Publikationen 2013
- Statnikov, V.; Meiß, J.-H.; Meinke, Matthias; Schröder, Wolfgang - “Investigation of the turbulent wake flow of generic launcher configurations via a zonal RANS/LES method” - CEAS space journal - vol 5 no 1/2 content/page 75-86 - doi:10.1007/s12567-013-0045-6
In RWTH Publications öffnen - Karhoff, D.-Ch.; Bücker, I.; Klaas, Michael; Schröder, Wolfgang - “Time-Resolved stereoscopic PIV measurements of cyclic variations in an internal combustion engine” - 10. Int. Symp. On Particle Image Velocimetry-PIV13
In RWTH Publications öffnen - van Overbrüggen, T.; Bahl, B.; Dierksheide, U.; Klaas, Michael; Schröder, Wolfgang - “Tomographic particle-image velocimetry in an IC engine” - 10. Int. Symp. on Particle Image Velocimetry-PIV13
In RWTH Publications öffnen - Scharnowski, S.; Statnikov, V.; Meinke, Matthias; Schröder, Wolfgang; Kähler, Ch. - “Combined experimental and numerical investigation of a transonic space launcher wake” - 5. EUCASS Conference, Munich
In RWTH Publications öffnen - Statnikov, V.; Saile, D.; Meiß, J.-H.; Henckels, A.; Meinke, Matthias; Gülhan, A.; Schröder, Wolfgang - “Experimental and numerical investigation of the turbulent wake flow of a generic space launcher configuration” - 5. EUCASS Conference
In RWTH Publications öffnen - Winzen, Andrea; Klaas, Michael; Schröder, Wolfgang - “Time-resolved PIV and force measurements of wing models with artificial surface structures” - 31. AIAA Applied Aerodynamics Conference - doi:10.2514/6.2013-2532
In RWTH Publications öffnen - Schneiders, Lennart; Meinke, Matthias; Schröder, Wolfgang - “A robust cut-cell method for fluid-structure interaction on adaptive meshes” - 21. AIAA Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference - doi:10.2514/6.2013-2716
In RWTH Publications öffnen - Pielhop, Kai; Klaas, Michael; Schröder, Wolfgang - “Experimental investigation of fluid-structure interaction in elastic vessels” - 43. AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference - doi:10.2514/6.2013-3198
In RWTH Publications öffnen - Feldhusen, Antjje; Hartmann, Axel; Klaas, Michael; Schröder, Wolfgang - “Impact of Alternating Trailing-Edge Noise on Buffet Flows” - 31. AIAA Applied Aerodynamics Conference
In RWTH Publications öffnen - Geiser, Georg; Schlimpert, Stephan; Schröder, Wolfgang - “Combustion modeling effects on the thermoacoustic sources of a laminar premixed flame” - 19. AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference - doi:10.2514/6.2013-2004
In RWTH Publications öffnen - Statnikov, V.; Glatzer, C.; Meiß, J.-H.; Meinke, Matthias; Schröder, Wolfgang - “Numerical investigation of the near wake of generic space launcher systems at transonic and supersonic flows” - Progress in Flight Physics : [Proceedings] - doi:10.1051/eucass/201305191
In RWTH Publications öffnen - Konopka, M.; Meinke, Matthias; Schröder, Wolfgang - “Large-eddy simulation of high mach number film cooling with shock-wave interaction” - Progress in Flight Physics - doi:10.1051/eucass/201305309
In RWTH Publications öffnen - Saile, D.; Gülhan, A.; Henckels, A.; Glatzer, C.; Statnikov, V.; Meinke, Matthias; Schröder, Wolfgang - “Investigations on the turbulent wake of a generic space launcher geometry in the hypersonic flow regime” - Progress in Flight Physics - doi:10.1051/eucass/201305209
In RWTH Publications öffnen - Krause, Egon; Kalkmann, Ulrich - “Kármán kennt man sogar auf dem Mars. Vor 50 Jahren starb der Wegbereiter der modernen Aerodynamik. Er lehrte in Aachen, bis er 1933 Deutschland verlassen musste.” - Aachener Nachrichten - vol 69 no 104 vom 2013/05/06 content/page 27
In RWTH Publications öffnen - Bücker, Isabella Maria; Karhoff, Daniel-Christian; Klaas, Michael; Schröder, Wolfgang - “Engine In-Cylinder Flow Control via Variable Intake Valve Timing” - SAE technical paper - vol 2013-24-0055 content/page 11 Seiten - doi:10.4271/2013-24-0055
