 252-260 (1989)
Lösung der Navier-Stokes Gleichungen mit dem Mehrgitter¬konzept
Abhandlungen aus dem Aerodynamischen Institut der Rhein.-Westf. Technischen Hochschule Aachen = Proceedings / Institute of Aerodynamics Aachen University 29 26-27 (1988)
Abhandlungen aus dem Aerodynamischen Institut der Rhein.-Westf. Technischen Hochschule Aachen = Proceedings / Institute of Aerodynamics Aachen University 29 26-27 (1988)
Ein Upwind-Verfahren zur Lösung der Navier-Stokes Gleichungen
Abhandlungen aus dem Aerodynamischen Institut der Rhein.-Westf. Technischen Hochschule Aachen = Proceedings / Institute of Aerodynamics Aachen University 28 1-11 (1988)
Abhandlungen aus dem Aerodynamischen Institut der Rhein.-Westf. Technischen Hochschule Aachen = Proceedings / Institute of Aerodynamics Aachen University 28 1-11 (1988)
Temporärer Herzersatz, Strömung und Steuerung
Biomedizinische Technik = Biomedical engineering 33-Erg.-Bd. 1 (1988)
Biomedizinische Technik = Biomedical engineering 33-Erg.-Bd. 1 (1988)
Numerische Berechnung reibungsbehafteter Innenströmungen
4. BMFT-Statusseminar Luftfahrtforschung und Luftfahrttechnologie (1986)
4. BMFT-Statusseminar Luftfahrtforschung und Luftfahrttechnologie (1986)