Publikationen von "pogorelov, a."
Large-Eddy Simulation of Turbine Rim Seal Flow[DOI]
Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition - 2018 : presented at the ASME Turbo Expo 2018: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition, June 11-15, 2018, Oslo, Norway / sponsored by the International Gas Turbine Institute Volume 2: Turbomachinery 2a V02AT45A002, 17 Seiten (2018)
Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition - 2018 : presented at the ASME Turbo Expo 2018: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition, June 11-15, 2018, Oslo, Norway / sponsored by the International Gas Turbine Institute Volume 2: Turbomachinery 2a V02AT45A002, 17 Seiten (2018)
Large-Eddy Simulation of Combined Ingress for Different Rim Seal Geometries : (AIAA 2018-1088)
56th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting 2018 : Kissimmee, Florida, USA, 8-12 January 2018 : held at the AIAA SciTech Forum 2018 / American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. - Volume 12 8672-8688 (2018)
56th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting 2018 : Kissimmee, Florida, USA, 8-12 January 2018 : held at the AIAA SciTech Forum 2018 / American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. - Volume 12 8672-8688 (2018)
Large-Eddy Simulation of the Unsteady Full 3D Rim Seal Flow in a One-Stage Axial-Flow Turbine[DOI]
Flow, turbulence and combustion 101-1 189-220 (2018)
Flow, turbulence and combustion 101-1 189-220 (2018)
Large-Scale Simulations of a Non-generic Helicopter Engine Nozzle and a Ducted Axial Fan[DOI]
High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering ´15 / Nagel, Wolfgang E. (Editor) (2016)
High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering ´15 / Nagel, Wolfgang E. (Editor) (2016)
Aeroacoustic Simulations of Ducted Axial Fan and Helicopter Engine Nozzle Flows[DOI]
High performance computing in science and engineering '16 : transactions of the High Performance Computing Center, Stuttgart (HLRS) 2016 / Wolfgang E. Nagel, Dietmar H. Kröner, Michael M. Resch, editors 443-460 (2016)
High performance computing in science and engineering '16 : transactions of the High Performance Computing Center, Stuttgart (HLRS) 2016 / Wolfgang E. Nagel, Dietmar H. Kröner, Michael M. Resch, editors 443-460 (2016)
Large-Eddy Simulation of the Flow Field in a Rotating Axial Fan[DOI]
New Results in Numerical and Experimental Fluid Mechanics X : Contributions to the 19th STAB/DGLR Symposium Munich, Germany, 2014 / edited by Andreas Dillmann, Gerd Heller, Ewald Krämer, Claus Wagner, Christian Breitsamter 132 167-175 (2016)
New Results in Numerical and Experimental Fluid Mechanics X : Contributions to the 19th STAB/DGLR Symposium Munich, Germany, 2014 / edited by Andreas Dillmann, Gerd Heller, Ewald Krämer, Claus Wagner, Christian Breitsamter 132 167-175 (2016)