In RWTH Publications öffnen - Koh, Seong Ryong; Schröder, Wolfgang; Meinke, Matthias - “Noise sources in heated coaxial jets” - Computers & fluids - vol 78 content/page 24-28 - doi:10.1016/j.compfluid.2011.08.021
In RWTH Publications öffnen - Lintermann, Andreas; Meinke, Matthias; Schröder, Wolfgang - “Fluid mechanics based classification of the respiratory efficiency of several nasal cavities” - Computers in biology and medicine - vol 43 no 11 content/page 1833-1852 - doi:10.1016/j.compbiomed.2013.09.003
In RWTH Publications öffnen - Soodt, Thomas; Pott, Desirée; Klaas, Michael; Schröder, Wolfgang - “Analysis of basic flow regimes in a human airway model by stereo-scanning PIV” - Experiments in fluids - vol 54 no 6 content/page 1562 - doi:10.1007/s00348-013-1562-y
In RWTH Publications öffnen - Konopka, Martin; Meinke, Matthias; Schröder, Wolfgang - “Large-eddy simulation of shock-cooling-film interaction at helium and hydrogen injection” - Physics of fluids - vol 25 no 10 content/page 106101 - doi:10.1063/1.4823745
In RWTH Publications öffnen - Hartmann, Axel; Klaas, Michael; Schröder, Wolfgang - “Coupled Airfoil Heave/Pitch Oscillations at Buffet Flow” - AIAA journal - vol 51 no 7 content/page 1542-1552 - doi:10.2514/1.J051512
In RWTH Publications öffnen - Geiser, Georg; Marinc, Daniel; Schröder, Wolfgang - “Comparison of source reconstruction methods for hybrid aeroacoustic predictions” - International journal of aeroacoustics - vol 12 no 7/8 content/page 639-662 - doi:10.1260/1475-472X.12.7-8.639
In RWTH Publications öffnen - Konopka, Martin; Jessen, Wilhelm; Meinke, Matthias; Schröder, Wolfgang - “Large-Eddy Simulation of Film Cooling in an Adverse Pressure Gradient Flow” - Journal of turbomachinery - vol 135 no 3 content/page 031031 - doi:10.1115/1.4007583
In RWTH Publications öffnen - Kashinath, Karthik; Hemchandra, Santosh; Juniper, Matthew P. - “Nonlinear Phenomena in Thermoacoustic Systems With Premixed Flames” - Journal of engineering for gas turbines and power - vol 135 no 6 content/page 061502 - doi:10.1115/1.4023305
In RWTH Publications öffnen - Gnanamanickam, E. P.; Nottebrock, Bernardo; Grosse, S.; Sullivan, J. P.; Schröder, Wolfgang - “Measurement of turbulent wall shear-stress using micro-pillars” - Measurement science and technology - vol 24 no 12 content/page 124002 - doi:10.1088/0957-0233/24/12/124002
In RWTH Publications öffnen - Meinke, Matthias; Schneiders, Lennart; Günther, Claudia; Schröder, Wolfgang - “A cut-cell method for sharp moving boundaries in Cartesian grids” - Computers & fluids - vol 85 no SI content/page 135-142 - doi:10.1016/j.compfluid.2012.11.010
In RWTH Publications öffnen - Roidl, Benedikt; Meinke, Matthias; Schröder, Wolfgang - “A reformulated synthetic turbulence generation method for a zonal RANS-LES method and its application to zero-pressure gradient boundary layers” - The international journal of heat and fluid flow - vol 44 content/page 28-40 - doi:10.1016/j.ijheatfluidflow.2013.03.017
In RWTH Publications öffnen - Krause, Egon; Kalkmann, Ulrich - “Von Kármán between Aachen and Pasadena” - Progress in aerospace sciences - vol 59 Special no SI content/page 2-12 - doi:10.1016/j.paerosci.2013.03.002
In RWTH Publications öffnen - Abel, Dirk; Brecher, Christian; de Doncker, Rik W.; Hameyer, Kay; Jacobs, Georg; Monti, Antonello; Schröder, Wolfgang - “Tagungsband / Conference for Wind Power Drives : Aachen 19. - 20. März 2013” - Proceedings - Aachen - content/page III, 455 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
In RWTH Publications öffnen - Lintermann, Andreas; Eitel-Amor, G.; Meinke, Matthias; Schröder, Wolfgang - “Lattice-Boltzmann Solutions with Local Grid Refinement for Nasal Cavity Flows” - 17. STAB/DGLR Symposium - vol 121 content/page 583-590 - doi:10.1007/978-3-642-35680-3_69
In RWTH Publications öffnen - Bücker, I.; Karhoff, D.; Dannemann, J.; Pielhop, K.; Klaas, Michael; Schröder, Wolfgang - “Comparison of PIV Measured Flow Structures in Two Four-Valve Piston Engines” - 17. STAB/DGLR Symposium Berlin - vol 121 content/page 633-640 - doi:10.1007/978-3-642-35680-3_75
In RWTH Publications öffnen - Günther, Claudia; Hartmann, Daniel; Meinke, Matthias; Schröder, Wolfgang - “A Level-Set Based Cartesian Grid Method to Simulate In-Cylinder Flow” - 17. STAB/DGLR Symposium Berlin - vol 121 content/page 481-488 - doi:10.1007/978-3-642-35680-3_57
In RWTH Publications öffnen - Geurts, K. J.; Meinke, Matthias; Schröder, Wolfgang - “A Zonal RANS/LES Method for the Flow Around an Airfoil at High Angle of Attack” - 17. STAB/DGLR Symposium Berlin - vol 121 content/page 465-472 - doi:10.1007/978-3-642-35680-3_55
In RWTH Publications öffnen - Marinc, Daniel; Foysi, Holger - “Optimal Control of a Plane Jet Using the Adjoint Method” - 17. STAB/DGLR Symposium Berlin - vol 121 content/page 151-159 - doi:10.1007/978-3-642-35680-3_19
In RWTH Publications öffnen - Holtermann, Timm; Sasse, Christian; Jessen, Wilhelm; Raina, Mohit Ajitkumar; Seide, Gunnar Henrik; Gries, Thomas; Schröder, Wolfgang - “Energy efficient relay nozzle settings in air-jet weaving by means of a model-based tool” - 7. Aachen-Dresden International Textile Conference - content/page P50, 9 Seiten
In RWTH Publications öffnen - Kunnen, R. P. J.; Siewert, C.; Meinke, Matthias; Schröder, Wolfgang; Beheng, K. D. - “Numerically determined geometric collision kernels in spatially evolving isotropic turbulence relevant for droplets in clouds” - Atmospheric research - vol 127 content/page 8-21 - doi:10.1016/j.atmosres.2013.02.003
In RWTH Publications öffnen - Schäfer, L.; Göbbert, Jens Henrik; Schröder, Wolfgang - “Dissipation element analysis in experimental and numerical shear flow” - European journal of mechanics / B, Fluids - vol 38 content/page 85-92 - doi:10.1016/j.euromechflu.2012.10.011
In RWTH Publications öffnen - Winzen, Andrea; Klaas, Michael; Schröder, Wolfgang - “High-speed PIV measurements of the near-wall flow field over hairy surfaces” - Experiments in fluids - vol 54 no 3 content/page 1472 - doi:10.1007/s00348-013-1472-z
In RWTH Publications öffnen - Achilles, N.; Pasch, N.; Linterman, A.; Schröder, W.; Mösges, R. - “Computational fluid dynamics: a suitable assessment tool for demonstrating the antiobstructive effect of drugs in the therapy of allergic rhinitis” - Acta otorhinolaryngologica italica - vol 33 no 1 content/page 36-42 - doi:
In RWTH Publications öffnen - Hartmann, Axel; Feldhusen, Antje; Schröder, Wolfgang - “On the interaction of shock waves and sound waves in transonic buffet flow” - Physics of fluids - vol 25 no 2 content/page 026101 - doi:10.1063/1.4791603
In RWTH Publications öffnen - Schneiders, Lennart; Hartmann, Daniel; Meinke, Matthias; Schröder, Wolfgang - “An accurate moving boundary formulation in cut-cell methods” - Journal of computational physics - vol 235 content/page 786-809 - doi:10.1016/
In RWTH Publications öffnen - Schröder, Wolfgang - “Preface” - European journal of mechanics / B, Fluids - vol 40 content/page 1-1 - doi:10.1016/j.euromechflu.2013.02.001
In RWTH Publications öffnen - Schröder, Wolfgang - “Fluid Mechanics Research at the Institute of Aerodynamics, RWTH Aachen University: From 1912 through 2012” - European journal of mechanics / B, Fluids - vol 40 content/page 2-16 - doi:10.1016/j.euromechflu.2013.01.005
In RWTH Publications öffnen - Koh, Seong Ryong; Meinke, Matthias; Schröder, Wolfgang - “Impact of multi-species gas injection on trailing-edge noise” - Computers & fluids - vol 75 content/page 72-85 - doi:10.1016/j.compfluid.2013.01.016
In RWTH Publications öffnen - Eitel-Amor, G.; Meinke, Matthias; Schröder, Wolfgang - “A lattice-Boltzmann method with hierarchically refined meshes” - Computers & fluids - vol 75 content/page 127-139 - doi:10.1016/j.compfluid.2013.01.013
In RWTH Publications öffnen